DOUBLE BINDS, SCHIZOPHRENIA, WORLD MIND CONTROL a formula proven to work in 2022
It is the oldest trick in the book, literally.
A double bind is a mental man-trap that can be superficially described as a “Damned if you do, Damned if you don’t” paradoxical communication.
Here is an example. An attorney asks you in court:
“Have you stopped beating your wife?”
But a schizophrenia generating double bind has a twist to it.
It involves a deep emotional attachment of the victim to the predator.
In other words it leverages love like a judo move but it does it in a way so subtle that it goes unnoticed to the perception of the victim.
Because of the relationship the child or victim cannot escape and must respond. The victim does not have the option to leave the relationship. Children are especially vulnerable because of their limited experience in life.
Your wife asks you…
”If there was one thing that you could change about me physically what would it be?”
Even silence is a bad choice in such a situation. The longer you remain silent the worse it gets.
This is often done to a child by a mother that doesn’t love him because he was born out of wedlock. He is and has always been unwanted and she views him as a drag on her life. He loves her but she secretly hates him. So she pretends to love him and yet he picks up on the metacommunication she is sending out. She tells him she loves him but does not demonstrate it correctly. Her words say one thing but he feels another message entirely.
A child draws near for a hug but his mother pulls away.
When he stops short she says,
“Don’t you love me anymore?”
This confuses him so he goes for the hug a second time and she says,
“Go to bed, you’re tired and I want you to get your sleep.”
He knows he is not tired but he cannot question her judgment.
COVID Example:
Your government announces:
Bioweapons are bad. But we need to make them to find cures for them. They escape occasionally but we are closer to finding a cure.
This occurs in our minds because metacommunication is important for framing HOW we should process a statement. Without it we cannot accurately differentiate between sarcasm and direct communication. We cannot differentiate between hostility and play, posturing and real aggression, jealousy and rejection, facts and comedy. Really, a joke’s punchline is funny to us because it causes a complete reevaluation of the metacommunication of the story. Metacommunication occurs even in animals but in humans it is conveyed via facial expressions, actions, hand motions, tone of voice, rolling of the eyes, etc. It is learned by observation during childhood as a crucial supplement to the language.
When kittens wrestle they sometimes act like they are fighting to the death but they are playing and they each know it. How did they communicate it to each other?
METACOMMUNICATION – Framing the context of your words
Metacommunicative messages are:
“What do you mean?”
“Why did you do that?”
“Are you kidding me?”
Children do not get sarcasm. It needs to be interpreted for them.
The child who has not yet learned metacommunication will receive mixed signals. If this is repeated throughout his life he will not know how to act or think. He will never be sure of another person’s motives for that person’s statements. He must always choose between literal and covert. This is schizophrenia. 2 minds. 2 ways a sentence can be interpreted.
This is why schizophrenics tend to speak in metaphors that to normal people seem like word salads or non-sequiter outbursts.
Example: A psychiatrist was late for his appointment with a schizophrenic patient. The patient could not ask, “Why were you late? Is it because you don’t want to see me today?” That would be an accusation. So he turns it into a metaphor of what he wishes to say, “I knew a fellow who missed a boat once. His name was Sam and the boat almost sunk.” The metaphor brings safety. It gives him a way to weasel out of a potential double bind and not offend his analyst. It is a way of avoiding impossible situations.
Imagine a child growing up in a secluded rural setting in a family that spoke in NOTHING but sarcastic language. How would it affect that child’s mind? How would he react to the outside world when he finally encountered it 20 years later?
THAT, my friends is what schizophrenia is really like. Is it any different than brainwashing in a North Korean detention center? Imagine the devastation that it would cause to someone’s psyche. Yet we ALL have been exposed to this in various degrees. Sometimes this is called mixed messages or sending mixed signals. Depending on the degree of intensity and situation it has many names. Double binds have been hiding in plain sight all our lives.
Double binds are often used in a passive aggressive manner by modern parent inflictors.
They usually start with the word “Don’t” as questions:
Don’t you care?
Don’t you want to make me happy?
Don’t you understand?
Don’t you know better?
How do you answer these questions?
How can a child answer them?
Or they can be commands:
Do not see this as punishment.
Do not think of what you must do.
Do not question my love.
Be spontaneous!
Or tricky passive-aggressive lines like:
You don’t really mean to say that.
You can’t Build Back Better unless you break it first
You can’t Build Back Better unless you break it first (or at least pretend it is broken).
When the victim has learned to perceive his universe in double bind patterns the complete set of ingredients to make it work are no longer necessary. Just part of a double bind sequence can catapult a schizophrenic into panic or rage. Often today, when people lose control of this type of schizophrenia, it can be called as bipolar disorder, borderline personality, panic attacks, PTSD, or any number of arbitrary labels. Repeated exposure to double binds make any people suspicious, excessively concerned with hidden meanings, fearful and paranoid. It is all because of the pain involved. It is nothing short of mental torture. A self induced catatonic state or amnesia are often the only means of escape, likewise drug and alcohol abuse works too. Do you see why we have so many people looking for escape from “reality” today?
