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Indie Video Games

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Topic starter took me awhile to figure out exactly what I wanted to do to get myself out of the 9 to 5 grind. It's still early in the process, but the goal is to start my own indie video game company. I've always loved video games and made a few demos, but I never took it seriously until now. I'm a software engineer by profession and I plan on using my skills to further my cause. I'll have more to show for once things start progressing a little further. If anyone is interested in collaborating I'm looking for developers, artists/graphic designers, and musicians. Also, if anyone has advice I would greatly appreciate if you share.

Posted : March 22, 2016 12:11 AM
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Thanks for the response. I would love to hear more game industry stories. I have a bit of experience with music as well, dealing with audio engineering, writing, and playing the guitar. I'm definitely looking forward to any assistance you can provide. As I said in the previous post, I'm still early in the process and I'm not ready to reveal too much until it's presentable... but here is a sample game track.

I'm looking for chiptune tracks specifically, but I am open to other track types as well.

Time consuming is an understatement, but I've been flirting around with the idea of creating a game with its plot centered around conspiratorial themes for awhile now. I don't have any more excuses to give, so now I'm just left with seeing my vision reach fruition 🙂

Posted : April 11, 2016 11:50 PM
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Just an update:

I'm still in the process of transitioning things over to indie games. I've been doing research, attending game events, reaching out to other game devs, and entering into game jams. It still will be awhile before I have a finished polished game to show, but here is a game I entered for game jolt's 2017 bear jam. Also if you don't know what game jam is, it is an event where game developers come together to produce a game in an allotted time usually having a specific theme. The theme for the bear jam was 'bears' and the time given was a week.

I've been actually having a great time pursuing this passion and I'll keep pressing on. In the next 3 months, I plan on launching a website dedicated to game design and critiques on pop culture. I'll send another update once I have something to show for it.

Posted : August 29, 2017 6:50 PM
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Another Update

Wow it has really been two years since I've put it out into the universe that this is the path I'm going to follow! I'm on my way to releasing and publishing my first game! All I can say is that this journey has been more rewarding (not much financially at least yet) than I originally envisioned! Within the next two months I'll be moving my first game into early access on steam.

Serenade of the Sirens is relatively small as I'm the sole developer on the project. It's a retro style roguelite dungeon crawler that is set underwater. I guess Chris Knowles's blogging about Sirens seeped into the theme of this game... Anyways, here are few screenshots below.

If you're interested in supporting this current and future projects please consider donating to my patreon.


Posted : July 24, 2018 1:22 PM
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Also, here is a link to the chiptune soundtrack for Serenade of the Sirens (WIP).

*Note: Sand Dunes Theme and Iceberg Depths Theme are the most complete tracks

Posted : July 24, 2018 1:31 PM
Posts: 632
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  • How cool! Giving me GenX video game
  • flashbacks & shitte.
  • All Hail Metroid=D
  • Hi Chuk,

  • Have you made other indie video games before?

  • Could swear I've seen your handle somewhere outside of here.

  • Question:
  • Generally speaking, How much time does it take from development to playable game?
    Perhaps we could use your latest development for this inquiry.

  • Question:
  • How much money does it take from development to final product?
  • For example: Would you mind sharing about how much actual dinero went into Serenade from start to finish?
    ( Not counting your time,as that is included in another metric.)

  • Question:
  • What would happen if an expert software engineer teamed up with a veeeery Hiiiiiiiigh (*bong rip) Hermetic Magician (with lots of V.C.) to develop a video game grimoire adventure that contained massive amounts of initiated material?

  • Like the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona Series ,expect FOR REAL!?

  • Does any of that make sense?
  • I haven't had my first cup of coffee yet & ya never know
  • before then. =)

  • Sound interesting?

  • Let's talk.

Posted : July 25, 2018 1:47 PM
Posts: 632
Honorable Member

Whoa. I'm just noticing the dates on these postings.
How are things coming along,man?

