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Posted : July 6, 2020 2:06 AM
Posts: 93
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sofahkingfoxy wrote: The way I see it now is everyone including the controllers - hopefully - are fucked anyway. Fukushima is a slow extinction event and the pole shift is already underway. To anyone who survives, my advise is to exterminate any surviving elite without hesitation. For this, do not allow your empathy to be your downfall.

I'm ready to eat the rich. i saw a thing on youtube by yahoo. 5 billionaires in the US Gates, Zuckerberg guy Ive not heard of, Bazos, and Warren Buffet made 600 billion in the last few months. the next day or so I saw talk of bailing out Buffet for his losses. Literally turned my stomach.

sofahkingfoxy wrote: The controllers have trained and conditioned the sheeple well. Ironic that we’re the object of ridicule but they’re the ones allowing us all to be doomed. I only hope they realize what they’ve done before they themselves go down.

Funny how fast the tune changed when the "protesters" went to the Mayors house in Washington. )CHOP/CHAZ)

Posted : July 6, 2020 3:01 AM
Posts: 93
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orchid20 wrote: If you have an android phone, the contact tracing app was automatically downloaded onto it through a Google update a while ago. No choice there. You can still choose to "turn it off" by going to settings > Google > Covid 19 exposure notifications.

I can confirm. Its on my phone. I keep my bluetooth and GPS off most of the time. But its not all that uncommon that I turn them. So I tried that. Now it says I have to download a "participating" app. Not that thats reassuring.
How fast can this be developed? (At least the underlying software) Is it doable in a couple of months and be pushed out?

Posted : July 6, 2020 3:42 AM
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harpoonharry wrote: Is

Is that tracing through the Android phone the same for iphones?

There's been a push from the Australian Government for everyone to download the Covid tracing app - no thanks Scomo.

What's everyone's thoughts on Ghislaine Maxwell getting caught? I'd imagine there'd be some people sweating bullets. Lets hope she sings like a bird and rats them all in 🙂

The iphone has it too, apparently it needs to be enabled by the user... for now:

About Ghislaine, first thing I checked was whatever Whitney Webb (The Last American Vagabond) has to say. She's not too impressed, says that the charges Maxwell can actually be convicted for would result in just a slap on the hand - not anywhere near the caliber that Epstein would have been done for. I literally just learned the term "limited hangout" in the past few weeks but this still seems like one 😉

Posted : July 6, 2020 4:58 AM
Posts: 93
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About Ghislaine, first thing I checked was whatever Whitney Webb (The Last American Vagabond) has to say. She's not too impressed, says that the charges Maxwell can actually be convicted for would result in just a slap on the hand - not anywhere near the caliber that Epstein would have been done for. I literally just learned the term "limited hangout" in the past few weeks but this still seems like one 😉

I dont see how these unspeakable crimes could possibly amount to a slap on the wrist. But even so, what about all the dirt on everyone else?

Posted : July 6, 2020 6:34 AM
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From what I gathered, Webb was frustrated with the legal system because the charges are for something like transporting a minor across state lines for purposes of abuse, and not with actual abuse, which from testimony Maxwell certainly seems guilty of. I'm obviously not a lawyer but I would be concerned that a lot of good evidence against her for other charges will be thrown out in the plea bargaining. That and a possibility that she will just accept whatever Martha Stewart style sentencing she'll get rather than talk, or that she will wind up like Epstein.

Posted : July 6, 2020 4:37 PM
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Victorian Premier (State Governor in American terms) already on the front foot with the 'second wave', new "COVID normal' and the mass mandatory vaccination rhetoric.

Daniel Andrews what a POS

Posted : July 7, 2020 1:31 AM
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harpoonharry wrote:

Victorian Premier (State Governor in American terms) already on the front foot with the 'second wave', new "COVID normal' and the mass mandatory vaccination rhetoric.

Daniel Andrews what a POS

Agreed. At least it looks like a lot of the replies were blasting him.

I'm starting to see some changes with school vaccine exemption provisions over here with some states, like Colorado. Not doing away with non-medical exemptions, just making them a bit more unpleasant to obtain.

I think we're going to be the frog in the slowly boiling pot of water with this stuff if we are not careful.

Posted : July 7, 2020 6:16 AM
Posts: 55
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orchid20 wrote: Agreed. At least it looks like a lot of the replies were blasting him.

I'm starting to see some changes with school vaccine exemption provisions over here with some states, like Colorado. Not doing away with non-medical exemptions, just making them a bit more unpleasant to obtain.

I think we're going to be the frog in the slowly boiling pot of water with this stuff if we are not careful.

