Jailbreaking the Prison of Language

A couple years back I was very concerned about guarding my subconscious against subliminal attack (like rani talks about in her post on A.S.M.R.). I decided to create an incantation/spell/mantra to repeat incessantly in order to reprogram my subconscious mind to become unassailable.
And "unassailable" was the brick wall I ran straight into.
You see the first law of Neuro-Linguistic Programming is that your subconscious mind does not understand negative modifiers. It simply drops them. This is why some people tell you not to tell your children things like "Don't play in the street." Because their subconscious mind will drop the negative modifier and the statement becomes "Do play in the street." -The exact opposite of the intended meaning.
It is more effective to say something like "The street is dangerous. Always play in the yard." This way, there are no mixed messages being sent to the child's mind.
If I repeat over and over again that my subconscious is "unassailable," my subconscious mind will drop the negative modifier and I will be programming my subconscious to be "assailable." Ok... No problem. I'll just choose another word.
And therein lies the the brick wall.
Can you think of a word that conveys the meaning of "unassailable" that doesn't employ a negative modifier? I can't. Invulnerable, invincible, impervious, impregnable, impenetrable... They all possess the same achilles heel.
There is no word in the english language that conveys the meaning of "unassailable" to your subconscious mind.
But it doesn't stop there. I showed my wife and she has a decent working knowledge of romance languages. She googled french. spanish, german. It would seem they all suffer from the same defect. There is no way to program your subconscious mind to be invulnerable to attack with the language that was given to us. The ubiquity of this linguistic "coincidence" made her physically nauseous. Wouldn't be the first time. If it weren't for cunnilingus, I'd be a single man to this day.
I could be wrong- and if I am, please enlighten me. I'm looking for a word that truly encompasses the meaning of Unassailable or Invulnerable with no negative modifier. Let me know if you are aware of any.
I think we need some new words, people. And we need more than one. It's probably unsound to make up a single new word and define it as "unassailable." I want my subconscious to understand the definition as well. If we have many new words, we can use them to define each other and hopefully escape this negative modifier trap.
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That's an interesting observation. I'm not well-versed in NLP, but what you're saying reminds me of the elephant scene in Inception.
In fact, it's part of the lizard-people's 'inversion-perversion' technique (for lack of a better term) where the accuser pretends to be a victim, and denounces the victim as the attacker.
As for your quest to find the magical word, I wonder if it's not futile. To me, the analogy seems like trying to find an encryption key that's un-hackable.
Isn't the premise of unassailability predicated on the illusion of control? Instead, I wonder if the opposite, that is, acceptance of the vulnerability, isn't the key to the door.
For instance, I am 100% positive that I will make mistakes in my present/future, as I have in the past. But instead of fearing that, I want to be able to embrace it, and be aware of that fact, so that when a mistake happens, I can learn from it, and change/adapt accordingly towards harmony.
I apologize if it sounds like gibberish, although I hope it makes some sense.
In Japanese, there is a concept/philosophy called Wabi-Sabi, that embraces imperfections, whether an object, or someone's character. And that actually makes it beautiful, or perfect. It's a bit like a zen koan, but I find it revealing.
A polymath I follow, Robert Edward Grant, posted this today, and it's quite fitting in this context I think (see below).
That's just my two-cents though.

