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THC Community-funded Family Leave for Mr. Carlwood?

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Toooootally agree with this sentiment. They deserve to spend as much time together as needed to create their new bond - plus the sleepless night, holy crap that's a bitch! Take all the time you need. A few 'best ofs', 'season's highlights', stuff like that is totally fine.

Truly the first few weeks are beyond precious and should be spent together as much as possible, to adjust to the new situation.

(Oh and Greg, the first few weeks are the hardest, after that it keeps getting easier and easier... Have faith in that during the sleepless nights when there's crying for no apparent reason and the only thing you can do is lose your mind whilst you keep pacing around with the baby in your arms till it falls asleep. It always turns out well eventually!)

Good luck and enjoy it all, becoming a parent is the best thing I've ever done in my life!

Posted : September 12, 2021 6:07 PM
Posts: 326
Bossman Admin

You guys are great! It means a lot that a sizable chunk of people would be okay with a month off for the occasion, but even if 90% of Plus Members are okay with it, it's not everyone. Call me crazy, but I think I can do both. I've got 9 interviews scheduled for Sept and most of my work is prep/recording. So even if my wrap ups are short and sweet in Oct, everyone still gets what they paid for.

I've been absorbing so much advice about that first 30 days, and I feel about as prepared as I can be, though I know it will be demanding. They say it's all worth it, let's hope so!

Posted : September 12, 2021 7:41 PM
Posts: 3
New Member

I just joined and I am super cool with continuing a subscription through this! There is enough older stuff to sift through in the meantime! Best wishes on the new arrival!

Posted : September 13, 2021 1:41 AM
Posts: 13
Eminent Member

Completely support this. A few best of episodes would be cool. Or we can just browse the archive to get our fix. Those first few weeks are insane. Greg shouldn't need to worry about anything but surviving, bonding, and keeping a new human alive. I know he puts a lot into every interview. He's better informed than any other host I listen to. That alone takes a huge amount of time. And that's just the prep for the show. As he said babies never come when they are supposed to. I'm sure scheduling interviews in advance complicates things a bit. I hope the guests are understanding and flexible as well. I don't think any of us will hold it against Greg if we miss a certain guest because he can't reschedule. We'll still be here and eventually the guest will too.

Posted : September 13, 2021 10:51 AM
Posts: 2
New Member

hisich wrote:
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I wanted to suggest that THC Plus subscribers afford Greg Carlwood a month off from podcasting when the baby comes. Greg provides a hell of a lot of content (great content at that) for the $8/month he charges and I think it would be great if Plus Members did him a solid by maintaining their memberships while he goes through the initial month of being a new dad, helping out wife, adjusting to having a newborn, etc., without the stress of trying to maintain his usual output.

I don't think a huge portion of the Plus Members use these forums, I know I don't very much, so maybe Greg could float this idea (and make it very clear this idea came from an actual subscriber) after an upcoming podcast. He has built up a ton of goodwill among his supporters & I would like to think most (if not 100%) of them would agree w/my suggestion. And, really, it is only $8 apiece.

I'm definitely in and maybe a baby shower or something similar

Posted : September 13, 2021 3:21 PM
Posts: 181
Estimable Member

Awwww everybody cares about Greg and his family so much!
I love the THC fam big time!! Xoxo

Posted : September 14, 2021 8:34 PM
Posts: 13
Active Member

Greg says no, but I say yes.

Edit: The customer is always right.

Posted : September 19, 2021 11:01 PM
Posts: 1
New Member

I thik great idea,I have paid in past and for 1 month never listened,so yeah Greg has maintained excellent topics..

Posted : September 29, 2021 3:28 AM
Posts: 1
New Member

hisich wrote:
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I wanted to suggest that THC Plus subscribers afford Greg Carlwood a month off from podcasting when the baby comes. Greg provides a hell of a lot of content (great content at that) for the $8/month he charges and I think it would be great if Plus Members did him a solid by maintaining their memberships while he goes through the initial month of being a new dad, helping out wife, adjusting to having a newborn, etc., without the stress of trying to maintain his usual output.

I don't think a huge portion of the Plus Members use these forums, I know I don't very much, so maybe Greg could float this idea (and make it very clear this idea came from an actual subscriber) after an upcoming podcast. He has built up a ton of goodwill among his supporters & I would like to think most (if not 100%) of them would agree w/my suggestion. And, really, it is only $8 apiece.

I’m all for it!!! I love this idea!! Greg works so hard and he totally deserves time off to spend with his family.

Posted : September 29, 2021 2:37 PM
Posts: 1354
Member Moderator

Just as an update, Greg posted the following donation links for those who feel so inclined to help out 🙂

Posted : October 2, 2021 9:26 AM
Posts: 12
Active Member

Great idea. I totally support it. Lots of love for greg and the higherside clan.

Posted : October 2, 2021 8:44 PM
Posts: 8
Active Member

@silentpsi please reach out to me here asap

Posted : January 31, 2022 4:29 AM
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