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[Sticky] Know Thy Self - Mega Thread ~ mind, body, spirit, wholeness, resources

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I've had my ups and downs over the years. I've been riding the waves towards the shore line of the land of inner peace, towards that better world, the better me, the better sense of my true Self. To a place where I feel a strong connection to my spirit and a part of the greater wholeness of the universe.
I often loose sight of it at the bottom of the waves and it feels like I'm just surviving until I ride the crest as far as I can while the goal is in sight.

Similar to the Movie & Book mega threads - this thread is intended to be a repostiory of resources that have helped you ride out the bottom of the waves and helped you stay on the crest with your target in sight.

What has really helped you get over that nagging voice of Self doubt (your not good enough, not worthy) that helped you make a better connection to your spirit, Helped you reflect on your being and make good the snags, in short things that helped you feel whole, grounded, alive, peaceful.

Posted : May 11, 2019 5:10 AM
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I came across Dr. Joe Dispenza who's modern scientific description of how to change the subconscious negative thouhtforms has a similar language and patterns to the ancient ways of Selff improvement (tarot - Meditation, Magic, Eastern religions etc.)
I'm just starting out with is stuff. he seems to cover a good range, from development issues, childhood trauma, adult social conditiong and habits

A couple of good interviews

I found his latest book Becoming Supernatural free to download on

Here's his blog

His twitter - if you like that thing

A guest for THC?

Posted : May 11, 2019 5:25 AM
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I really liked Guy Ritchie on Joe Rogan - the bit where he talks about being the Master over own Kingdom, I even did a blog about it.

But this is a better summary video

I can attest to being in that apparent slave state - where my thoughts and actions were seemingly governed by what was projected onto me by external influences - Parents, peer group, TV & movies, Schooling etc. etc. the list is exensive

It's easy to live a life in that "model citizen" image - but to be the king of your castle, a master in your own kingdom after years of oppressive conditioning can take years of unlearning and relearning - A True Hero's Journey.

Remember we are talking about breaking the chains of Archontic mind control & social conditioning that has been going on for at least two thousand years, it's not easy, there will be temptations & distractions, but it can and has been done by many.

Posted : May 11, 2019 5:42 AM
Posts: 422
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Damn, man. This thread is a brilliant idea!

The best advice I ever got for taming the thoughts in your head (AKA- starvin' archons) came from this video. He's teaching magic and the first 5 minutes are a definition of magic which would would be interesting even for those not into it. The second 5 minutes details the technique of Accepting and Rejecting Thoughts. I'm a changed man because of it. My life is so much easier now. It's like they don't see me as food source anymore and I don't have to fight them off regularly.

It is a good thing to have someone tell you that you can do something. It is a godsend to find somebody who can tell you the nuts and bolts of how to do it.

Awesome thread, bro!

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : May 11, 2019 9:50 AM
Posts: 1354
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Thanks for this awesome thread, Nick.

I was actually thinking along similar lines, as I'm convinced everyone here (and, in general) has something to contribute in terms of their homeric journey (i.e., hero's journey).

What has really helped you get over that nagging voice of Self doubt (your not good enough, not worthy) that helped you make a better connection to your spirit, Helped you reflect on your being and make good the snags, in short things that helped you feel whole, grounded, alive, peaceful.

This may sound cheesy, but the short-answer for me was psychedelics in a therapeutic setting (quiet, but with soothing music; with people I trust around; or in solitude) during university, couple years ago. Though those were really just the door (not the destination) that allowed me to look beyond the veil, at a time when I was experiencing emotional pain (a cocktail of traumas).
I've often times found out that the most painful situations in my life, were also the most conducive to lasting, life-changing experiences. It kind sucks that it has to be this way, but it's also made me more humble, in that it allowed me to see the good in the bad, and vice-versa. I really needed the medicine back then.

Part of it, I think for me at that time, was the breakdown of the ego resulting from an honest search for an answer, similar to letting light come in, that was until then blocked.
The hardest part for me, was/is to actually acknowledge that I was in pain (which is usually inversely related to when distraction (or, escapism) reigns supreme), although by being more aware of my feelings gradually, it's gone much easier.

One word to describe this chapter was: Listening; or how I learned to listen, to myself, and to others, (and still ongoing)

Smoking a joint makes me more mellow and laidback, allowing me to tame the monkey a bit. But as with everything else, balance is the key.
Last but not least, having the privilege of a loving, trusting soul-mate by my side has been the most important factor, (which ironically, was also the result of much emotional traumas (especially me inflicting them, and much later, realizing it) along the way too).
But like mentioned, it's almost as if pain is a trigger for the seeds to sprout.

Thank you both for these links and magick tips for taming that monkey.

PS: Since my 'awakening' I also intuitively feel that past-lives karma also have a big subconscious effect on our present incarnations, particularly if we're not aware of them (forgiveness stops the wheel of karma, right?). It doesn't necessarily make it easier, but it helps me put things in perspective as well.