enjoypolo wrote: That's an interesting observation. I'm not well-versed in NLP, but what you're saying reminds me of the elephant scene in Inception.
In fact, it's part of the lizard-people's 'inversion-perversion' technique (for lack of a better term) where the accuser pretends to be a victim, and denounces the victim as the attacker.As for your quest to find the magical word, I wonder if it's not futile. To me, the analogy seems like trying to find an encryption key that's un-hackable.
Isn't the premise of unassailability predicated on the illusion of control? Instead, I wonder if the opposite, that is, acceptance of the vulnerability, isn't the key to the door.
For instance, I am 100% positive that I will make mistakes in my present/future, as I have in the past. But instead of fearing that, I want to be able to embrace it, and be aware of that fact, so that when a mistake happens, I can learn from it, and change/adapt accordingly towards harmony.I apologize if it sounds like gibberish, although I hope it makes some sense.
In Japanese, there is a concept/philosophy called Wabi-Sabi, that embraces imperfections, whether an object, or someone's character. And that actually makes it beautiful, or perfect. It's a bit like a zen koan, but I find it revealing.A polymath I follow, Robert Edward Grant, posted this today, and it's quite fitting in this context I think (see below).
That's just my two-cents though.
No, man, that's perfect. Understood every word and truly appreciate the counterpoint. It gives me the opportunity to either shore up my beliefs or discard them. Thanks, dog. Your two cents are like gold dust to me.
I think your take that it feels like the inversion-perversion technique of bottom-dwelling lizards is particularly astute.
However I fundamentally disagree with you about the illusion of control. If there's one thing the placebo effect and energy/miracle/psychic healing have taught me, it's that a human has the right to absolute dictatorial control over his own body. The illusion of control is a useful concept when applied to matters external to one's self. It is applicable to your influence over the world around you. But inside the walls of my skin, I reign supreme. As long as I can figure out how to exercise that control, it is mine for the taking.
As far as accepting your vulnerability, there are few concepts that will retard your growth more than this.
First, I accept my vulnerability. If I didn't, why would I seek to change that state of affairs? What you're actually telling me is to become satisfied with my vulnerability. And that will not happen. Dissatisfaction is the state of mind that creates change. And growth. Why would you ever learn anything new if you were constantly satisfied? There is no motivation for growth and improvement if I am focused on becoming satisfied with my limitations.
I'm no longer a fan of the New Age, but one of the things they got right was the concept of Ascension. Enlightenment. This concept should breed in a person a dissatisfaction with their individual limitations and vulnerabilities, and give them cause to strive for something greater. I live my life trying to be just a little bit better than I was the day before.
I have seen way too many old people build mental walls around themselves as they watch the world get bigger and scarier around them. It leads to the immortal words of Lydia Soprano- "I don't answer the phone after dark." She is satisfied with her perceived vulnerability enough to say this condescendingly to her son. Like she understands this world and how to deal with it!
I believe that a human should push him or her self to expand. To grow stronger, more intelligent, and more loving every day. It can't always be done every day- but if I expand more than I contract, in the aggregate, I will grow and be closer to perfection than I was before.
I am satisfied with many of my limitations. I don't know Chinese. I'm ok with that. It is a vulnerability/limitation/weakness I am satisfied with. I've got no great need to visit the The Great Wall or get laid in an opium den in Southeast Asia. And to be frank, there are only so many hours in a day. So I am gonna spend my time and effort being dissatisfied with the fact that I don't know Greek and can't get laid in a hashish parlor on the Mediterranean.
And you can be damn sure I am dissatisfied with a state of affairs that leaves my subconscious mind vulnerable to manipulation from bottom-dwelling lizards. Or demons, or corporate oligarchs, or whatever you like. It is a vulnerability I refuse to accept.
It may be that "absolute invulnerability" is not achievable. I don't care. You use the the utopian ideal as a direction of travel. Something to move toward. And if you can't actually get there, you can notice the grass getting greener and the birds singing more melodically as you get closer and closer to it.
Polo- Thanks for your reply, stud. Good conversation is weed to man caught in a dry spell. If I've misunderstood your argument, or my logic seems flawed let me know. And as far as Wabi Sabi goes- I fully understand that imperfections create beauty- in fact, I think my wife is still with me because of it. I'm not trying to eliminate all of my imperfections- just the ones that really piss me off.
Anyone else interested in magic or psi- I've created an incantation designed to create or recruit a team of ethereal/astral guardians to protect my subconscious from unwanted manipulation. The music is by Bol Pa Vox. It is designed to speak to my subconscious mind, by using imagery that lights my fires. I reckon it might speak well to some other people's subconscious as well. But if nothing else, it can serve as an example of other people's work in the field. More details about it are available in the description on the youtube page.
So if you can see what I'm missing or where my logic or technique is flawed, please sound off. I don't want to be distributing shit on youtube that is fundamentally flawed or disempowering.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote:
The illusion of control is a useful concept when applied to matters external to one's self. It is applicable to your influence over the world around you. But inside the walls of my skin, I reign supreme. As long as I can figure out how to exercise that control, it is mine for the taking.
As far as accepting your vulnerability, there are few concepts that will retard your growth more than this.
First, I accept my vulnerability. If I didn't, why would I seek to change that state of affairs? What you're actually telling me is to become satisfied with my vulnerability. And that will not happen. Dissatisfaction is the state of mind that creates change. And growth. Why would you ever learn anything new if you were constantly satisfied? There is no motivation for growth and improvement if I am focused on becoming satisfied with my limitations.
I'm no longer a fan of the New Age, but one of the things they got right was the concept of Ascension. Enlightenment. This concept should breed in a person a dissatisfaction with their individual limitations and vulnerabilities, and give them cause to strive for something greater. I live my life trying to be just a little bit better than I was the day before.
I believe that a human should push him or her self to expand. To grow stronger, more intelligent, and more loving every day. It can't always be done every day- but if I expand more than I contract, in the aggregate, I will grow and be closer to perfection than I was before.
And you can be damn sure I am dissatisfied with a state of affairs that leaves my subconscious mind vulnerable to manipulation from bottom-dwelling lizards. Or demons, or corporate oligarchs, or whatever you like. It is a vulnerability I refuse to accept.
It may be that "absolute invulnerability" is not achievable. I don't care. You use the the utopian ideal as a direction of travel. Something to move toward. And if you can't actually get there, you can notice the grass getting greener and the birds singing more melodically as you get closer and closer to it.
Thanks FC, always appreciate an honest back-and-forth, which is what makes this forum so special to me.
In fact, I'm nodding in agreement with the things you just pointed out. I think it was David Wilcock who once said something along the lines of 'trying to explain complex concepts with words, is like trying to sharpen a diamond with a dulled knife'.
My point is, my words need some sharpening:D You're right, I think what I meant was more along the lines of "being aware of one's vulnerabilities" (not just accepting them).
Full disclosure: I'm a lazy-f***, and one thing I learned back-then during my psychedelic states, is that I always have to be on my toes when it comes to listening to that voice operating in my head. That monkey can be a genius trickster to justify my lack of anything, and since then, it's always been a game of "where did this intention/idea come from?", though, thankfully I'm at a point now where I trust my body's feelings/physical sensations more to give me confirmation (as opposed to just running with my brain). But it's a process of being aware at all times.
Wim Hof Breathing Techniques have actually helped me a lot in this way, to ground myself to my breath whenever I'm in a anxious/stressful situation. When it comes down to it, it's really the only thing that I have control over. (30 deep inhale/exhale while sitting down, and on the last breath, exhale and stop for as long as comfortable, with optional pushups without breathing. Feels great afterward.)
While reading your post, I was reminded of a book I read some time ago called Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil by Paul Levy.
The basic premise of the book is that there are such things as low-vibration 'entities' that will entrain you, and trap you into a downward-feedback-loop (that capricious voice in my head). In fact, the Wetiko is described in a few First Nation (Cree; Algonquin) cultures as a monster spirit, turning humans against each other, and into cannibals.
Thus the way I see it, every decision I take (or don't take) gets me either closer to Wetiko, or towards Harmony.
I lost my train of thought now, but I will end it here. :rolleyes:
Cheers man, and thanks for the feedback.
PS: I haven't listened to the latest episode yet, but I have feeling it will be relevant.
PPS: I dunno if you may enjoy this, but one guest left a mark on me. She was the one explaining the wonderful world of Words, with their etymologies and esoteric connotations. Quite the character too:D

