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Plague Rats

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This past week, someone called me/us, the unvaccinated, "plague rats." A day later, someone posted that (after going to raves for several weekends in a row) they tested positive for covid even though they're vaccinated - and it's the unvaccinated's fault, of course. Other people I know have spent their time over the past week "calling out" artists who are anti vaxx. Soo I guess my question is... did I miss something in the mainstream media recently that caused an uptick in hatred towards those of us who wish to remain medically sovereign? Is all of this coming JUST from drummed up covid numbers and propaganda about unvaccinated dying covid patients begging for a vaccine? Is this happening where you live? How are you dealing with it? Do you lie about being vaccinated? (I have been!)

Posted : July 25, 2021 2:28 PM
Posts: 232
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It's definitely the mainstream media reporting that most cases currently are unvaccinated people.
And all the vaccine passports that have been proposed place the vaccinated in a place of privilege where they are not even required to be tested. False sense of protection and safety which leads to a superiority complex...we live in a time mow more than ever where a lot of people are craving a feeling of superiority over others

I haven't lied so far. I might just start telling people who ask and who are clearly pro, that I don't want to talk about it.

Posted : July 25, 2021 2:51 PM
Posts: 29
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If you’ve ever read Manufacturing Consent, you can skip this post.
Don’t lie about it. It’s a part of message control called “Self Censorship”
If we’re willing to just go along with the flow and not rock the boat, half of the job of control is done already.

Posted : July 25, 2021 5:31 PM
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Well here's the deal with the lying... it's not as black and white as it may seem. I don't have any desire to lie, but if it comes down to "survival" purposes, I'm gonna do what I need to do. I'm a musician and was about to play a live show in front of a large audience. The person running sound randomly asked me if I was vaccinated in front of the show organizer (the person paying me) who is a raging socialist so I said yes in order to be left the heck alone before I had to step on stage. Beyond that I don't go around telling people I'm vaccinated when I'm not.

Posted : July 25, 2021 5:49 PM
Posts: 181
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I’m lying about it sometimes and sometimes not… It’s easier to say that I got the jab so I don’t have to explain myself to a potentially hostile questioner to whom I’ve got no connection.
But when it comes to people who I associate with, I’m honest about it.

Posted : July 26, 2021 12:47 AM
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Dehumanization is a sure symptom that signals they've been infected with the divide-and-conquer parasite, and it's not good.
Reminds me of this tweet by Luke Rudkowski

[SPOILER=Steps to genocide][IMG width=524px] [/IMG][/SPOILER]

Posted : July 26, 2021 10:10 AM
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Dang it feels like we're getting deep into the ten steps of genocide, yikes! Thanks for sharing that!

Last year, when this began, I was extremely vocal about how I feel and where I stand as far as medical sovereignty is concerned. Personally, I've had an immune disorder for most of my life and I've managed it homeopathically for the past 9 years so being forced into pharmaceuticals is something I'm passionately against. Funny thing though, once the George Floyd stuff happened I took a break from social media and when I came back the goldfish brains completely forgot I'm not in favor of restrictions and vaccinations. lol ahh it makes me laugh, even though it shouldn't. But anyways, once I realized the goofs didn't remember where I stand politically I decided to reposition myself and try to blend in as much as possible. I live near Denton, TX which sits directly on the 33rd degree latitude line... if you're getting my drift... so the indoctrination around here has been STRONG. If these people (my colleagues, unfortunately) were to find out I'm unvaccinated and have zero plans on ever taking one they will try and ruin my career. My boyfriend and I have been honest with our families and certain friends, but other than that we're just trying to stay low key - because these low key days are numbered!

Posted : July 26, 2021 12:10 PM
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

1: I don’t have social media, so I’m out of my depth when talking about those topics.
2: I don’t live in a big city so it tends to be more red than blue
3: I’m a bearded combat vet, that looks like he’d be fine back in combat.
4: it’s very rare that I don’t have either our bulldog or cane corso at my side.

So with those things being considered, I’m assuming folks don’t speak to me in the same manner that they may speak to you.

with these things being taken into account, I’ll just have to agree to disagree and see myself out of this conversation. Best of luck to you in all this.

Posted : July 26, 2021 1:53 PM
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Teratiodllama wrote:
1: I don’t have social media, so I’m out of my depth when talking about those topics.
2: I don’t live in a big city so it tends to be more red than blue
3: I’m a bearded combat vet, that looks like he’d be fine back in combat.
4: it’s very rare that I don’t have either our bulldog or cane corso at my side.

So with those things being considered, I’m assuming folks don’t speak to me in the same manner that they may speak to you.

with these things being taken into account, I’ll just have to agree to disagree and see myself out of this conversation. Best of luck to you in all this.

If you're not being called a plague rat or having to balance the fine line of honesty versus safety/having a career then I would consider yourself lucky

Posted : July 26, 2021 2:31 PM
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Teratiodllama wrote:
1: I don’t have social media, so I’m out of my depth when talking about those topics.
2: I don’t live in a big city so it tends to be more red than blue
3: I’m a bearded combat vet, that looks like he’d be fine back in combat.
4: it’s very rare that I don’t have either our bulldog or cane corso at my side.

So with those things being considered, I’m assuming folks don’t speak to me in the same manner that they may speak to you.

with these things being taken into account, I’ll just have to agree to disagree and see myself out of this conversation. Best of luck to you in all this.

