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Max Igan | Fabricated History, Tartaria, & The Mud Flood Reset

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Posted : January 2, 2020 5:36 PM
Posts: 4
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This, to me, was one of the best THC podcasts yet. When the question came up as to how such a massive re-write of history can have occurred, and not recognized (or suspected) by many, the Mandella Effect came to mind. Which would mean that some DO remember, but face that maddening introspection. Another thing that came to mind is the "conspiracy theory" that the earth is growing, like a living entity.

Truly, the "Mud Flood" idea appears to be one of the dots to connect. It supports the inner earth, grand solar minimum, apocalyptic/end-of-the-age "prophecies", Plato's Cave imagery, the incredible life spans (ie the Sumerian Kings List) and much more. Max sounds like a great guy, and - as usual - the Carlwood stepped aside and let his guest shine. Well done!

Posted : January 2, 2020 10:42 PM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

i just got done listening to the show and it was a good show.

weird when he said pewdipie i was on youtube scrolling down and i saw a video of his at the same time he said that. ive been subbed to him for over seven years. i thought max was going to say something bad about him, i very rarely watch him.

Posted : January 3, 2020 2:59 AM
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I will go against the flow here (no pun intended) and will say that it is IMHO the worst show of the year, and possibly of all my THC+ period (joined in 2013).

This guys makes a lots of stuff up. I already posted in the show comment section about the stuff regarding soil liquefaction and WW2.

For the latter I am really shocked that so few commented on it, and the fact that he seems a negationist. If you listen to the show at around 1h25, he clearly says that:
- Hitler was not a bad person because “he was surrounded by children and that children know when someone is bad”... what kind of bulshit is that? Children can be forced to be here on the video, afraid, drugged... whatever. This does not prove anything;
- “SS were zen master”, really ? How can a prove that? Can you really believe that?
- That concentration camp did not exists...

Yes history is written by the winner but not everything is made up. He lives in Australia very far from where the atrocities of the war happened, it is so easy to spread such things... it is equally valid as someone not leaving in Australia saying that Australia does not exists. Or, in few years, someone for Europe (for example) was to say that the twin towers never existed hence 911 never happened, what would you think of that?

As I said previously I’m a bit shocked that so few reacted to that and to honest Greg should have said something (you did before when some were hinting that way and for less than what he said).

I know my position will be unpopular but I think there are some limits that should not be crossed freely even on a conspiracy show. And the fact that I’m a plus member for 7 years proves, or at least hints towards, that I really like THC, hence my disappointment and message (for any other show I would have just walk away) (and pardon for the English, it is not my main language is not my primary language so it might be difficult to convey what I feel).

Posted : January 4, 2020 2:15 PM
Posts: 4
New Member


>> Hitler was not a bad person

I don't know what Igan could have said that would satisfy your obvious desire for all humankind to express contempt for Hitler. I encourage you to listen again: he clearly stated he was not a big Hitler fan. It is obvious that he is a student of history, however, and is not compelled to omit something that actually happened (which is what a "negationist" does).

>> That concentration camp did not exists

Again: listen again to the podcast. Igan did not say that Nazi concentration camps did not exist. What he said was that he does not believe in the Holocaust(tm). A sizable number of honest, educated, rational people don't - included among them contemporary Jews. This is just the way things are.

>> and to honest Greg should have said something

What would satisfy you? The dreaded "anti-semitic" accusation? Should Greg have edited out Igan's statement about the Holocaust(tm) simply because you (and people like you) passionately believe Igan is wrong? Are you inferring that Greg is also a "negationist" because he did not go fetal when a brave man openly stated what he has found to be true? Why would Greg feel compelled to allow the amazing Mud Flood topic to be discarded in favor of a vitriolic attack against both his guest and potential HSC members? What is wrong with preferring, instead, to keep the focus of the podcast on the actual topic? What benefit is there in being sidetracked into a devisive topic that can only be counterproductive?

BTW: do you think for a moment you would stand a chance with Igan in a one-to-one debate about whether the fashionable claims of a "final solution" having existed two generations ago are true? Of course not. My bet is that you instead would feel safer lashing out at everybody that doesn't buy into the Holocaust(tm) "narrative" behind the safety of a keyboard.

Another thing: has it dawned upon you that Igan likely couldn't care less whether you disagree with him in this matter anyway?

Heads-up: you're not the host: Greg is. You don't pick out the guests: Greg does that.

Take a breath, man! Call off the hounds. Take it outside. Enjoy the ideas and benefit from the observations being made in this platform - as a grownup.

Posted : January 6, 2020 12:40 AM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

compared to most people that talk about this kinda stuff max igan doesnt say any over the top things. ive watched every show of his for the last few years.

