Weaponizing Cognitive Dissonance

Google defines Cognitive Dissonance as the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.
Many psychology websites define it as the resulting discomfort experienced when your beliefs don't match the reality of the world around you.
I see Cognitive Dissonance as a capability of the human mind that can be used for good or ill. In fact, the dirt merchants at the top of the pyramid absolutely rely on the human mind's ability to do this. It is why you can have a person who believes that all politicians are scumbags who would steal candy from a baby, but would never lie about the moon landing or why we're invading Iraq for the seventh time.
In order to weaponize Cognitive Dissonance for the good of the many, a clear distinction must be made between the two "matrix" definitions. When your beliefs don't match the reality of the world around you, this is a bad state of affairs. And your body will usually let you know with the "resulting discomfort." One should always try to align their beliefs and behavior with the reality of the world around them.
Looking both ways before you cross the street is an example of a behavior (looking both ways) based on a belief (I could be hit by a car) that is grounded in reality.
However, when the reality of a situation is indeterminable (like say, the existence of God or the ability of humans to create a Utopian society), Cognitive Dissonance can become a valuable tool in your belt.
For example, I firmly believe that I am better than the people around me. I can see the reality of the government's manipulation and lies, and I can courageously accept the reality of it. The people around me are far to underdeveloped to accept this reality, even when I put incontrovertible proof of it right in front of their face. I possess the ability to admit when I'm wrong and change my behavior and beliefs to match the reality of the world around me. They do not. This clearly makes me better.
However, I also firmly believe that I am no better than anyone else. We are all down here together, thoroughly victimized and traumatized by the dirt merchants on top. We are all trying to climb a mountain together, and because I have found an easy way up to the next ridgeline, doesn't make me better- it just makes me lucky. And I must try to point out the easy way up to as many of my brothers and sisters below as I possibly can.
Clearly contradictory beliefs. What is the truth of the matter? Indeterminable.
But the usefulness of being able to swap out these beliefs to suit the situation at hand is profound.
If I am at a party and I ask a dude if he's ever seen a UFO, and he starts laughing at me and calling me a nut job and conspiracy theorist in front of everybody- I can simply think "I am better than you," and smile quietly to myself. That shit-eating grin that says "I know something that you don't know." This offers me both protection from his ridicule, and the opportunity for anyone watching to come and find me later and ask me just what it is that I know and he doesn't.
Greg talks in interviews about "getting that tap on the shoulder," (when THC gets big enough to force some bottom-dwelling lizard dirt merchant to come slithering out of the pyramid's capstone and tap Greg on the shoulder to tell him to stop talking about certain topics or they'll kill him). Greg asserts his position repeatedly- "I ain't gonna be a martyr for this shit!"
My immediate response to this is "You fucking pussy! I CANNOT ABIDE A GENERAL WHO LEADS FROM THE REAR. What am I listening to this punk for??? Greg is the reason we can't have nice things. I wouldn't panzy away like that! I am better than him."
And then I say, "Hold on, wait a minute. Let's analyze this situation. Greg, and what he has built, is a huge positive in my life. Should I turn my back on him because he feels he can only take this fight so far? He's done -and continues to do- alotta good work in expanding people's minds and introducing them to vast amounts of knowledge they wouldn't otherwise possess. He's done a lot of the heavy lifting in my own "Great Work." Helped many people reach the height on the mountain that they currently enjoy. Shall I poison myself with hormones of hate because he's reached his own personal tree-line?
Maybe this is kinda my fault for labeling him as a "general" in the first place.
When I started this journey, the "archon" concept was extremely useful for me. I didn't believe in archons. And I think I needed that day to day disbelief in order to keep me sane. But I found that if I could believe in them just for certain situations (like when I'm pissed off and about to blow my lid) then I could inhabit all the useful perspectives that come with that belief.
If I think some little maggot is riding me and steering me into a cactus so that he can feed on my ensuing pain and sorrow, I will go to war. My undiagnosed Oppositional Defiant Disorder will kick in and I will employ strategies that'll go to work on Mr. archon over here with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch. This belief gives me almost God-like abilities to transmute abject rage into the purest love and joy. Gotta be the purest- kills best.
I don't need NASA or the pope to sign off on the existence of archons. All I need is a belief that I can whip out for a specific occasion that triggers me to accomplish my own goals.
I believe in archons now, fully. And I hunt them like an assassin. I truly believe they've become scared of me. Not because it is true, but because it is indeterminable and it empowers me. Every now and again one will come around and take a shot at the title, and I give him a lesson in what a little Weaponized Cognitive Dissonance can do.
The matrix wants you to believe that belief itself is heavy and unmoving. Like a ball and chain or a rock that you cling to in a storm.
I seek to make my beliefs into a jetpack and a minigun.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