I never looked into the Wetiko- and now, it would seem, I don't have to! Your simple, eloquent description might have done the trick. I always just called them archons. Is there a fundamental difference?
And I love the Harmony vs. Wetiko polarity you describe. I think it's both brilliant and extremely useful.
This is an hour long interview with a dude who's been actually engaged with Wetiko/archons and studying them for a while. It's crazy.
The best magical advice I was ever given was to treat every thought in your head as an offering- to be accepted or rejected. Your mind can seem like a "goddamn town hall meeting" most times, with different thoughts shouted at you from different directions. All are vying for the top slot- your Attention. A lot of them are really bad ideas! Become the master of your own mind by accepting the ones you like and rejecting the ones you don't. Saying it out loud brings more power to the equation- "I reject that thought."
If you do this religiously for 3 weeks straight, you will be a different person on the other side. It's a life-changing technique. I shit you not. Hands down the most productive exercise I ever engaged in.
PS: Good call, man! Laurel Airica might be my favorite of Greg's guests. Thanks for looking out for me and making sure I didn't miss her!
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

So, I've got 2 words to replace "unassailable."
The more acceptable, semi-conventional term-
Omni- In all places and all times; in all things
Proof- able to withstand something damaging; resistant.
The less acceptable, made up out of whole cloth term-
Stal- because I like the word Stalwart (loyal and reliable)
Gruten- because I think it sounds German, and German sounds tough. Gruten, baby! All balls.
Loyally and Reliably Tough.
If anybody has any interest in playing this game with me, I'd be really interested to hear some more ideas.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

