true hallucinations- mckenna
perennial philosophy - huxley - connects the dots in religion just like this show connects the dots through like minded people. (truth seekers)
invisible landscapes (mckenna)
the secret history of the world - mark booth ( hes been on the show, wow!)
anything buy the pot smoking Indiana Jones himself the MR. Graham Hancock!!!!!
collected works of lovecraft....... seem to have a deep (something) in them..... hard for me to express this linguistically
Tibetan book of the dead
1984 ------- you should start here..... before you listen to any of these shows.
the heart of buddha teachings by thich nhat hanh to help you from losing your mind when the wool gets pulled back
ps....... the sigil magick that grant morrison describes works............................................ (not alwyas a good thing)

The book that all started for me was Gods of Eden by William Bramley
It has an 'alien spin' but it definitely convinced me that world events probably don't happen organically. This book made me question the dark ages, plagues, St. Germain etc.

Solomon's Proof by Rashan Barcuse
I'm still reading the book (it's a hefty tome with the second half dedicated to various appendices that support the claims made) but have had several personal ah-ha moments and nodded along in agreement to many of the facts annotated in the footnotes or appendices that I feel this is something folks on TCH+ would totally dig.
That said, you can get the heart of the matter on the website: http://www.solomonsproof.com/

I'd be interested in that hammer1. How do I contact her?

Tales from the time loop by Icke
Mayan factor jose arguilles
Behold a pale horse bill cooper

I'm through about 40 pages of The Key to the Universe by Curtiss. Q is right on the money.

People have the books nailed, so I thought I'd include my other favorite podcasts:
NoAgendaShow.com A bi-weekly comedy show that riffs on news media and catches them when they accidentally reveal the truth.
PeaceRevolution.org Long form history podcasts, exploring various conspiratorial topics with a mountain of synchronistic audio clips.
Agenda31.org Discussing the complicated nature of Citizenship in America, and taking a low risk, high reward approach to engaging with GovCo.
I'd tell you all about THC, but I have a feeling you might have heard of that one... =P

Love Colin Wilsons books.
And add Graham Hancock to that list

Magical Knowledge books 1, 2 and 3 by Josephine McCarthy. I wish I'd had these years ago. Also Magic of the North Gate. And The Exorcist's Handbook for a non-hysterical take on exorcism.
I still love Dion Fortune's books too.
Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus trilogy is a blast. While I'm on the theme, Neal Stephenson's Baroque trilogy and Cryptonomicon. Iain M Banks's sci-fi series set in the Culture.
Antifragile by Nassim Taleb.
Joseph Farrell's stuff.
Gordon White's Starships.
Egyptian Book of the Dead; Tibetan Book of the Dead.
The Bible - useful source of magical info.
I'll be back with more.

I highly recommend M Scott Peck "People of The Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil"
I read this book about 25 years ago, but I don't remember the 'Hope for Healing' part being in the title. At the time I wasn't aware that M Scott Peck is a considered a self-help guru. I wouldn't have even considered reading the book had I knowm! I also don't remember this book being about self-help. I do remember being thoroughly freaked out that he was an MD and actually believed that an evil force does exist in the world, and that people can be possessed by it. He gave in-depth, compelling case studies he'd seen in his psychiatric patients. One needs not have a medical background in order to understand and appreciate what he says. He described evil people as those who must cause havoc in the lives of those around them and that they attack others instead of facing their own failures.
From an Amazon review by Brad C. Pape:
1. The evil hide their motives with lies.
2. Evil people want to appear to be good.
3. When confronted by evil, the wisest and most secure adult will usually experience confusion.
4. Evil seeks to discourage others to think for themselves (fosters dependency).
5. To oppose evil we must have an ongoing dedication to reality at all cost.

Anything by Nesta Webster is informative and well researched.

i can't recommend a specific selection from this, but it is quite a large (if awkward and unorganized) collection of esoteric books for downloading or reading online.
link is to a google drive page.
click on "1 - BOOKS"
then "1 - AUTHORS"
from there, you have many folders sorted from "high tier authors" to "low tier authors"
author names within each folder are then sorted alphabetically by FIRST name .
so its pretty hard to find specific things you might want. looking for a specific author you'll have to check each "tier" folder and then scroll the names to see if your author is there.
on the other hand there's ALL KINDS of weird shit i have never even heard of, so in that sense the archive is much better for just browsing around and looking for interesting things.

Ritual Abuse and Mind Control: The Manipulation of Attachment Needs describes Ritual Abuse from the perspective of a psychiatrist. Informative and partly gruesome, but different from the typical survivor stories.
People who have survived ritual abuse or mind control experiments have often been silenced, accused of lying, mocked and disbelieved. Clinicians working with survivors often find themselves isolated, facing the same levels of disbelief and denial from other professionals within the mental health field. This report - based on proceedings from a conference on the subject - presents knowledge and experience from both clinicians and survivors to promote understanding and recovery from organized and ritual abuse, mind control and programming. The book combines clinical presentations, survivors' voices, and research material to help address the ways in which we can work clinically with mind control and cult programming from the perspective of relational psychotherapy.
(A good source for books is bookzz.org, use it at your own risk. I use it to decide whether to buy a book or not.)

cuttingthroughthematrix.com is where it all started for me.

has anyone ever read Trance formation Of America? craaaaaazy book. cant understand how someone named in this book hasnt sued for slander if its all bullshit.
TRANCE Formation of America is the first documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O'Brien is the only vocal and recovered survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency's MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation. Tracing her path from child pornography and recruitment into the program to serving as a top-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave, TRANCE Formation of America is a definitive eye-witness account of government corruption that implicates some of the most prominent figures in U.S. politics.
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