Are you still around working on indie games?
Hope all is well in your

Posted : July 25, 2018 3:22 PM
Posts: 64
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genxgemini wrote:

genxgemini wrote:

Generally speaking, How much time does it take from development to playable game?

Perhaps we could use your latest development for this inquiry.

This varies greatly depending on the scope of the project. Using my project as an example, I submitted this game in a game jam titled GameGirlJam on May 31st. The game jam started May 15th and I had a rough very basic playable version of the game within the first few days. Of course playable is entirely different from something that's viable for releasing. The game I had in two days was no where near what I submitted by the end of the game jam.

Usually game ideas are prototyped before they are fully developed. The goal is to test out the idea quickly and usually prototypes are built with this in mind.

genxgemini wrote:

genxgemini wrote:
How much money does it take from development to final product?

For example: Would you mind sharing about how much actual dinero went into Serenade from start to finish?

( Not counting your time,as that is included in another metric.)

My only costs for this game are the $100 fee to enter a game on the steam store and maybe about $500 all together for art work (not finished yet). I originally created the art myself but wanted better quality, so I contracted out the art so I can focus on the programming and design of the game. Also I'm a novice artist 🙂

Other than the contracted artist, I'm the only one working on this project. Usually games require marketing, but my marketing budget is $0 at the moment so I'm doing the workload for it. I'm sure I'll invest in marketing in the future. Grand Theft Auto 5 for instance took $265 million dollars to make. Roughly half of that went into marketing!

genxgemini wrote:

genxgemini wrote:

What would happen if an expert software engineer teamed up with a veeeery Hiiiiiiiigh (*bong rip) Hermetic Magician (with lots of V.C.) to develop a video game grimoire adventure that contained massive amounts of initiated material?

This is definitely possible. This is the kind of tone I would like to set my games in especially the further I get into it game development. I'm currently super busy working on my current game and I won't be free to take on another project for about 3 months. We can definitely try something out in the future!

You've also asked if this is the first indie game I've created. I've created demos, prototypes, game jam games, but I never published and released a full polished game before. This is my first time doing so and I'm learning a lot in the process. Thanks for asking!

Posted : July 25, 2018 10:11 PM
Posts: 64
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genxgemini wrote: Whoa. I'm just noticing the dates on these postings.
How are things coming along,man?

Are you still around working on indie games?
Hope all is well in your

My first post was from two years ago and my second post was a year later. I'm still working on indie games trying to improve my craft! My game will be in early access on steam within the next few months.

Posted : July 25, 2018 10:15 PM
Posts: 632
Honorable Member

Thanks for your response. I appreciate the answers.

Question: Do you work well with others or are you the techno-Alpha type?

Considering the numbers you shared, would a small $10,000 initial infusion be enough to get the aforementioned grimoire project off the ground in the development department?

Question: The rest of the season is quite busy for me,as well. Is 3 months a truly feasible time to project your availability?

Question: Do you follow any particular philosophy or organized thought? The Flying Spagetti Monster or Dudeism is perfectly acceptable =)

Question: Prepaid amount or royalty agreement? Which do you prefer?
Thanks for the info.

Posted : July 25, 2018 10:34 PM
Posts: 64
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genxgemini wrote:
Question: Do you work well with others or are you the techno-Alpha type?

Considering the numbers you shared, would a small $10,000 initial infusion be enough to get the aforementioned grimoire project off the ground in the development department?

I would like to think I work well with others. Before I left the software company I was at 4 months ago, I worked on various teams for 5 years. I've also worked on games with other people as well.

$10,000 may be sufficient to start off with a small scoped and sized game. Would you be will to elaborate more on the idea and concept? For example 3D art costs and development would be higher compared to 2D. If the game is an MMO, than $10,000 wouldn't be enough.

genxgemini wrote:

genxgemini wrote:
Question: The rest of the season is quite busy for me,as well. Is 3 months a truly feasible time to project your availability?