I notice they use Cognitive Dissonence (CD) on the news and lifestyle daytime shows - What they say often condraticts what they show in pictures - maybe its based on your concept of reality - if you have a magical world view, believe the Goverments and what
the media tell you are a good thing, or the Gov is full of baby raping corporate shills, etc etc. what you comprehennd is different (or should be) to the happy citizen (debt slave)
It can also extend to real life - I'm sure advertisers & retailers use it to their advantage.
So in your mind you have 2 messages - can you sort them, observe both and choose, or you beleive what you are told despite what your subconscous is informing you (cos it works on images and symbols) it's been shown a different thing to what you've been told
You have to suppress your subconscious - and thats where the archons live!!
Have you had a direct experience of the Mystery?? rather than believe based on your research?
Greg has a different experience and world view, what he does in the face of power (they could be represnting the Archons) is up to him and his life journey.

Regarding advertisers and retailers, I agree entirely. Advertising is based on making you feel like you're not enough. Like you're not living a fulfilled life and require something else to find happiness. And for the low, low price of 19.95 I can sell you the thing that will fulfill you. And when you buy it and it doesn't do the job, and the next one doesn't, and the next one doesn't either- the only way you can keep on buying the next thing is if you hold the belief that fulfillment can be obtained through the purchase of goods. In spite of your direct experience to the contrary.
"You have to suppress your subconscious - and thats where the archons live!!"
I don't know if I follow you here. If you are saying that "archons live in your subconscious," then I would disagree with you. The model I use is one where the archon is somewhat "external" to you, inserting thoughts into your conscious mind. If your conscious mind picks up and starts spending a lot of time with the thought, your subconscious mind will sit in the background like a wide-eyed child, soaking up and attempting to learn the new pattern being repeated. Once your subconscious has learned the new pattern, it will start repeating it without your conscious control. Then you're really screwed. Now you have two problems to deal with.
If you are saying that "the state of suppressing your subconscious is where the archons live," I would kind of disagree with you there, too. The subconscious sometimes needs to be suppressed. When it has picked up and continues to repeat a pattern that blocks you from accomplishing your goals, then it is absolutely necessary to suppress, subvert, and reprogram it.
"Have you had a direct experience of the Mystery?? rather than believe based on your research?"
I'm a fuckin' Sorcerer now, dude.
(let me apologize for the obnoxious arrogance of this statement- but I am attempting to program my subconscious to repeat this pattern)
I had a crazy synchronicity a few years back that led me to youtube videos on the "psi-wheel." A bunch of different videos of different kids demonstrating their ability with it in an almost melancholy way. Lamenting the fact that no one would believe them. They seemed so honest. I was a card carrying materialist atheist at the time so you can imagine the Cognitive Dissonance that ensued. How can these kids seem so honest and hurt by the people around them when everybody knows that psychic phenomena is horseshit?
I decided to resolve the issue once and for all. But I was gonna do it honestly and whole-heartedly- unlike the parrots in lab coats that try to tell you what reality is. I decided to donate 3 months of my life to trying to make that little bastard spin. 15-30 minutes a day, 3-4 days a week, I would stare at this thing and try to make it spin. After two months of watching it do absolutely nothing, I finally cracked the code and it spun faster than I'd seen in any video. As if to say "What are you gonna do now, materialist atheist???" Might have been the scariest moment of my life.
Since then I have been studying and practicing. I have healed many people, including myself. I've run a couple "money spells" with some crazy results. And a couple of years ago I hit the big time. Fundamentally altering reality in accordance with my will, with huge repercussions. "Be careful what you wish for" kinda shit. So I'm a little gun shy on the big ones these days. Besides, healing people has always been the most gratifying.
If you're interested, I made a psi-wheel video. I decided I needed to throw my lot in with those dejected kids. Try to lend some credence to their claims.
How about you? You have any direct experience with The Mystery, as you call it?
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

External archons - yeah but they live vicarious lives in your dreaming /subconscious getting you to do things subconsciously so they can partake in the material pleasure of it, until you start to integrate your shadow, they can wall off an area where the owner dare not tread - like a collective unconscious trauma based hyper-dimension kingdom - lets say 1 for all those with World war trauma, 1 for all those with 9/11 event trauma, 1 for kids that were abused, etc etc.
If your not master over your own Kingdom they will have a opening.
If you don't write your own story you are a minor character in some one else's.
My direct experiences have been a bit more traumatic, forced upon me, rather than sought out. I've seen behind a veil that I shouldn't have or wasn't ready for. Now I seek answers to that mystery.

