Last seen: February 21, 2024 7:55 AM
exactly. great post and great article. it describes my feelings on the subject better than i have been able to do thus far.
his ideas have gotten more and more 'fringe' and therefore more and more tolerable. i feel like he's one revelation away from 'gettin it'. love his ...
ok. i see it now. it is another false flag. but not "just" another hoax. this one's target is the first amendment so it's more elaborate, and trut...
heavy breathing at comet ping pong. seems pretty freakin real. if it is a trick, it's better constructed and executed than 9/11 and sandy hoax. i s...
abeldanger.net is field mcconnell, david hawkins, and a network of agents that have been following this and other topics for years.
david seaman. br />
i felt validated reading your comment on the subject Satyagraha. EVERYTIME he says, "well, there's no doubt about that." i think.... no, there is dou...
natural? from webmd: Huperzine A is a substance purified from a plant called Chinese club moss. Although the makers of huperzine A start with a plan...
didnt do my homework and see if you've had him on yet.... now i see you have. i got alot of catching up to do apparently.