Also, for what it's worth, some of the worst indoctrination has taken place within the artistic community. Artists are an extremely easy target to manipulate because for one, most of them already feel disenfranchised, and even the ones who don't are still struggling to find/make their place in society. Art schools are merely over priced propaganda machines (no offense to any art school students/graduates!) and the intelligence operations have been THICK within the artistic communities for years. About 8 years ago, the graduating class from the University of North Texas began injecting the non-binary hooplah into the community I'm a part of. It wasn't organic, it didn't stem from the organic struggles of university students, the rhetoric was taught to them by the university faculty. The point I'm trying to make here is that the people I'm surrounded by and have to work with are as indoctrinated as it gets. They love their overlords and they're actively seeking out those who aren't complying - in an effort to actively ruin their lives. People love to sit back and say if you're not resisting 100% then you're doing it wrong, but there is no right or wrong way to do this, and all of our situations are unique. If you're reading this and are in a position to resist 100% then I applaud you, but some of us are going to have to navigate this mess in a less than orderly fashion

Posted : July 26, 2021 2:41 PM
Posts: 240
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AlienneSlam wrote:
This past week, someone called me/us, the unvaccinated, "plague rats." A day later, someone posted that (after going to raves for several weekends in a row) they tested positive for covid even though they're vaccinated - and it's the unvaccinated's fault, of course. Other people I know have spent their time over the past week "calling out" artists who are anti vaxx. Soo I guess my question is... did I miss something in the mainstream media recently that caused an uptick in hatred towards those of us who wish to remain medically sovereign? Is all of this coming JUST from drummed up covid numbers and propaganda about unvaccinated dying covid patients begging for a vaccine? Is this happening where you live? How are you dealing with it? Do you lie about being vaccinated? (I have been!)

It is really a concerted effort--from my judgement it's their last hope to try and deflect blame. The "Delta" variant is a nothing burger (from UK data it looks about half as deadly as the seasonal flu) and the will have cried wolf so many times nobody will believe them anymore.

They know that regardless of how effective the vaccinations are or are not--this winter the majority of those who die with Covid will be vaccinated--and that's going to make them completely lose whatever threads of legitimacy they have, so they are trying to preempt it by blaming the unvaxxed.

The problem in the US for them is two-fold: 1. Federalism means there can't be any kind of national vaccine passport, and states that adopt one state wide stand too much to lose from competition for things like conferences to other states, so outside of Universities/some hyper-woke work places, they are a no go (they can't even mandate them in the White House), and 2. A large proportion of the minority population is anti-vax/vaccine hesitant (rightly so, they know first hand why you can't trust "the Man"), this makes up too large a contingent of the Democratic voter base, combine that with counter-culture types on the left and "don't-tread-on-me" types on the right, they can't get a functional political alignment going in the United States without something much worse than delta coming along.

Outside the US, I'm afraid things don't look so good.

Posted : July 26, 2021 4:44 PM
Posts: 240
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AlienneSlam wrote:
Well here's the deal with the lying... it's not as black and white as it may seem. I don't have any desire to lie, but if it comes down to "survival" purposes, I'm gonna do what I need to do. I'm a musician and was about to play a live show in front of a large audience. The person running sound randomly asked me if I was vaccinated in front of the show organizer (the person paying me) who is a raging socialist so I said yes in order to be left the heck alone before I had to step on stage. Beyond that I don't go around telling people I'm vaccinated when I'm not.

More people are doing that than you realize. When I worked at the hospital, I saw the data first hand, a quarter to a third of doctors were forgoing the shot---but everyone but me I talked to kept praising it and bragging about getting it--the numbers didn't add up.

Posted : July 26, 2021 4:47 PM
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jh1517 wrote:
More people are doing that than you realize. When I worked at the hospital, I saw the data first hand, a quarter to a third of doctors were forgoing the shot---but everyone but me I talked to kept praising it and bragging about getting it--the numbers didn't add up.

That's a good point about how they're prepping for the winter blame campaign. It definitely seems worse outside of the US, but I feel like some sort of something will eventually happen in the US - no clue how that would play out or what it would look like, but the people I know 100% want to legislate "safety."

Wow I can't believe so many doctors passed on the shot, that's pretty cool. I guess it doesn't do much for the greater good if we're all lying about it - but you gotta do what you gotta do!

Posted : July 26, 2021 6:09 PM
Posts: 240
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AlienneSlam wrote:
That's a good point about how they're prepping for the winter blame campaign. It definitely seems worse outside of the US, but I feel like some sort of something will eventually happen in the US - no clue how that would play out or what it would look like, but the people I know 100% want to legislate "safety."

Wow I can't believe so many doctors passed on the shot, that's pretty cool. I guess it doesn't do much for the greater good if we're all lying about it - but you gotta do what you gotta do!

I don't blame normal people for lying to keep their heads down. The doctors are just plain despicable cowards.

Posted : July 26, 2021 6:16 PM
Posts: 232
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jh1517 wrote:
More people are doing that than you realize. When I worked at the hospital, I saw the data first hand, a quarter to a third of doctors were forgoing the shot---but everyone but me I talked to kept praising it and bragging about getting it--the numbers didn't add up.

My mum works in a hospital and we don't know the numbers but the more she quietly speaks about it with certain colleagues the more she realises how many are refusing. Her immediate team have all given in except her and she was feeling the pressure but i gave her a little peptalk and then after that, that's when she came back and told me theres more people hesitant than she first realised.

I still don't believe the official vaxed numbers. Last I heard it was 87% in the UK with first dose

Posted : July 27, 2021 8:41 AM
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