Question: Do you follow any particular philosophy or organized thought? The Flying Spagetti Monster or Dudeism is perfectly acceptable =)

I'm giving a rough estimate of when I'll be available but it's definitely not for certain. My main priority is shipping the game that I'm working on now, but it's hard to predict what issues will come up during development. On the low end it could be two months, but it's still a guess. Were you trying to start a project sooner, if so how soon?

I don't follow any particular philosophy or anything. From a metaphysical standpoint, I subscribed to christianity for a good portion of my life. Now that I'm older, I'm pretty open minded when it comes to spiritual and metaphysical topics. I don't really place myself in a category, but I would say I follow more of a magical world view than anything.

genxgemini wrote:
Question: Prepaid amount or royalty agreement? Which do you prefer?

Royalty agreement/rev sharing would be ideal. Projects do better the more people invested into the outcome!

Posted : July 25, 2018 11:12 PM
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Another note, Cultist Simulator sold 40,000 copies in it's first two weeks. I definitely think there is a market for that type of game.

Posted : July 25, 2018 11:16 PM
Posts: 632
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chukobyte wrote: Another note, Cultist Simulator sold 40,000 copies in it's first two weeks. I definitely think there is a market for that type of game.

40,0000 copies in the first two weeks?!?! Jesus! (No offense=);)

Yesssssssss,exactly the kind of genre I have in mind too. Plus, Cult Simulator is fun as hell to least,once you get the hang of it;)

I'm pleased to hear you work well with others. Same here,as long as there are clearly defined objectives & deadlines.

I understand your current project objectives & do not wish to interfere,if that is where your mind is at right now.

My intention is to kick off this project on the upcoming Winter Solstice. If we miss that one, Our next window would be March 15. These starts dates are hard-coded/immutable & must be adhered to in order to guarantee the do I say....attention is paid to our efforts.;)

I will dedicate the next blog post to the description of the game I have vision for.
Please know I am 100% serious about the potential of collaboration.
Anything mentioned and/or offered is backed with realness IRL.
Thanks for taking the time to respond=)

Posted : July 25, 2018 11:43 PM
Posts: 64
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genxgemini wrote: Whoa,Chuk-
40,0000 copies in the first week?!?! Jesus! Yesssssssss,exactly the kind of genre I have in mind. Plus, Cult Simulator is fun as hell to least for a little while;)

I'm pleased to hear you work well with others. Same here,as long as there are clearly defined objectives & deadlines.

I understand your current project objectives & do not wish to interfere,if that is where your mind is at right now.

My intention is to kick off this project on the upcoming Winter Solstice. If we miss that one, Our next window would be March 15. These dates are hard-coded & must be adhered to in order to guarantee the do I say....attention is paid to our efforts.

I will dedicate the next blog post to the description of the game I have vision for.
Please know I am 100% serious about the potential of collaboration.
Anything mentioned and/or offered is backed with realness.
Thanks for taking the time to respond=)

I agree with what you say. March 15th would be best I think. Question, you're trying to release the game on this state, start the project on this date, or something else?

One of the reason I'm publishing this game is to show proof that I'm a finisher. I'm completely serious as well as long as there are objectives and deadlines just as you've mentioned. We can discuss the project further so that we can work out what is feasible in whatever allotted time frame.

Posted : July 26, 2018 12:02 AM
Posts: 632
Honorable Member

chukobyte wrote: I agree with what you say. March 15th would be best I think. Question, you're trying to release the game on this state, start the project on this date, or something else?

One of the reason I'm publishing this game is to show proof that I'm a finisher. I'm completely serious as well as long as there are objectives and deadlines just as you've mentioned. We can discuss the project further so that we can work out what is feasible in whatever allotted time frame.

Those are dates for the team to initially get together to christen & officially begin work on the project.
Release date has yet to be determined. By the end of next year, FOR SURE. One way or another.

P.S. Although The House would have this entire expense covered from the inside. I'm thinking a LOT of
Folks would want to get in on this development,considering it's Nature.
Esoteric Crowd-sourcing would be a fun option to explore as an afterthought.

Posted : July 26, 2018 12:05 AM
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