Oregon - statistics
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Oregon - statistics

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I was reading an op-ed from a state representative in a local paper and found an interesting fact: as of August 2nd, 2.3 million Oregon residents have been jabbed.

I thought I'd look up the 2021 overall population of the state over age 14: it's around 3,775,000. I think 12 is the lower age limit to get it (and don't get me started on that!) but I could only find a percentage for 14 and under.

That leaves at least 1,475,000 who can get the injection still remain unjabbed as of this month. And I think the folks who would have been swayed by a free crispy creme, or a lottery ticket, or VIP seats at the Foo Pfizers concert are not a significant part of this group. These are adults and children where if they do eventually succumb, it will be under duress.

And I would venture to say that these people will be angry if they aren't already. Hopefully they will realize that they are not alone.

Posted : August 31, 2021 7:42 AM
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You know what also bugs me about her? I heard a snip from one of her speeches and she actually called the state "Ora-GAHN".


How does one become governor of a state they can't even pronounce?

Posted : September 2, 2021 5:39 AM
Posts: 162
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I was born in MN, grew up in OR and been back in Mn the past 40 yrs. I’m guilty of correcting ppl who don’t say Orygun. There seems to be a lot of Minnesotans who migrate to Oregon. . After we moved to Portland, my dad was often asked by those back home how can he stand all the rain. His answer: I don’t have to shovel rain.

Sorry about your Governor. Ours is a tool too. That only the Governors of a handful of states have been named for the murdering of nursing home residents is misleading me thinks. Our Governor did it too on the QT. At the end of July, 2020, I checked the MN stats and found that 77% of all deaths were nursing home and assisted living residents. No reason not to think many more gov’s were flying under the radar. Can’t say I’m surprised these criminals walked away unscathed.

Posted : September 4, 2021 2:04 AM
Posts: 162
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jdaneway wrote:
Ya, the nursing home thing is complicated for sure. My grandmother has RA and has take hydroxychloroquine for years. I don't recommend it for the general population because it caused her blindness from macular degeneration (the untreatable kind) years ago. To her, being blind was worth taking the drug because her rheumatoid arthritis was so bad her hands are totally deformed and useless. Not to mention all the pain and other joint deformities she's suffered. She was exposed so many times, I can't count. She doesn't wear a mask or wash her hands and never caught the virus in her assisted living facility. It was almost entirely staff who caught it - only two residents this entire time. At least six times a day someone comes in her room to help her or check in on her and she never got Covid. The nurse there said a lot of their residents take hydroxychloroquine.
At one point, during the pandemic, Nana's RA flared. It's been quiescent for years. I'm pretty sure one of the staff had stolen her pills - in the beginning they were worth a lot on the open market. I had them do an inventory and spot checks and she got better. So . . . It's important to protect drug supplies of critical drugs for those who need them. She could die if she doesn't have that drug - so unless some drug company is willing to start mass producing it, and people are willing to risk blindness - IDK. I think they should keep supplies for people like my Nana. In addition to being locked down for over a year, she doesn't deserve the threat of losing her medication and resulting excruciating pain due to shortages. Also, during the lockdowns, it was nearly impossible to arrange any kind of doctor appointment for her. If she left the facility, she'd have to quarantine for 2 weeks, and they never did seem to figure out how to do teleconferences. They were all extremely short staffed. I think the elderly have suffered the most with this. I'm so sad for my Nana. They're locked down again now.
I'm still for choice in vaccination - even for the staff of the facilities. One of Nana's caregivers has lots of allergies and a heart problem, and didn't want to get the vaccine. I can't say I blame her. Everyone does the best they can. I think the nursing facility lockdowns are kind of extreme, personally. But then I think her facility only had like one death - so . . .

Your poor Nana. But, I have to think it’s pretty unusual for so few cov cases amongst the residents and is pretty telling of the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine.

Although many ppl don’t have the means, medical skills or availability to provide care themselves, but I’ve often wondered how many families have pulled their elders out of facilities or were blocked from doing so. The only story I’ve heard was here on the forums but the elder was in a hospital, basically imprisoned & isolated from contact with family.

Posted : September 6, 2021 6:45 PM
Posts: 38
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sofahkingfoxy wrote:
Your poor Nana. But, I have to think it’s pretty unusual for so few cov cases amongst the residents and is pretty telling of the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine.