The public backlash is refreshing to see. More people are starting to see through the BS

Frog in the slow boiling water - absolutely. Once installed the governments rarely hand it back.

Posted : July 7, 2020 11:53 PM
Posts: 93
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orchid20 wrote: From what I gathered, Webb was frustrated with the legal system because the charges are for something like transporting a minor across state lines for purposes of abuse, and not with actual abuse, which from testimony Maxwell certainly seems guilty of. I'm obviously not a lawyer but I would be concerned that a lot of good evidence against her for other charges will be thrown out in the plea bargaining. That and a possibility that she will just accept whatever Martha Stewart style sentencing she'll get rather than talk, or that she will wind up like Epstein.

Maybe thats to give them wiggle room to make a deal. If they charge It with the full crimes the world might be upset if they offer a deal. For damn good reason.

Posted : July 8, 2020 1:33 AM
Posts: 162
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metalegs wrote: I can confirm. Its on my phone. I keep my bluetooth and GPS off most of the time. But its not all that uncommon that I turn them. So I tried that. Now it says I have to download a "participating" app. Not that thats reassuring.
How fast can this be developed? (At least the underlying software) Is it doable in a couple of months and be pushed out?

Am willing to bet these apps have been waiting on the sideline for quite awhile.
Google has been caught more than once tracking both android & iPhones through one’s google account.

i’m pretty sure turning off Bluetooth, WiFi, and cellular data & location services won’t disable your GPS. I think when you said you turn off your GPS you mean turning off location. As I recall, shutting off your phone or turning on airplane mode won’t stop geolocating a phone. I’m no expert so correct me if I’m wrong here... Location tracking is done 2 ways: 1. Via cell towers as your phone connects from one tower to the next as you travel. 2. Via GPS satellites communicating with the GPS in your phone. The GPS is still accessing the battery so turning off the phone doesn’t turn off tracking. I think in order to disable the GPS, the battery must be dead or removed or put your phone in a signal blocking case.

A phone wrapped in aluminum foil can’t receive calls (<— Edit: yes it can) so maybe the GPS signals are also blocked? Isn’t aluminum used for Faraday cages? You can get GPS signal blocking devices to block transmission if you’re worried that a GPS device might have been put on your car by a stalker. Not that you’d wrap your car in foil, (that’s silly yuk yuk) but that device’s technology made me wonder if GPS can penetrate a Faraday cage.

Here’s where it gets interesting. Not wanting to rely on my memory I searched about phones being tracked when shut off. The articles I found only talked about turning off location services or said turning off location services turns off GPS, nothing about turning off the phone. The more promising results wouldn’t open or returned an error message. And then I found the following. I’m sorry I didn’t copy the link, only took screen shots.

And this is what I found when I opened the link. It never said anything about NSA.

I found this article and it doesn’t explain things the way I understand it to work:
And this article talks about fake towers activating GPS. With the levels of corruption today, I’m sticking with my unqualified stance that GPS can’t be disabled and there’s no need for a fake anything to activate it.

Posted : August 9, 2020 1:33 AM
Posts: 93
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sofahkingfoxy wrote: Am willing to bet these apps have been waiting on the sideline for quite awhile.
Google has been caught more than once tracking both android & iPhones through one’s google account.

Thanks for all the work on the material. I agree we have not been able to block our location since enhanced 911 came out and even before.
I still switch it off because if they are going to invade my privacy then damn it they are going to have to get their hands dirty. I wont do it for them even if it is a token gesture, I have no illusion that the entity that created the system has any limit to access to my data.
I live in an area where we will likely never have enhanced 911 but its still possible to use cell towers to get close. except there arnt many cell towers to triangulate around here. And wifi calling confuses everything. Course I'm talking emergency services not Google.

I wonder about a simple aluminum wrap. Copper is usually used in faraday cages but I bet aluminum would do the job. You can buy silver material now and make a pocket for it. {Edit: added) I dont know what material microwaves use, probably aluminum, but they are effectively faraday cages to trap microwaves. We could put our phones in them to block signal. Leave it off of course! (end edit)
BTW to sweep for a tracker or listening device you can use a portable AM radio tuned to noise. Use the antenna to look for changes in static. Works best for transmitters.

When I mentioned pushing out the software I should have been clearer. I try to keep my posts short. Too short and unclear usually.
I dont know how long it takes to make an app that tracks you and the database it reports to then interprets the data and outputs in a usable form. But I bet its not fast. I meant to imply that it was started long ago if its ready to be put into use.

Posted : August 10, 2020 2:04 AM
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