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How did you become awake?

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We all have stories of awakening, of questioning what we thought we knew and I would love to hear yours. Here is mine.

I have lived with health challenges, pain and disability for decades, very frustrating. About 18 months ago I started studying with a teacher who was a friend of a friend. She told me that she would teach me how to reverse my health problems doing simple practices that her teacher taught her. Part of the teaching was the knowledge that there are inorganic beings (some are reptilian, but not all) that feed on our energy and can cause illness. She taught me that the reptilians have enslaved us for thousands of years and use mass hypnosis to keep us unaware. I had my doubts but I followed the program and I got some improvement in my health. I learned to defend from the parasitic entities. I had doubts about other parts of the teachings and I also had some personal issues with this teacher who was very dogmatic. The practice was extremely involved and time consuming but I wanted so terribly to get able bodied that I gave it my all. I hung in with it for just over a year and then decided to terminate with this teacher.

That same day that I terminated with this teacher I had a heart attack that caused me to lose consciousness and fall from a six foot wall. Amazingly I did not break any bones and I came to in a strange euphoric state, without fear. I have come to understand this was a near death experience that brought a powerful spiritual transformation. I am calmer and more compassionate and only interested in being of service to others since then. In the weeks after I got home from the hospital I turned against a lot of the teachings I had gotten from this teacher I had before my heart attack. I thought how could I have believed in enslavement by reptilians (ridiculous!) and I stopped doing the practices for a time. I also got extremely depressed in my long recovery from the fall off the wall. Then I thought, what the hell, I'll do some of the practices I liked best and see what happens. My physical recovery suddenly accelerated and my depression lifted. OK, I am not done with these teachings after all.

I talked about all this with my massage therapist who is the only other person I know who believes in the enslaving reptilians and he suggested I read some books by David Icke. I read "Human Race Get Off Your Knees", all 650 pages of it. Wow. it connected the dots for me and challenged so many of my opinions and I was completely open and ready. I have been researching that material and more on the internet like mad ever since. I was ready for this. I am questioning everything I thought I knew and listening to the fabulous THC.

I believe it was all meant to be, I wanted to get my body functioning better and this info about the reptilians fell into my lap and there is a reason for it and work to do. I can't think of anything more important in my life than researching and connecting with other people who are awake. Like you.

Thanks for reading. What is your story?

Posted : November 16, 2015 10:31 PM
Posts: 326
Bossman Admin

Interesting story! David Icke was a big part of my early awakening days too. I'll add this question to the Q & A show I'm going to do rather than answer here, but I'm interested in other's stories as well.

Posted : November 17, 2015 10:45 PM
Posts: 12
Active Member

I can't exactly pinpoint any particular events that awoke me, but feel more like my whole life has been a constant peeling off the layers of sleep. Always fascinated with the supernatural coupled with a deep distrust of authority and a pretty good bullshit detector has helped too...

I do remember tho around 1998 I think, stumbling across Barbara Marciniaks books that were supposedly channeled from the Pleadians. It was my first intro into the whole Reptilian thing, and I got pretty into channeled material (I generally don't touch the stuff now!)

Then I got stuck into Laura J Knights 'Cassiopeia' stuff, followed by David Icke...all of which talked about the reptilians.

Seems like the reptilian stuff is a good catalyst for waking up!

I was way more into the alien stuff most of my life than conspiracy; I'd have to say that 9/11 was my earth based conspiracy awakening.
I studied kinesiology and that was a big medical industry/food/health awakening...

Right now I'm really loving the big wake up people are having regarding NASA. I'm not a flat earther but I really love how it has sparked a whole new level of questioning reality, and it really has left me with a feeling of 'holy shit, I really just don't know what the fuck we're standing on anymore'!

Can't even begin to imagine where the rabbit hole will take us next. Tho I wish more people would try and find out more about that supposed smashed up, earth like planet called Tiamaat that is now apparently the asteroid belt- were there peeps on there? We're they our space brothers and sisters?

Anyway, I digress.
Great question- look forward to reading others stories.

