Eminent Member
Joined: February 2, 2017 7:10 AM
Last seen: July 23, 2024 6:27 AM
Topics: 7 / Replies: 22
James DeMeo | Wilhelm Reich, Orgone Energy Devices, & The Cosmic Ether

shamangineer wrote: I always think of Doc Bronners when someone says that. Samesies

5 years ago
Newest DIA Weirdness

Thanks. Yes, the event went well. It wasn't a Gordon/Greg thing, but Gordon and Langston Kahn. It was fantastic. All about desire and it being the pri...

5 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 318
Tracy Twyman Dead!?!

55srodgersgmail-com wrote: Hi Greg - My heart went out to you when I heard your recent statement... Susan Agreed. I haven't been on the...

5 years ago
Subscription Fee

nickzeptepi wrote: Consider the global audience - $2 is food & coffee for a day where I live in Vietnam. Average wage in SEA for half decent job ...

6 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 724
Subscription Fee

I'd pay it.

6 years ago
Attacks On THC?

Holy crap, didn't expect to have this question featured in a Q&A. Made my friggin' day! Feel like a star now. I'm ready for my close-up 😎

6 years ago
Mystery of sonic weapon attacks at US embassy in Cuba deepens

shamangineer wrote:/blockquote> So, after the show ends, and the segment using the actual tones begins, I immediately felt all wrong. I made it a...

6 years ago
TV Series: Altered Carbon

It's funny, I wondered when the mainstream media was going to start latching onto cyberpunk. My prediction has been for a while that cyberpunk stories...

6 years ago
Gordon White | The Dominant Of Witchcraft: Charles Fort, Elite Rituals, & Space Scouts

I had a strange synchronicity with this episode. Lots of episodes recently, honestly, but I don't feel like writing a novella on a message board. But ...

6 years ago
Attacks On THC?

Weirdly, I haven't been on in a very long time, and I happened to get back on a year minus a day after this post...

6 years ago

Echoes on the prairie...

7 years ago
It's snowing!

Winter in these parts has been particularly nasty this year. Record breaking lows and wind gusts. Strangely, the last couple days have felt like spr...

7 years ago
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