downunderet wrote: First time I've posted and just wanted to say hello. I live in the land downunder about two hours drive north of Sydney. I am a lon...
Gordon is great and he brings a calm mind and perspective to some crazy times. I can’t help wondering though how he manages to take so much incre...
Great question and topic! I think sometimes the guests can have differing views but both be 'sort of' right at the same time. I believe both ...
I was trying to figure out why and when we can see the moon during the daytime; I seriously don't remember anything from high school science; I do rem...
I can't exactly pinpoint any particular events that awoke me, but feel more like my whole life has been a constant peeling off the layers of sleep. Al...
I've been digging Robert Stanley lately too. Though I'm more fascinated in his work on The Malibu Megaliths. He's got amazing pics of these anci...
Sorry, just realised I probs should have posted this in the Wild Card Forum - my bad!
Hey there Q, I live just down the road from ya! I live in South Golden Beach and I also spend a lot of time in Burringbar which is super close to you....