Posted : November 24, 2015 8:28 AM
Posts: 196
Estimable Member

By a stupid alarm clock ;0)

Posted : November 25, 2015 2:16 AM
Posts: 6
Active Member

It was early March 2000, and I was driving on a grid road to my then boyfriends house. I had our son with me and he was sleeping in the backseat. I saw these lights to my left rotating and quite low to the ground coming towards the road I was driving on. I slowed down and stopped and the lights that were rotating stopped in my way. I started to drive towards it slowly and it came towards me so I stopped. I was starting to get scared, I realized that it wasn't a helicopter!! I turned off my car. and stayed still, my boy still sleeping. it backed up a bit and slowly kept going to my right away from me. I stayed there for a bit, and finally kept going after I didn't see it anymore....never been so freaked out before in my life!! Fast forward to now...I got myself and my children ipads a couple years ago as xmas gifts. I was playing around with it, and looking up podcasts to listen to. Found "The Higherside Chats". Figured that it looked interesting....since then, I've been more intuned and recognizing signs and symbols around me and with the world events. Amazingly, my grandma kept me informed about all this, but didn't really listen (sorry Grandma). She was a Strict Roman Catholic, however she was quite informed with other things not dealing with Christianity. Anyways, since then I've been on my eye out for anything UFO, and when Greg advertised for longer shows, I signed up for the podcast and I'm an avid listener. 🙂 ps, I still to this day wonder what would've happened to the both of us if I had kept driving towards it. lol

Posted : November 28, 2015 12:59 AM
Posts: 17
Active Member

I've always been awake, but didn't realize it until earlier this year.

My ex-girlfriend was into paranormal shows and I'd watch with her. I found them ridiculous. Grown men roaming around in the dark, asking for spooky shit to happen, then freaking out and saying "WTF was that!" with every noise. Pure circus.

However, I did believe that the people were experiencing something. Ghosts, spirits of dead people? That I found hard to believe. One show I used to like was "Dead Files". I can't say that it's factual, but on one show during their final consult, Amy Allan (the medium), said that one of the shadow people on their property was an alien. That blew my mind. Yeah, I know, could be entertainment. But that idea led me to UFO research then the SSP and the Nazis, etc. I pretty much covered the gamut. But it all started with the stupid ghost hunting shows.

In late June 2015, I was doing some late night grilling (used to love me some hot dogs). As I walked out my door to my porch to check the grill, I thought to myself "How come I never get to see any UFOs?". And, I shit you not, I looked up and coming towards me, over the house behind mine, was a glowing orange orb. It moved slowly towards me, turned right, and continued at the same speed until I couldn't see it. I took a few pictures and filed a MUFON report. Other people reported seeing the same object. I didn't get a good picture at all. It's virtually impossible to get a clear shot of something like that against a black sky.

Anyhoo, in July I was with a large portion of my immediate and extended family, in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We rented a house on the beach for a week. I, of course, was on info-overload. I dumped to anyone who would listen to me. Pretty sure they all thought I was nuts. However, on the fourth night, I saw the EXACT same orb. I thought it was the moon at first. I ran into the house, gathered as many of my family members as possible and took them outside to see. Semi-vindication. My nephew actually saw it again a few months ago during a baseball game or something at his school.

Finally, I realized that there is too much dis/information available to really discover the truth. And, that just about everyone is NOT ready to accept, or even consider, any of it.

To keep my info stream "pure", I've pruned my alternate information sources down to a very few that I respect, and that "resonate" with me. Those being THC, FreemanTV, and sometimes Late Night in the Midlands.

But I've disconnected from the matrix. I don't watch TV, don't go to movies, etc. The last movie I saw was Guardians of the Galaxy (great flick btw!)

Posted : November 29, 2015 7:27 PM
Posts: 64
Trusted Member

There are a few events I can think of that gave me small glimpses, but the single most paradigm shattering event was learning an alternative story to 911 and Jay-Z being in the illuminati from a youtube video by the Forerunner777. I never looked into conspiracies before that. At that time, I was really into mainstream rap and a huge Jay-Z fan. I never thought that anything like that could be possible.

When I was younger I was into poetry and creative writing, and I disliked rap because I thought it wasn't creative or artistic. I thought the people I knew listened to it to be considered "cool". It wasn't until I heard the Jay-Z album, "The Blueprint", when I started to listen to rap. I can't remember much from the Forerunner777 video, but I do remember him making connections because the album was released on 911 and some other misc satanic stuff.

At that time I had a mainstream christian/materialistic perception of the world. Slightly before discovering the Forerunner video, another glimpse I had was when I stumbled upon a random web page depicting the similarities of christianity compared to other religions. I already had my doubts about religion and this prompted me to questions things further.

Last but not least, another glimpse was learning about Disney and subliminal messaging in my high school oral communications class. I watched A LOT of disney movies as a kid ( I'm sure it helped with baby sitting 😉 ). I think I watched "The Lion King" at least 1000 times. After learning about the subliminal messages in disney movies I felt dirty. I still get chills down my spine talking about it.

There's a lot more to the story of me waking up, but I didn't feel like writing my biography in the forums. All in all, I had an attachment to rap/hip hop, religion, and disney movies. Learning the conspiracy behind them made me question everything even more so because of the attachment.

