Travis Scott concer...
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Travis Scott concert Ritual Occult Sacrifice?

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This incident was very eye opening for me... up until the whole covid thing I was skeptical of the 'Illuminati in the music industry' theory but considering what is occurring in the world (mandates, restrictions for unvaxed, freaky new rna vaxes, etc) , to me all bets are off and every wild theory is on the table for consideration.

based on my research it does appear the 'bad guys' (or however you want to call it) are attempting to open portals for negative energy.

the travis scott concert was a bit of a synchronicity for me...because before his concert my magickal group had been exploring the notion of opening heavenly portals / gates in response to this-

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"An exhibition on Hell will soon be inaugurated in Rome, and a protest is unleashed on a rather dubious demonstration.

The arrival in Rome of the famous Gates of Hell by Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) was celebrated with great pomp, with photographs in evidence in all the newspapers.

Even a secular magazine like theOpinion of the Freedoms he commented: “It is a source of dark thoughts that only Hell was chosen for all the work of the Comedy of Dante, who instead is sublime and arcane vehicle of transmutation for man up to the celestial peaks where he is “Love that moves the sun and the other stars“. As if you really wanted magnify and exalt the Underworld more than the possibility of salvation of man “.

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we concluded some forces were opening gates/ portals for negative energies... an Italian group member claimed that even the normal (non- conspiracy) Catholics were upset over showing the gates of hell painting... I mean, at the very very least it is a case of not 'reading the room' because nobody really is in the mood to see a gates of hell painting.

my research (Enochian angelic magic) into trans-dimensional portals/ gates indicates that humans must open them from this side of the veil... meaning, the energies/ entities from other realms can't come in unless humans will it. the door has to be opened from the inside. the enochian keys are, well, the keys to open this door.

So with all that in mind then the Travis scott thing happened.... it blew my mind that we had just been discussing this stuff. soooooo, of course I know this sounds weird but it appears the concert was attempting to open a gate/ portal for negative energies. I mean, look at the t-shirt he was wearing and other symbology with the concert. the weird chanting over the lifeless body... to many coincidences for me... if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck type thing.

oh... and lets not forget the CERN stuff and the weird creepy performance art dance thing at the opening for the huge tunnel in Switzerland.

in my personal magickal practice i'm focusing on opening portals for positive energies to combat this craziness.

Posted : November 12, 2021 2:08 PM
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

frater222 wrote:
This incident was very eye opening for me... up until the whole covid thing I was skeptical of the 'Illuminati in the music industry' theory but considering what is occurring in the world (mandates, restrictions for unvaxed, freaky new rna vaxes, etc) , to me all bets are off and every wild theory is on the table for consideration.

based on my research it does appear the 'bad guys' (or however you want to call it) are attempting to open portals for negative energy.

the travis scott concert was a bit of a synchronicity for me...because before his concert my magickal group had been exploring the notion of opening heavenly portals / gates in response to this-

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"An exhibition on Hell will soon be inaugurated in Rome, and a protest is unleashed on a rather dubious demonstration.

The arrival in Rome of the famous Gates of Hell by Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) was celebrated with great pomp, with photographs in evidence in all the newspapers.

Even a secular magazine like theOpinion of the Freedoms he commented: “It is a source of dark thoughts that only Hell was chosen for all the work of the Comedy of Dante, who instead is sublime and arcane vehicle of transmutation for man up to the celestial peaks where he is “Love that moves the sun and the other stars“. As if you really wanted magnify and exalt the Underworld more than the possibility of salvation of man “.

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we concluded some forces were opening gates/ portals for negative energies... an Italian group member claimed that even the normal (non- conspiracy) Catholics were upset over showing the gates of hell painting... I mean, at the very very least it is a case of not 'reading the room' because nobody really is in the mood to see a gates of hell painting.

my research (Enochian angelic magic) into trans-dimensional portals/ gates indicates that humans must open them from this side of the veil... meaning, the energies/ entities from other realms can't come in unless humans will it. the door has to be opened from the inside. the enochian keys are, well, the keys to open this door.