Dialectics (between real and/or made up factions) is the war on the Self in the Superconscious (aka subconscious).
The biology of the left hemisphere is envious of flexibility;

I really like this post.
Never heard the concept of archons walling off areas of your mind to claim in the name of a "trauma based hyper-dimension kingdom." That's some big thinking right there, man. Fascinating. Don't know what to do with it yet, but I'm filing that one away for future reference.
If you don't write your own story you are a minor character in some one else's.
I am straight up stealing this one. Always looking for new, useful, and eloquent perspectives on reality. This one is The Bomb. Thank you, bro.
integrate your shadow
This is the one concept that gives me pause. Has wording this aspect of your ascension in this fashion been useful to you? I work with a very different model. I have heard people use terms like "merging with your shadow," "finding balance with your shadow," and "integrating" with it. I never really understood it. It seems to me that my shadow side is the side of my being that wants me to engage in behaviors that cause me to flood my body with cortisols and other stress hormones that physically poison me and stunt my growth. Not only that, it seems to want to make me engage in behaviors that cause my loved ones around me to poison themselves with these toxic cocktails.
Why would I want to "merge with" or "balance with" or "integrate with" the side of me that causes undo pain to the people around me?
I either want to heal it or exterminate it. I seek no balance with cancer.
If the concept of "integration" has been useful to you, could explain to me how? This has always perplexed me. In fact, from the perspective of the model I use, it seems like a New Age teaching that is designed to hinder your progress.
My direct experiences have been a bit more traumatic, forced upon me, rather than sought out
I truly believe that adversity breeds strength. And I've always said to myself that those who have seen the worst of it will be the champions of the future. My path to ascension has been rather academic. It may be the thing that keeps me from becoming a truly Great Man. I think that those who have stared evil or horror in the face are the most likely to achieve the status of "Avenging Archangel" in the future.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Trauma based hyper-dimension kingdom?

