Honorable Member
Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: June 22, 2024 9:38 PM
Topics: 27 / Replies: 611
RE: Best THC adjacent media?

its too weird for most people

2 years ago
RE: best music youve ever heard

recently ive been finding new music on bandcamp. post your bandcamp, i mostly listen to chill stuff.

2 years ago
RE: my city ideas

the pics dont work anymore, heres all the pics. 8k

2 years ago
3 years ago
RE: my city ideas

jetsons city done  55555555f.jpg

3 years ago
my city ideas

the 2d done.

3 years ago
my city ideas

this is a pic i saved yesterday, if the top and bottom were sorta like this but more see through.

3 years ago
my city ideas

its probably a couple hundred years away of floating cities, it kinda sucks all we have closest to it is like the space needle. i never knew about fl...

3 years ago
my city ideas

im now making a sky city. somehow it looks like its floating, 42 hexagon buildings. connected by enclosed walkways.

3 years ago
Front lines of COVAX AMA

ive heard of a fourth shot, but the project vitas is getting in the news a bunch. i only heard of that yesterday, thas cool. four shots though, hop...

3 years ago
Artists who took the clotshot

i only listen to coast to coast am, thc and some channelers. all day ive been around people that got the vax, its weird. its nice to not be around p...

3 years ago
Break up due to aquacure and vaccine

i think the vaxxers are the crazy ones, always saying they hope antivaxxers die. some people these days are really dark.

3 years ago
Oregon - statistics

probably thousands in oregon have died from the vaccine. i always get told to get it by my step dad and mom, me and my step dad have fought for 30 y...

3 years ago
I would love to hear from anyone pulling strings for Venus project.

im not sure how the city works without streets, if you put in streets then it becomes a circular grid. the same thing as a regular grid, every city ...

3 years ago
What if beer was the cradle of civilization?

i just checked out this thread and watched a little of that video, but i saw this video from that channel of alex grey and he was talking about wasps ...

3 years ago
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