Last seen: December 15, 2022 6:10 PM
@jadeheart Right on man thank you for the great response. Well I guess to answer some of your questions directly...no I don't think the the homestea...
@jadeheart Right on jadeheart thank you for the great response. Unfortunately that doesn't really help me much. I'm down with the whole finding yourse...
@thekiller151 Agreed. Sometimes clichés are clichés for a reason.
@mutley_plain So what where your thoughts on the ideas expressed by David in the podcast? Do you think medicine has been controlled by a certain group...
@jadeheart Yes I agree with both your points. If they wanted to depopulate the earth, they could do it in a much quicker way. Maybe the argument again...
@icedmocha1 no problem I appreciate the thought provoking topic.
Thank you for the very detailed response. Some really good stats and facts. However, I don't know if it answers the question any better. These stats...
@cloudcity terrible counter argument my friend
This is the problem with taking a metaphor literally. Of course you can have movies/stories, or whatever medium you want to bring up, with no villain ...
Recognition of natural immunity would also be high of good arguments against vaccine mandates. In recent debates I've had with people that support vac...
orchid20 wrote: The more I think about it, there are two options if things go south (of course if things go south they will do so very quickly and so ...
orchid20 wrote: Reading this in the Portland, OR burbs (aka Masktopia), wishing I was 2 states east. *sigh* Continuing the off-topic path but the...