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Are there any counter studies on masks?

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Struggling with getting my child excused from mask wearing due to a speech issue and skin condition. have not been able to find anything other than mainstream narrative. Now her doctor has dropped out from advocating for her health. If anyone has seen any study please let me know I am researching as much as I can. Dealing with schools is scary as we are on waiting lists for several home schools. the struggle is real!

Posted : September 10, 2021 11:59 PM
Posts: 240
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Are you looking for particular studies on masking and impact on kids?

Posted : September 11, 2021 3:23 AM
Posts: 9
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i dont have any kids myself so its not an issue i spend a lot of time with but the first thing id do is watch some of those videos of parents that push back vs school boards and see what they talk about. i know ive seen a couple where they came prepared with notes and examples

Posted : September 11, 2021 4:05 AM
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jh1517 wrote:
Are you looking for particular studies on masking and impact on kids?

jh1517 wrote:
Looking for studies with impacts on speech. All mainstream focuses on is that masks are fine.. we all know they aren't. Yet, I am hard pressed to find something that can help my child stay in school while we get her into homeschooling. Thanks for the response!

Posted : September 11, 2021 5:48 AM
Posts: 232
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Just did a quick search and found this article. The headline and general theme is in line with the mainstream narrative but take a look at these excerpts. The studies are referenced at the bottom of the article

" In particular, research finds that infants who look at the mouth more frequently while an adult is talking show an increased vocabulary as toddlers. However, being able to see the mouth is clearly not essential for language development, since even children with severe visual impairments are able to develop language with relative ease."

Relative ? How does that help a child who is not actually visibly impaired then? If a child grows up seeing people in masks, do they develop language at the same rate as a child who is partially blind?

"Reassuringly, a recent study found that infants and toddlers do not have difficulty understanding familiar words when spoken through a normal surgical mask, yet did show difficulty understanding words through a clear face shield"

So familiar words are fine but not much being said about unfamiliar words...a lot of words are unfamiliar to a person who's only been on the planet a few years. So to me that does then hinder learning.

"Interestingly, not seeing the mouth makes it disproportionately harder to recognize positive emotions and recent research indicates that masks make positive expressions seem less happy, suggesting that children might be less likely to perceive positive emotions in others when they are wearing masks."

This is HUGE imo but the article suggests just getting in your childs face at home more... great
Theres a bit more said about emotional mimicry being impossible...

So its pretty damning but packaged up nicely as is the way these days

Posted : September 11, 2021 7:55 AM
Posts: 232
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Concerning skin irritation

"During the covid-19 pandemic, a prospective cross sectional study of 833 medical school staff in Thailand, including healthcare and non-healthcare workers, showed a self-reported prevalence of 54% adverse skin reactions to surgical and cloth masks"

Hope this helps

Good luck

Posted : September 11, 2021 7:58 AM
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mj-francs wrote:
Struggling with getting my child excused from mask wearing due to a speech issue and skin condition. have not been able to find anything other than mainstream narrative. Now her doctor has dropped out from advocating for her health. If anyone has seen any study please let me know I am researching as much as I can. Dealing with schools is scary as we are on waiting lists for several home schools. the struggle is real!

This is scary stuff! click through the pages and see the highlighted findings! KIDS SHOULD NOT BE WEARING MASKS!

Posted : September 11, 2021 7:51 PM
Posts: 240
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Sadly, I don't know of any, and since the results obviously would likely be negative, they aren't likely to be produced--at least out of mainline researchers.

We really are on our own in this...

Posted : September 12, 2021 8:50 PM
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Posted : September 13, 2021 1:38 AM
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Thanks all. Hard to find anything that isn't "fluff" thankfully, we are getting some help and we still have rights in this country just barely and the hour glass is slowly running out. Please I urge everyone to get peacefully active in whatever avenue you encounter in your life it's time to rise. So sad to see a pediatrician not help advocate for a child that really is in need for the sake of their job. This isn't a healer folks it's an anti-health business professional.

"It's better to be a warrior in a garden. Then a gardener in a war" - Chinese proverb/retold by Bruce Lee

Posted : September 16, 2021 7:17 AM
Posts: 318
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Look to common law, learn it and live it. It's very simple once you break it down. What would a man or woman do in this situation, even 100 or so years ago?

We are in the wild west now. What would you do if bandits came through town and tried to put masks on. your kids. SHow them a CDC study? TOday it's masks, tomorrow what will it be? Let common law be your shield, speak truth and honour and it will protect you. It is the highest law in the land (if you are in a commonwealth country) ( learn from Karl lentz, alphonse faggiolo, christopher james etc )

I wouldn't try and 'convince' them of any thing, they are just order followers. Write a letter, make it simple. You don't have any contract with them that allows them to enforce anything on you or your offspring. If you don't learn to defend yourself now, it will be harder to push back in future.

I, (name), a man, claim (child's name) as my property. Any attempt to administer my property with out right will be prosecuted.

sign it and put your finger print over your signature.

NEVER refer to them as your child, only offspring, or property.

or you can try to do a notice of liability letter - this on is way to wordy in my opinion, but you get the idea


If you insist on trying to argue facts :

Lots of peer review studies

Health and safety professional givse opinion

Formal letter ( good, but not as powerful as common law letter, IMHO)

end the mandates entirely - this guy ended them in Alberta - they caved the very next day after he went to court.

Good luck!

Posted : September 17, 2021 12:52 AM
Posts: 1
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I found this towards the start of the push for wearing masks.. might have a few links that might interest you?

Posted : September 22, 2021 7:16 PM
Posts: 2
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Theres also some good groups on Telegram

Posted : September 27, 2021 2:49 AM
Posts: 2
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mj-francs wrote:
Struggling with getting my child excused from mask wearing due to a speech issue and skin condition. have not been able to find anything other than mainstream narrative. Now her doctor has dropped out from advocating for her health. If anyone has seen any study please let me know I am researching as much as I can. Dealing with schools is scary as we are on waiting lists for several home schools. the struggle is real!

go To “last American vagabond”…most comprehensive collection of mask studies on the web, even the CDC did a study prior to 20/20 that said “99% of cloth masks have Shown to be statistically insignificant in stopping infection for any influenza like virus“….of course it’s like the world just began in 20/20 with herd immunity being re-considered, universal vax with a single antigen vax not being dangerous etc...Anyway, Ryan Christian is doing great work there on LAV..14 different mask studies, the Danish one is a major one….Go under any of his “daily wrap ups” and you will see all 14 linked, sourced etc..Sorry this is late, hope it helps

Posted : October 2, 2021 12:17 PM
Posts: 3
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Sorry if I'm repeating anything.... But if you haven't already, please check out Dr.Judy Mikovits. She has a lot of good information, and also put out the books "The Truth About Masks" and "The Case Against Masks" (the healer that I go to has a copy of the latter in her waiting room!). Dr. Mikovits is a virologist. Lots of good talking points in these books.

Posted : December 29, 2021 4:47 AM
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