Estimable Member
Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Last seen: June 13, 2024 1:25 PM
Topics: 29 / Replies: 133
RE: Suing big [pharma, tech, government, fill blank] in the international court

The international court has zero power to back up its rulings.

12 months ago
RE: Trying to avoid blood pressure meds .

IMO your doc is talking loonie tunes. This is along the same line as putting people on diabetic meds based on one test result. They tried it with my...

12 months ago
RE: Protocol to remove spike protein

@Paulpringle You replied to my thread but it looks like you meant to start your own topic/thread? I hope you will and post this again because your i...

12 months ago
Replies: 1
Views: 510
RE: 40% Increase in deaths; Compare notes w/me

Yesterday we buried the beautiful 17 y/o niece of a close friend of the family. Her mother found her one morning on her bedroom floor unresponsive. ...

1 year ago
RE: 40% Increase in deaths; Compare notes w/me

Thank you for that. So far it seems to me that the affects to the heart is the only injury that the general populace is willing to attribute to the j...

1 year ago
2 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 343
RE: ancient apocalypse

Thank you very much for bringing Graham’s Netflix show to my attention. Wouldn’t want to miss it. I hope you’re right in your very plausible reasoni...

2 years ago
RE: Protocol to remove spike protein

@crates757 Good to hear from one who can personally attest for him. It’s mind boggling how people ignore the reputations of excellent doctors and ev...

2 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 619
RE: Strange 'coincidence': We discovered distant family roots in our new hometown

That’s a crazy fun discovery. Maybe ancestral memories are held somewhere in our brains or bodies, rather like migratory animals. The Monarch Butter...

2 years ago
RE: The Ruling Psychopaths' Views On Karma

I question that this "get out of jail free" card is actually a belief of the control freaks. I’ve never seen this coming directly from any one of the...

2 years ago
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