bgunnars wrote: Dialectics (between real and/or made up factions) is the war on the Self in the Superconscious (aka subconscious).
Can you tell me how the concept of integrating with the shadow has been useful or productive in your life? Because I have been working with the concept of either exterminating or healing my shadow and it's been really effective for me. I don't want to be telling people not to use a model that works for them. I think people should design individual models and strategies that enable them to achieve their goals.
But I also know the scumbags at the top of the pyramid are trying desperately to spread lies that keep us enslaved. So it is paramount to me to distinguish between lies designed to enslave, and different perspectives that can be useful and empowering.
A few of my problems with the guy in this video are:
He seems to be equating the right hemisphere of the brain with your shadow. Just because society has taught us to repress both of these things, doesn't make them the same thing- or dictate that they be treated in the same way.
Again, the concept of integration- "Society is going to have to integrate the shadow." If you're labeling Trump supporters as the shadow (which he does) then I agree- though I think labeling those people as "the shadow" is both arrogant and inaccurate. What about baby rapists? How should a society "Merge," "Integrate," or "Find Balance" with the baby rapists? Seems like a society might want to either "heal" or "eradicate" or "quarantine" them.
He also conforms to the matrix programming right now by belittling the masculine, logical left brain. In my view, this needs to stop. It's true that society at large is focused way too much on the left brain. However, I have found that when the two hemispheres are working together as equals -and deferring to the other's talents when the need is appropriate- that I can accomplish most of my goals better, stronger, faster. The hermetic concept of the Alchemical Wedding, as I understand it, is precisely this. The marriage of the left (masculine) and right (feminine) brain.
(I realize that the new research wouldn't advise using the "left" and "right" distinctions as we have in the past- but until we get more accurate and widely understood distinctions and terms, I'm gonna stick to these.)
The way it works out for me is the feminine (creative) side sets the grand goal- spreading Love and Knowledge to empower my brothers and sisters. It also provides the high-grade metaphysical rocket fuel -emotion- to power me toward that grand goal. The masculine side figures out how to get the job done- the nuts and bolts of manifesting the feminine's desire. And it analyzes and restructures the ongoing process to achieve maximum efficiency.
When the feminine is always deferred to, you are left with no logical analysis of whether the information you are taking in is a comforting lie designed to enslave you, or an unwelcome truth that can empower you toward your goal.
Am I seeing things wrong here? Lemme know, dog.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote: Nick,
I really like this post.
Never heard the concept of archons walling off areas of your mind to claim in the name of a "trauma based hyper-dimension kingdom." That's some big thinking right there, man. Fascinating. Don't know what to do with it yet, but I'm filing that one away for future reference.
If you don't write your own story you are a minor character in some one else's.
I am straight up stealing this one. Always looking for new, useful, and eloquent perspectives on reality. This one is The Bomb. Thank you, bro.
integrate your shadow
This is the one concept that gives me pause. Has wording this aspect of your ascension in this fashion been useful to you? I work with a very different model. I have heard people use terms like "merging with your shadow," "finding balance with your shadow," and "integrating" with it. I never really understood it. It seems to me that my shadow side is the side of my being that wants me to engage in behaviors that cause me to flood my body with cortisols and other stress hormones that physically poison me and stunt my growth. Not only that, it seems to want to make me engage in behaviors that cause my loved ones around me to poison themselves with these toxic cocktails.
Why would I want to "merge with" or "balance with" or "integrate with" the side of me that causes undo pain to the people around me?
I either want to heal it or exterminate it. I seek no balance with cancer.
If the concept of "integration" has been useful to you, could explain to me how? This has always perplexed me. In fact, from the perspective of the model I use, it seems like a New Age teaching that is designed to hinder your progress.
My direct experiences have been a bit more traumatic, forced upon me, rather than sought out
I truly believe that adversity breeds strength. And I've always said to myself that those who have seen the worst of it will be the champions of the future. My path to ascension has been rather academic. It may be the thing that keeps me from becoming a truly Great Man. I think that those who have stared evil or horror in the face are the most likely to achieve the status of "Avenging Archangel" in the future.
Thanks. In one mystery experience I woke up (came to) and litterally stood up to a partially cloacked red-eyed demon thing that was on the couch opposite me and said so you like what you see??
Shadow work.. the defination of this determines the outcome. I highly recommend you get to know C G Jung and his work especialy about Individuation and Shadow - Shadow is the part of you that your outer persona/ego actively surpresses, maybe because of some trauma event in the past or the projections from parents or peers of what your should or shouldn't do.
Its not about acting them out, rather knowing why those thoughts feelings etc come up in the first place.
So in effect you are healing those toxic chemicals and the effects on others around you by intergrating the "shadow" subconscious reasons why they come up in the first place - being able to observe your shadow casting upon you realise this, know why it comes up, and now you can shine a light on it/why it will quickly dissapear. - no toxic stress chemicals!!
I reccomend starting with - Memories, dreams and reflections - Jung autobiography. easy to read and gives a broad overview.
try this podcast for background jung listening
these 2 are good all in one Jung summary books
There maybe other sources on the internet 😉
NB - for some reason the spell check is not working in this forum dialogue box - 😡