I like the process you're going through, I think omniproof is salient. Plus, it's your own idiosyncratic word that makes it unique.
It's funny cause, isn't the point of a mantra to put you in the present state? ( please correct me if I'm wrong)
It's made me notice that, when I meditate with an intention, I usually try to visualize something (desired outcome or a symbol) in order to stay grounded in the present, while also not forget my intention (can be an anchor from my spine to the centre of the Earth; or seeing the Earth bathing in soothing light).
But it seems to me that both methodologies are trying to achieve the same end-result.
One memory of a mantra stood out in my meditative experience (small dose lsd; ~50ug) and the coming was intense, and so in my head, all I pictured was me running up the stairway in space, but with each step forward, the last step faded away, and this recursion (feedback loop) broke through space-time until I had reached what I now know, as the Samadhi state.
It's been almost 3-yrs, but that memory I will never forget, and I still use that picture sometimes, but it's never been the same.:rolleyes:

I just looked up salient. Thanks, dog!
It is my understanding that a mantra can put you in any state you want, but it is designed to grant you access to that state now. In the present. So I find your description of "mantras putting you in a present state" particularly salient.
when I meditate with an intention, I usually try to visualize something
If the first law of NLP is that your subconscious will drop all negative modifiers, the second law is that your subconscious prefers to communicate through images. I try to tell people that your subconscious understands language to a point, but images are its mother tongue.
an anchor from my spine to the centre of the Earth
I was taught to call this "Grounding." I really dig it. I was trying to help a dude with back pain one time by thinking of some visuals he could use. He got back to me and and said "I'm not really feeling any of those. You got anything else?" I was like "Uhhhh... There's always Grounding..." and described the technique. That dude designed a visual for himself that involved his spine as the trunk of a mighty tree with roots that penetrated to the center of the earth, drawing up strength and flexibility. Healed his back.
I had reached what I now know, as the Samadhi state.
I'm jealous as fuck! Never been there. I sometimes refer to this as "Communicating with the user" (an old Tron movie reference). I've tried, and I think I've gotten close a couple times, but the salient point here is that I have not reached that state of "union" or "direct communication" with Source. You lucky bastard.
You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

fifthcolumn wrote:
I had reached what I now know, as the Samadhi state.I'm jealous as fuck! Never been there. I sometimes refer to this as "Communicating with the user" (an old Tron movie reference). I've tried, and I think I've gotten close a couple times, but the salient point here is that I have not reached that state of "union" or "direct communication" with Source. You lucky bastard.
Ha! I’m not trying to pretend I’ve attained enlightenment or anything though. It’s more like I had been given the opportunity of a sneak peek of what’s behind the door.
What it did though do, was it convinced me that 1) Like you said, this was connecting me to the Field (I was ignorant of that concept at the time, but something much larger than my body). An example was that any question I had in my head in that state was given an “answer”, immediately, but the moment I tried putting it into words, it faded away like sand in your hand, as if my rational brain couldn’t decode “intuitive” communication.
2) Except for the DMT session that followed closely after, that was basically the last time I’ve used psychedelics. The best description is that it had taught me that all that I needed to know. The stuff that I was chasing was(Is) all around me. Within me. At all times.
And I’ve even been wondering if that was a trick my mind was playing (a cop out) because I was too afraid. I’m not sure to this day. But I knew then, and made it my life-long goal to achieve this state without any external factors. I also “know” that I can’t chase it, that it will come to me when I’m ready for it.
And yeah, that was really the prelude for my awakening that followed closely thereafter, and truly changed my perspective on everything, still ongoing today, though the waters today are less stormy 🙂
Sorry for the long personal anecdote.
But yeah, your use of visuals, I’ve seen it essential in meditation, healing, invocation, planning. I think our minds are quantum computers that give rise to manifestations. Which is why it’s so important to cultivate the mind’s monkey.
Cheers man

I’m not trying to pretend I’ve attained enlightenment or anything though. It’s more like I had been given the opportunity of a sneak peek of what’s behind the door.
My previous statement- "You lucky bastard," still applies. I never even got a peek. But I think like you do- it'll come when I'm ready for it.
but the moment I tried putting it into words, it faded away like sand in your hand, as if my rational brain couldn’t decode “intuitive” communication.
This is a really interesting piece of the equation. And I really like how you've worded it. You might be on to something there- rational vs intuitive communication (or even concepts).
Sorry for the long personal anecdote.
Negative. I'm always interested in the spiritual stories of psychonauts. I've been thinking about a trip to Peru to meet The Lady Of The Jungle.
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