Posted : May 12, 2019 5:03 PM
Posts: 638
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three and a half years ago a lady at a bar told me something big is going to happen to me in the next three months. she sounded very confident. i started talking to a girl online all the time three months later. now it takes months for her to say something, but that was very big to me. it was like i had a girlfriend, i was depressed most of the time. talking to her made me happy same with making city ideas. how did she kow that? yesterday i saw a quote on yt that said its better to love and have lost the to have never loved at all. it was a tesla video and he loved a pigeon lol and the girl i liked user name was lil raven. they said tesla was losing his mind, but ive lost my mind for a minute one time and went to a colorful place then talked to a elf. it was after being homeless i wasnt feeling great but that sorta stuff would happen to me as a teen randomly but not crazy like the elf. it doesnt happen anymore, thats when i started thinking maybe we are in the matrix 15 years ago. shows like wes penre talk about it a lot and make me understand stuff more, i agree with him that technology like phones, laptops ect you should not use. ive been on a laptop back in the weird losing it days then i went to the matrix, i snaped out of it and it got windy and there were hawks flying around in the field next to me making noises.

Posted : May 12, 2019 11:59 PM
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Link to my Google drive - You can add your own E-Books - please keep it to rare hard to find stuff

It has at present
Jung stuff ( the books I mentioned are in there)
Psycholgy of Pre-verbal trauma and body Affect (somatic Memory)

I'll add from my repostiry as I go
Google drive Library

Free out of copyright ebooks
A great resource. They have collated and repbulished as easy to read epub formatted and with chapter titles etc.

Avalon Library - full of copyrighted books
and their repository of podcasts and raido etc

Posted : May 13, 2019 2:05 AM
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A good resource website about improving your self with great interviews -

One interview which I found interesting for us tokers
Full 2 hour interview

First 40 minutes of the interview
"All Addicts have childhood trauma"

Dr Gabor Maté, the renowned speaker, physician and bestselling author.

He has written several bestselling books including the award-winning In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction. Which is based on his findings from twelve years practicing medicine in Vancouver’s notorious Downtown Eastside, North America’s most concentrated area of drug use.

As well as addiction, he is known for his expertise on a range of topics including stress, the mind-body connection and childhood trauma. Through his work, he is reframing how we view all human development.

Posted : May 18, 2019 3:13 AM
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Have you tried the Wim Hoff Breathing technique yet? did you get the ecstasy high and energetic flow like a orgasm?

I found Tony Robbins has a breathing / meditation technique that also helps get that braingasam. he desribes it as. the best way to get a deep meditation is to charge your self up to a level higher so when you relax you drop down deeper (yoga!)

I used to get similar head spin and the "thousand bells" in the ears when I stood up after a nice long relaxing smoke session, ah them were the days

I found another way to achieve this - and his description of the inner affect is very good as well.

Try it with somthing like tibeten bowl chimes to help the woo woo in the head pass without spinning out.
the practical tips start around 15-16 minutes in but the prelog is worth it

His description of the pineal gland with stacked resonators remineded me of the upper kings chamber in the great pyramid. was it used to super charge the consciouness of this planet? was the planet in survival mode after the cataclysm and to get it to birth the modern man it had to have a boost or it would have taken even more millenia?

I've tried the other breathing techniques and the do have differnt but similar feelings, this was the quickest.

ps I'm still not gettign spell check in these edit boxes - any tips?

Posted : May 18, 2019 3:36 AM
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Oh well, Youtube algarythm has got me targeted!! This guy popped up in my reccommended feed and a few of them have been ok, some of them you'll know and some are a bit wierd. but take what works for you

Not sure if he's some sort of strange video composite like Max Headroom or just a deadpan delivery style.
I tried all these, the accupressure of the thumb I did feel in the head like he said but it was only a couple of days ago so still waiting to see results and I use the twist the chest for energy which feels better than the nervious twitch from a strong coffee.

I'll add more later as and when i find

Posted : May 27, 2019 2:23 PM
Posts: 422
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I can attest to the effectiveness of "pressure points." I was dating this little hottie who had perpetually clogged sinuses. She would let me massage her feet. So I looked up the foot pressure points for sinuses (the tips of the toes) and I targeted them. Within seconds, I actually heard a little *pop* from her head. That *pop* you get when that mucus suction gives way. Powerful juju, my friend. Doesn't always work so amazingly, but my first try hit it right outta the park.

Also, as ashamed as I am to admit Tony Robbins is right about anything, that exercise he demonstrates seems brilliant. The breathing exercises combined with the immersion into experiences of Gratitude sounds like an extremely beneficial technique. Gonna try that one of these days...

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : May 27, 2019 9:05 PM
Posts: 1354
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This may be little off topic, but I thought the latest episode on egregores fits very synchronistically with recent conversations about Knowing Thyself.

Posted : May 28, 2019 2:04 AM
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enjoypolo wrote: This may be little off topic, but I thought the latest episode on egregores fits very synchronistically with recent conversations about Knowing Thyself.

I'm look forward to that one, I'm usually a few weeks behind, plus my mini MP3 player busted and I'm waiting on a new one from China.

Posted : May 28, 2019 7:43 AM
Posts: 638
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the only thing I know about myself is I have brain damage I think.

Posted : May 28, 2019 9:41 PM
Posts: 318
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We should make this thread a sticky. Got lots to add, but just start with a couple.

Learn how to self-diagnose the Chinese medicine way

Learn how to check and correct your chakras (This is a really great practice, if you don't want to read the whole thing, the instructions are at the end of the post. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE - men's and women's chakras rotate in opposite directions.)

Posted : June 20, 2019 2:42 AM
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