Last seen: August 15, 2022 6:51 AM
What they want and what they will get are two different things. They have drunk their own kool aid. Just a bunch of rich dumb-dumbs surrounded by lack...
@jellebean yeah, I didn't know it was a thing either. Lots of people talking about arrows and crosses in the skies now. I guess they are just really b...
@sofahkingfoxy It's a good question. The only explanation that I can think of is that they like to see how far they can push their agenda each rese...
smaddy wrote: Hey! Thanks for the info I don't know why I feel excited about this but I do Glad to hear it, mate! well done for getting...
sofahkingfoxy wrote: The sun has been quite active & spewing solar flares often. Solar flares can cause health issues plus Earth’s magnetic field...
list: PLk1XV6whqP2S7hQ__2MAZ94Xh0hjuZiQT christopher james
Look to common law, learn it and live it. It's very simple once you break it down. What would a man or woman do in this situation, even 100 or so year...
dominicjperron wrote: Have you done any tests on giving the water to plants? food crops specifically? I’m an electrician for central Washington uni...
If you are planning on moving - learn how to sprout your own seeds its the freshest food you're ever going to get, and frankly, delicious (a littl...
socalbeachbunny wrote: A splitting of the universe with the rad into one world and the lame into another? It's definitely this. : )
Does George consider himself an alchemist? In this vein, I have heard something along the lines of "hydrogen is the father, oxygen is the mother...
Yes! Biogeometry is amazing. I've totally put some of his pendants on my wish list. As an added bonus, this guy has an origin story that would p...