So with all that in mind then the Travis scott thing happened.... it blew my mind that we had just been discussing this stuff. soooooo, of course I know this sounds weird but it appears the concert was attempting to open a gate/ portal for negative energies. I mean, look at the t-shirt he was wearing and other symbology with the concert. the weird chanting over the lifeless body... to many coincidences for me... if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck type thing.

oh... and lets not forget the CERN stuff and the weird creepy performance art dance thing at the opening for the huge tunnel in Switzerland.

in my personal magickal practice i'm focusing on opening portals for positive energies to combat this craziness.

Interesting story about Rodin's Gates of Hell sculpture.

It makes me think about the relationship (cover?) that art gives to all sorts of occult actions (perhaps even unknown or semi-known to the artist). I had an experience with Marcel Duchamp's (the guy who is mostly famous among normies for putting a toilet bowel on display as art) Etant donnes at the Philly Museum of Art. Legitimately made my GF at the time (whose mom was on the board of the Philly museum or something and had been there and seen the external door a dozens of times and thought that was all there was to the exhibit) have a weird panic attack/breakdown when I told her there was something behind it and she actually looked through the crack.

The security guard for the exhibit told me that that kind of reaction was rather common, very strange piace.

Posted : November 12, 2021 2:26 PM
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

For those interested I found the official page describing Duchamp's Etant donnes for the museum (wikipedia page is poor):

I didn't know this prior to the aforementioned experience or even my above post:eek: :
"Duchamp was responding to the changing conditions of Surrealism both during and after World War II, when group members embraced tarot cards, black magic, pagan rituals, arcane imagery, and, above all, a new conception of Eros."

Posted : November 13, 2021 3:09 PM
Posts: 73
Estimable Member

jh1517 wrote:
For those interested I found the official page describing Duchamp's Etant donnes for the museum (wikipedia page is poor):

I didn't know this prior to the aforementioned experience or even my above post:eek: :
"Duchamp was responding to the changing conditions of Surrealism both during and after World War II, when group members embraced tarot cards, black magic, pagan rituals, arcane imagery, and, above all, a new conception of Eros."

wow, the rabbit hole is deep indeed

Posted : November 18, 2021 2:19 PM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

Travis Scott
sounds like a front man for the Tavistock insitute.

they've been doing this sort of social experiments for years - check Jasun Horsley recent books - he gos into how it all started in the dance halls with Jimmy Saville

Posted : November 19, 2021 6:11 AM
Posts: 2
New Member

nickzeptepi wrote:
Travis Scott
sounds like a front man for the Tavistock insitute.

wow never heard it til i read it:

traviscott tavistock

boy these dark creators love their word magic

Posted : December 17, 2021 8:12 PM
Posts: 162
Estimable Member

A.Lo wrote:
I feel that. Definitely not saying he is some high priest for the dark occult. For sure a kid given violent art & a microphone. And ya, I'm open to that video not being of him speaking tongues at an unconscious body that just fed energy to his show...and I'm also open to it being just that. Maybe without his awareness even. Because 9/10 times with these young "artists" it is the producers and money behind the production that have the true knowledge of this shit.

And they know some angry, inflated ego is the perfect tool for their plays. Look at that shit...regardless of fault in this incident, he has a record of inciting fans and turning shows violent. Culture crafters love that shit.

I agree with you regarding the producers & money. Let’s not forget that mind control is a thing & he may be little more than a puppet and perhaps a scapegoat. When I first saw the video of T asking ppl to raise their hands if they’re ok, I thought it was a stupid, under-reaction to the crowd-crush situation. But after more thought, I’m thinking his reaction was because he wasn’t seeing a crowd-crush happening. When he saw so many hands go up, he was reassured & continued his show. After all, he was being paid to perform; the show must go on kind of thing. I’m not saying he’s an innocent. At the very least he’s aware of the darkness of the images & symbolism. He says he’s a Christian & if so, he’s a sellout. (Or maybe not. From the perspective of a non-Christian, I can see how Christianity feeds the dark arts/entities just by giving it so much attention & crediting it with so much power. But that’s a whole ‘nother topic.)

Posted : December 20, 2021 8:15 PM
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