Posted : November 30, 2015 12:03 AM
Posts: 10
Active Member

I kept getting bombarded with such a blatant series of inexplicable synchronicities from the time I was 20 years old. Somehow, it seemed that the Universe was tapping me lightly on my shoulder, telling me to wake up. I would go to church services (after much spousal pressure) and what everyone else would interpret as a literal event would strike me as an obvious Gnostic and metaphorical teaching essay. It was as if my corpus callosum started to melt a little, allowing both cerebral hemispheres the opportunity to be heard. I heard frequency 108hz everywhere I went and I learned to control my voice in such a way that I could speak using that sacred frequency. One day I popped open a Bible (I guarantee you that I am not religious or a Bible thumper) and read Psalm 108. Check it out, it blew my mind.

Posted : December 3, 2015 11:17 PM
Posts: 1023
Noble Member

Made my first student loan payment, got pissed off, and went down the financial branch of the rabbit hole to realize most of the educated people in my generation were financially screwed indentured servants or trust babies. The uneducated of my generation are universally screwed debt-slaves. I started looking at the 9/11 stuff down through the dark history of the CIA until I came across the Remote Viewing / Project Stargate material and began to plumb the depths of the human mind. All along the way I knew that there was something to the UFO thing, but until I got into some of the CIA stuff and alternative (Ether / Aether) physics I could not begin to integrate an understanding of what it meant, and it is still a difficult multi-dimensional ball of twine to unravel. There is so much propaganda, ridicule, and non-discussion around this topic that there must be a huge key at the center of the ball.

Posted : December 8, 2015 2:25 AM
Posts: 17
Active Member

2525 wrote: Made my first student loan payment, got pissed off, and went down the financial branch of the rabbit hole to realize most of the educated people in my generation were financially screwed indentured servants or trust babies. The uneducated of my generation are universally screwed debt-slaves. I started looking at the 9/11 stuff down through the dark history of the CIA until I came across the Remote Viewing / Project Stargate material and began to plumb the depths of the human mind. All along the way I knew that there was something to the UFO thing, but until I got into some of the CIA stuff and alternative (Ether / Aether) physics I could not begin to integrate an understanding of what it meant, and it is still a difficult multi-dimensional ball of twine to unravel. There is so much propaganda, ridicule, and non-discussion around this topic that there must be a huge key at the center of the ball.


Check out the Michael Tsarion's work on promissory notes. If a bank owns your debt, you can probably pay it off with your own note. 🙂

Here's a video from his workshop:

Posted : December 8, 2015 4:42 PM
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

Yeah, he has done some really solid work on this.

I am really busting to give his promissory note idea a crack......

Posted : December 10, 2015 12:26 AM
Posts: 1023
Noble Member

I've heard about this but as someone who has had to review contracts for bid (engineer, not lawyer, but still competent) I could never get a decent answer with documentation for how this stuff is supposed to work. For instance the governing document of a student loan is a master promissory note which is a legal debt obligation signed by both parties. How me sending another of the same with only my signature would resolve anything I don't know, and I looked for the last couple days since your post for a complete coherent explanation of how something like this would work.

So far I have only been able to find and read transcripts of Soverignists being tossed in the slammer so until I see some successful legal arguments presented in the form of a transcript that I can review and cross-reference I am not going to stick my head in a legal noose or go into default over it. I'm open to more than chirping crickets on this front. But even Tellenger admits he lost everything in the legal proceedings, then states he paid those debts of with promissory notes, can he show a copy and proof of discharge of the previous debt? or legal proceedings that discharged his debt? or is he using the proceeds from his talks and books to pay those debts? I don't know, and until I do I'm stuck.

I'm not saying that the current of student loans should be legal, only that it is at the moment. The way to fix that is to either have the people take control over the legal system in order to structure student loans (among like everything else) to meet peoples needs (rather than corporate profit). I think that makes more sense in the absence of a well-reasoned legal strategy for the discharge of the debt aside from poverty, disability, or death.

Lawrence Lessig has some good thoughts on that front, and happens to be running for President (and how often is he mentioned on the mainstream news?):

Posted : December 12, 2015 1:38 AM
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

My understanding was he lost everything but the last bit of land, which he is still on, and that is what made him try something so crazy.

He sends the note to their legal division, saying he will pay in instalments, and outlines the payment plan, which he was ready to hold to, if they made him.
The kicker was, they had to come to him to collect the money, and if they did not make contact with in 30 days, the debit was null and void.
This only works this way in South Africa; every country is slighty different, but the concept is great.......until the bank starts to employ boys with baseball bats, like the good ol days!

Posted : December 12, 2015 7:44 PM