Although many ppl don’t have the means, medical skills or availability to provide care themselves, but I’ve often wondered how many families have pulled their elders out of facilities or were blocked from doing so. The only story I’ve heard was here on the forums but the elder was in a hospital, basically imprisoned & isolated from contact with family.

Where she is, they wouldn't have blocked us from taking her out - but she would have had to quarantine before returning. It didn't make sense to me, because none of the staff were quarantined before coming to work. My husband and I took care of Nana for a year and a half before moving her into assisted living.

Posted : September 7, 2021 5:03 PM
Posts: 38
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orchid20 wrote:
I was reading an op-ed from a state representative in a local paper and found an interesting fact: as of August 2nd, 2.3 million Oregon residents have been jabbed.

I thought I'd look up the 2021 overall population of the state over age 14: it's around 3,775,000. I think 12 is the lower age limit to get it (and don't get me started on that!) but I could only find a percentage for 14 and under.

That leaves at least 1,475,000 who can get the injection still remain unjabbed as of this month. And I think the folks who would have been swayed by a free crispy creme, or a lottery ticket, or VIP seats at the Foo Pfizers concert are not a significant part of this group. These are adults and children where if they do eventually succumb, it will be under duress.

And I would venture to say that these people will be angry if they aren't already. Hopefully they will realize that they are not alone.

I just found that Gov Brown is not running in 2022, as her term limit is up. So . . .
Also, looks like Asante in Southern Oregon is doing a drive through monoclonal antibody clinic. Very good news. Probably not news to you in Oregon. I'm a little behind, still in Tucson.

Posted : September 8, 2021 2:18 AM
Posts: 50
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orchid20 wrote:
I was reading an op-ed from a state representative in a local paper and found an interesting fact: as of August 2nd, 2.3 million Oregon residents have been jabbed.

I thought I'd look up the 2021 overall population of the state over age 14: it's around 3,775,000. I think 12 is the lower age limit to get it (and don't get me started on that!) but I could only find a percentage for 14 and under.

That leaves at least 1,475,000 who can get the injection still remain unjabbed as of this month. And I think the folks who would have been swayed by a free crispy creme, or a lottery ticket, or VIP seats at the Foo Pfizers concert are not a significant part of this group. These are adults and children where if they do eventually succumb, it will be under duress.

And I would venture to say that these people will be angry if they aren't already. Hopefully they will realize that they are not alone.

I want to point out that one can't assume that what your state rep said is factual--in case it's causing you to lose any hope. Where I live I'm told 75% of the pop is vaxxed and I don't believe that for a second. The vaxxed are probably the minority where I live.

Posted : September 8, 2021 10:05 PM
Posts: 5
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jdaneway wrote:
I'm moving back to Ashland as soon as I can find a house. Ugh. Looking online for a year now. I should be back in time to vote against Brown. Hope there are decent candidates. Aside from mandates, I was also mad she reduced funding for fighting fires, despite all the crazy fires in Talent and all the way up the state.

i grew up partially in Talent and graduated from high school in Phoenix . my aunt lives in Medford now waiting on her trailer to be delivered that was erased in that fire. I was BLOWN AWAY at the reducing of funding. I have no words for that one. None the less go help turn that state around! Thank you! 🙂

Free Thinker - empath - happiness deliverer - lover of good vibes - honest and genuine human - devourer of intelligent conversation

Posted : September 20, 2021 2:01 PM
Posts: 38
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eelsnotceo wrote:
i grew up partially in Talent and graduated from high school in Phoenix . my aunt lives in Medford now waiting on her trailer to be delivered that was erased in that fire. I was BLOWN AWAY at the reducing of funding. I have no words for that one. None the less go help turn that state around! Thank you! 🙂

Sorry about your aunt. My uncle and grandmother got burned out in CA in 2017. People don't realize how long it takes to recover. Prayers to your family.

Posted : September 22, 2021 11:58 PM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

probably thousands in oregon have died from the vaccine. i always get told to get it by my step dad and mom, me and my step dad have fought for 30 years. the other day i tried punching him, i was drunk. not saying punch those crazy vax people but ya punch them lol.

Posted : September 29, 2021 7:13 PM