Posted : January 6, 2020 3:51 AM
Posts: 13
Active Member

Anybody else notice that a few days after this episode, Trump threatened to strike "cultural sites" in Iran? Tartarian ruins?

Posted : January 6, 2020 11:42 PM
Posts: 0
New Member

ephraimlad wrote: Fayt76:

>> Hitler was not a bad person

I don't know what Igan could have said that would satisfy your obvious desire for all humankind to express contempt for Hitler. I encourage you to listen again: he clearly stated he was not a big Hitler fan. It is obvious that he is a student of history, however, and is not compelled to omit something that actually happened (which is what a "negationist" does).

>> That concentration camp did not exists

Again: listen again to the podcast. Igan did not say that Nazi concentration camps did not exist. What he said was that he does not believe in the Holocaust(tm). A sizable number of honest, educated, rational people don't - included among them contemporary Jews. This is just the way things are.

>> and to honest Greg should have said something

What would satisfy you? The dreaded "anti-semitic" accusation? Should Greg have edited out Igan's statement about the Holocaust(tm) simply because you (and people like you) passionately believe Igan is wrong? Are you inferring that Greg is also a "negationist" because he did not go fetal when a brave man openly stated what he has found to be true? Why would Greg feel compelled to allow the amazing Mud Flood topic to be discarded in favor of a vitriolic attack against both his guest and potential HSC members? What is wrong with preferring, instead, to keep the focus of the podcast on the actual topic? What benefit is there in being sidetracked into a devisive topic that can only be counterproductive?

BTW: do you think for a moment you would stand a chance with Igan in a one-to-one debate about whether the fashionable claims of a "final solution" having existed two generations ago are true? Of course not. My bet is that you instead would feel safer lashing out at everybody that doesn't buy into the Holocaust(tm) "narrative" behind the safety of a keyboard.

Another thing: has it dawned upon you that Igan likely couldn't care less whether you disagree with him in this matter anyway?

Heads-up: you're not the host: Greg is. You don't pick out the guests: Greg does that.

Take a breath, man! Call off the hounds. Take it outside. Enjoy the ideas and benefit from the observations being made in this platform - as a grownup.

I will not comment further your arrogant post. You should read again what I said instead of being that asserting. No comment.

Posted : January 7, 2020 5:05 PM
Posts: 1
New Member

Greg, I highly encourage you to invite Max back on ASAP to talk about the current Australian bushfire hellstorm that has been manufactured by the Australian government. Check out Max’s latest videos on the subject. There seems to be a lot to discuss now on this topic alone.

Posted : January 14, 2020 11:06 PM
Posts: 6
Active Member

I agree that this is the worst episode in over a year and one of the worst episodes period. I haven't logged into this forum but was so mad at Max Igan and Gordon White's response to the New Chronology issue I reset my password to come and say that:

Max Igan is a Racist, Homophobic, Transphobic rolling dumpster fire who is additionally racist against Jewish people and just a step short of being a Hitler apologist.

His "orphan train" arguments about the population being replaced are really stupid.

I would like to see more research done into the actual conspiracy theory that Scaliger changed the timeline and burnt the old books and helped non-royal families supplant all the royal families in Europe(especially including England), actual evidence on the ground from Siberia, etc.

Please keep seeking for speakers that deserve respect in this field, but Max Igan is just not one of them.

And if anus's weren't for fucking (sometimes) it wouldn't feel so good. Hah.

Posted : January 25, 2020 2:13 PM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

the other day i was watching a live show and in the video they were making fun of max and in the chat too. i had to tell then that hes a good guy and stuff.

Posted : January 25, 2020 4:50 PM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

Max is doing a disservice by hypothesizing the extreme possibilities on some observed anomalies. especially as he has a "following" who will take what is said as possible and turn it into absolute fact in their own minds.

The mud flood and reset every few hundred years has all the hallmarks of the hype around Planet X, killer asteroid, Flat earth, 2012, pole flip, etc etc etc.

Yes there are anomalies, if you compare the picture in your head you were told to believe by the schooling system, and what you've just seen on the internet.

But to make such extravagant claims even though he brackets them with "I'm just saying" "do you own research" etc without first doing some proper research is the same as click-bait headlines.

World wide mud flood and total resets just a few hundred years ago cannot be true in light of the fact that in the UK in a area not far from the River Thames in town called Colnbrook (notice brook means a small river) a place of natural flooding, stands a Pub that I have personally been drinking in, that dates from before Angkor Wat in Cambodia was built.

they even had sweeny todd style murders there with a hinged bed that would drop the guest into the murder room

Considering this evidence and continual documented history a cornerstone of global reset and mud floods crumbles.

Further evidence based research into possible localized floods etc is needed before crying "wolf"

Posted : January 26, 2020 4:44 AM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

Posted : January 28, 2020 5:14 PM