In one mystery experience I woke up (came to) and litterally stood up to a partially cloacked red-eyed demon thing that was on the couch opposite me and said so you like what you see??
Jesus H. That sounds like a tight spot, bro!
I highly recommend you get to know C G Jung
I got some big problems with Jung. I know- I'm predictable.
First, he's a proponent of Catharsis Theory. That's the one that says you need to vent your anger, otherwise you will be bottling it up to explode at some later date. Many studies have been done recently that show that venting your anger is not what you want to do. They refer to it in terms of "Venting your anger turns out to be practice for being an angry person." And "Venting your anger doesn't lessen it- it rehearses it."
Catharsis Theory also programs your subconscious into a false dichotomy- either Vent or Bottle Up. This is absolutely false in my experience. I can Release my anger. I can Dodge my anger. I can Short Circuit my anger. And I can Hack my anger so that I don't feel it the next time I'm presented with the same stimulus. And on and on. Lots of ways to deal with with your anger that don't involve venting it or bottling it up. To me, Catharsis Theory feels like a trap laid by lizards.
As far as integration goes:
1. combine (one thing) with another so that they become a whole.
2. bring (people or groups with particular characteristics or needs) into equal participation in or membership of a social group or institution.
being able to observe your shadow casting upon you realise this, know why it comes up, and now you can shine a light on it/why it will quickly dissapear.
How is "shining a light on it and making it disappear" combining it with you to make a whole? Or bringing it into equal participation? I agree that this is a valuable technique, but what you are actually doing is destroying it with your weapon of choice- Light. Either that or you are healing it and discontinuing its negative influence over you - "making it disappear." You are not "merging" with it and making it a part of you to participate as an equal.
I think we're on the same side here. We're talking about the same thing- you call it integrating and I call it eradicating. No harm done. But I worry about the newbie. The person who is just starting this journey and doesn't have the time to read all of the books and figure out what ol' Carl was really talking about. That person will think that they must combine their shadow with themselves into an "equal participation" type of relationship. And that is far from ideal.
His notion of the Collective Unconscious is fascinating, and might be very useful. I just haven't found many applications for it.
Do you feel like there were good aspects about you that you suppressed and now have access to after shining a light on them? I am only familiar with suppressing things about myself that caused harm to myself and those around me. And I definitely don't want to integrate with those.
I'm glad my parents taught me to suppress my urges to walk around while taking a dump in my pants. Taught me to share and suppressed my desire to have all the toys all the time. So some things you have suppressed are good for you, no?
I suppose if you were gay and suppressed it, then the term "integration" would be useful. But I wouldn't call "being gay" your shadow. I would call the "suppression" your shadow and "being gay" the hostage it holds.
And I stand in great respect and gratitude of the child molester who has suppressed that side of himself.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote: Nick,
In one mystery experience I woke up (came to) and litterally stood up to a partially cloacked red-eyed demon thing that was on the couch opposite me and said so you like what you see??
Jesus H. That sounds like a tight spot, bro!
I highly recommend you get to know C G Jung
I got some big problems with Jung. I know- I'm predictable.
First, he's a proponent of Catharsis Theory. That's the one that says you need to vent your anger, otherwise you will be bottling it up to explode at some later date. Many studies have been done recently that show that venting your anger is not what you want to do. They refer to it in terms of "Venting your anger turns out to be practice for being an angry person." And "Venting your anger doesn't lessen it- it rehearses it."
Catharsis Theory also programs your subconscious into a false dichotomy- either Vent or Bottle Up. This is absolutely false in my experience. I can Release my anger. I can Dodge my anger. I can Short Circuit my anger. And I can Hack my anger so that I don't feel it the next time I'm presented with the same stimulus. And on and on. Lots of ways to deal with with your anger that don't involve venting it or bottling it up. To me, Catharsis Theory feels like a trap laid by lizards.
As far as integration goes:
1. combine (one thing) with another so that they become a whole.
2. bring (people or groups with particular characteristics or needs) into equal participation in or membership of a social group or institution.being able to observe your shadow casting upon you realise this, know why it comes up, and now you can shine a light on it/why it will quickly dissapear.
How is "shining a light on it and making it disappear" combining it with you to make a whole? Or bringing it into equal participation? I agree that this is a valuable technique, but what you are actually doing is destroying it with your weapon of choice- Light. Either that or you are healing it and discontinuing its negative influence over you - "making it disappear." You are not "merging" with it and making it a part of you to participate as an equal.
I think we're on the same side here. We're talking about the same thing- you call it integrating and I call it eradicating. No harm done. But I worry about the newbie. The person who is just starting this journey and doesn't have the time to read all of the books and figure out what ol' Carl was really talking about. That person will think that they must combine their shadow with themselves into an "equal participation" type of relationship. And that is far from ideal.
His notion of the Collective Unconscious is fascinating, and might be very useful. I just haven't found many applications for it.
Do you feel like there were good aspects about you that you suppressed and now have access to after shining a light on them? I am only familiar with suppressing things about myself that caused harm to myself and those around me. And I definitely don't want to integrate with those.
I'm glad my parents taught me to suppress my urges to walk around while taking a dump in my pants. Taught me to share and suppressed my desire to have all the toys all the time. So some things you have suppressed are good for you, no?
I suppose if you were gay and suppressed it, then the term "integration" would be useful. But I wouldn't call "being gay" your shadow. I would call the "suppression" your shadow and "being gay" the hostage it holds.
And I stand in great respect and gratitude of the child molester who has suppressed that side of himself.
Shining a light - probably not a great metaphor, but you get what I mean, it no longer has any power over you.. cos you can dismiss it. (With your magic torch! hihi)
I'm no expert on Jung - but what I've learnt has helped me. I haven't come across Catharsis Theory in his work, but I get what your saying about rehearsal of anger.
It was his work on Dreams, the Self & individuation that had resonance. I grok the collective unconscious - thats where the collective trauma kingdoms dwell.
The end result of either eradication or integration is what's important - no affect
Jung also sort of covers ancestral Trauma and how emotional, sexual, negletful traum either forced or coerced upon children are often sadly repeated by the child when it grows up. If you've got a narccissitic parent you'll display those traits as learnt behaviour even though you are not at your core a narcissit

