Last seen: May 15, 2024 2:25 PM
@hisich glad to see the topic as it's something i've chewed on a bit. so to stick with the first example, i see both points and tend to think about it...
nickzeptepi wrote: Travis Scott sounds like a front man for the Tavistock insitute. wow never heard it til i read it: traviscott ta...
emmakblakehotmail-com wrote: Hi, I’m in Ireland is there anybody else here near me? Ireland is full on into the Covid narrative with some brave gr...
nickzeptepi wrote: Hager you figured out what am this is leading you towards? There's been a lot of huge shifts since. Most derailing me fr...
Similar to squidgame red light/green light bot.
jh1517 wrote: My current hypothesis is that Travis Scott definitely plays around with occult shit, but a bit like lots of kids do with e.g. Ouij...
Yooo I saw the injection narrative as well. Fits right in, in the corona narrative. Crazy shit. I also pull on occult anime strings and that fall...
infoshinobi wrote: Nobody fucking cares about Bosnia bro, nobody but you. Nobody even remembers that it happened. Process it on your own time, no o...
A seriously magical artist & album. If you like funk, psych rock, or reggae, give this a listen!
Dunno, but their sponsored by Lockheed Martin & Raytheon at the bottom of their website. So pretty much says all I need to hear. They recently re...
weirdopro wrote: we should never give up our power to other human beings Honestly, those at the tippy top are probably less than human at t...