Shining a light - probably not a great metaphor
I think this is a great metaphor. Light up that magic torch, baby!
I'm no expert on Jung - but what I've learnt has helped me.
Don't let me sour you on a model that gets you results. I would say, though, that many models are limited. If you feel your progress start to stagnate or you find that some of the results you are getting are undesirable, then it is wise to re-examine the model you are working with.
The end result of either eradication or integration is what's important - no affect
I just seek to find the clearest and most efficient way to inform my brethren below of the path I have found to crest the next ridgline in our journey up the mountain together.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

I see the shadow as the absence of Self.
My shadow results from a devestating past life experience (according to psychics and radionics) which something in me is desperately trying to suppress because society is so afraid of anyone attaining a Self (due to a reputatiton of mayhems and eventual failures) that it uses many different ways to deter people from trying to attain it.
My opinion is that he right hemisphere as the brain we originally had before genetic engineering and trauma (see Michael Tsarion & Lloyd Pye gave us the left hemisphere.
The right hemisphere is developmentally very young, but has the ability to do what the right brain does much more efficiently, and less cruelly.
The way to balance the two is to attain greater tolerance for masculinity and femininity in both men and women, a reunification process which unfortunately has been slowed down. A reunification which was first delayed by the decision to split the workload according to gender.

I see the shadow as the absence of Self.
I kinda like this. Like when you get rid of a piece of your shadow, you replace it with Self. I dig that perspective.
My shadow results from a devestating past life experience
That sucks, dog! Gotta deal with all the horseshit of this life and the trauma of a previous incarnation? Do you know what the trauma was? If I were you, I'd drop and few hundred dollars on psychics and get a few opinions on what it was. If you can put a face to it, you have a much better path toward healing it. Like that line from Predator- If it bleeds, we can kill it. If it's got a face, I've got something to aim at.
You might also have a look at the video I posted in the Know Thyself mega-thread. It details the technique of Accepting and Rejecting thoughts. You might need to add a step- Refocus. If you find that after rejecting a thought time and time again, and it still haunts you, then stop thinking altogether. Reject the thought for the last time and refocus your attention on something else. Go out dancing, or read a book, or play a video game. If you can't do any of those, then force yourself to think about good shit- like what you would do with a billion dollars, or that babe down the street you'd like to bang. Train your subconscious that this pattern is ending. If you stick with it, it might bring you some peace and some solid ground to work from.
I have NO experience healing past life trauma. But if it were me, this is where I'd start.
Kick ass and take names, bro. We all got your back.
society is so afraid of anyone attaining a Self ... that it uses many different ways to deter people from trying to attain it.
Truer words were never spoken.
The way to balance the two is to attain greater tolerance for masculinity and femininity in both men and women
I'd go ya one better. If we all attained the drive for more masculinity (reason and logic) in women and femininity (creativity and emotion) in men, we'd be a race of fuckin' Super-Heroes.
A reunification which was first delayed by the decision to split the workload according to gender.
You might be right about that. However, one cannot deny the usefulness of splitting the workload according to innate talents.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn - Don't dismiss the usefulness of catharsis too quickly. While I am in agreement with you that talking cures rarely work, and in fact, can easily re-traumatise people, there are other form of release. My particular favourites are Dr. David Berceli's trauma release exercises and Eileen Day McCusick's tone balancing. Neither require rehashing of traumatic experiences. You don't even have to think or name the experience, you simply let it go. As much as we are able to rationalise out difficult past experiences, they still remain stuck in your musculature (see Reich's armouring concept) and/or in the auric body as demonstrated by McCusick.
Also, a comment on the effectiveness of cognitive dissonance as a weapon - it plays on a natural defense mechanism in the human psyche. The Greeks referred to 'aporia' (an expression of real or pretended doubt or uncertainty especially for rhetorical effect.) also can be thought of as non-seeing. I have (willfully) used this myself in everyday life. For example, a guy is skeeving on me on the train, I feign a non-understanding until the train pulls into the station and I feel safe to extricate myself from the situation. It is comforting and protective. I can safely deflect unwanted attention in a non-confrontational way. The thing is I know I'm doing it. Lots of people fall into aporia unconsciously, and the more you use this rhetorical trick upon yourself, the more you need it to support a nonsensical worldview.
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