Have you ever known a head-shy dog?
You go to pet it and it cowers at your reach. Why?
This dog has been whacked. It keeps its head close to the ground so your blow will not hurt as bad. It does not know whether you are going to pet it or pound it. It cannot read your metacommunications. Whoever beat it was probably smiling when he did it. Now the dog is permanently confused.
There is no reasoning necessary or possible with it anymore. This dog cannot anticipate your wishes. He wants to please you but has received mixed signals in the past enough so that he cannot choose correctly anymore. He relies on a dictator for his interpretation of reality.
This theory of schizophrenia was pioneered in the 1950s and 70s by the late Gregory Bateson but has been “discredited” by authorities in the Psychology field. People of today know what the term “discredited” means. It means covered up. It was/is true but they wish to keep it hidden. Why? They incorporated it into MK ULTRA, perfected it in the Phoenix Program of Viet Nam and have since been using it on the population of the world.
Here is a link to Bateson’s early work:
They have literally turned everyone into schizophrenic children and are now controlling every one of us to some degree. What’s more, it is contagious. Parents pass it on to children, friends to neighbors, bosses to employees.
It is a real mental pandemic and most people appear to be asymptomatic carriers. The symptoms are there for all to see but the indications have been classified as “normal” human behavior. It is much like cancer, obesity, and diabetes. These are considered normal common diseases now. We are told to look the other way and not stare. We are told to accept our fat friends and chunky bikini models. We are told these conditions are hereditary – passed on to us by our parents – and in many cases they are. But like those “diseases” they tell you they are frantically looking for a cure. They are not. Like these diseases they are gladly exacerbating them and profiting off the symptom control in political, psychological, spiritual ways.
We are all abused children.
Just to cement the concept of the Double Bind firmly I will give you several examples from your life that you will be familiar with. I don’t wish to dwell on the subject but it is important. It is the equivalent of mental waterboarding. You cannot make a Manchurian candidate by doing it just once and releasing him. You have to do it until he no longer trusts his perception of reality and needs you to tell him what it is. His mind breaks. You become Big Brother (or more like Big Daddy).
In these binds the relationship that you cannot not sever is that with your government (your de facto parent).
Our Tax money is used for endless wars and CIA dirty deeds.
You must pay taxes or you are not patriotic.
You must pay taxes or go to jail.
Poisons and pesticides cause disease.
We can’t grow food without them.
You got sick because you ate the food.
Usury/debt is bad. Banksters rule.
Our economy is based on it.
We need to get deeper in debt to save the system.
Don’t speed. Obey laws.
Don’t be late.
Trump’s vaccine is experimental and untested.
It is safe and effective and does not need to be tested.
It is our only hope of survival as a species so it is worth the risk.
Trump would not lie to you.
Here is a variation on the double bind you probably have encountered:
Q: Are you a white alpha male?
If you say yes then you must act like one… all the time.
This is quite difficult and will get you in trouble.
It plays heavily on your Child Ego State while appearing to cater to your Adult Ego State.
Q: Are you an asymptomatic carrier of COVID?
Mommy, you’re sick. Go to bed.
These are the end results of Double Bind Mania running wild.
Q: Are you a Patriot?
Do you buy American?
There are so many impossible unspoken questions associated with this it is difficult to live up to this label in any meaningful way. And yet, who doesn’t believe they are patriotic? It is a tool leveraged by the parent Deep State.
Once you have given away your autonomy in order to identify as a member of a group you are forced to live up to the by-laws of that “club.” Children need clubs to feel good about themselves. They have no identity so they latch onto a popular one. There is a communist version of the cub scouts in every Soviet Bloc country. Mormons have the same idea. Groups offer a type of stability in a schizophrenic world. Harley Davidson saved itself from bankruptcy exploiting this paradigm.
As you can see Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones play the role of Double Bind announcers.
That is their function. They keep them coming until you give up. Your mind breaks. You are overwhelmed with paradoxes that you cannot cope with. Anger eventually burns out and turns to apathy and you become complacent again, deeply hoping for a savior but not expecting one. You surrender. We all surrender.
On the outside it appears to be monothink but it is not; it is the result of global torture. There is no thinking, in fact. Distrust of your faux parent becomes impossible in the face of universal acquiescence among your peers. Your peers propagate the problem by feeling the need to make others more aware of the mental garbage propaganda. It becomes habitual and reflexive to post the latest outrage. They are part of the problem but think they are saving the world, dogs chasing car tires.
It is only once you are outside the matrix that you can, as an outsider, examine it. You can look at it objectively. That is why although they could shut down all the dissenting voices all at once, they don’t. They want you to see the Deep State of corruption in all its glory. They want you to say to yourself, “Who can make war with the Beast?”
Tucker and Jones peddle in atrocity porn. Why?
Atrocity porn invokes the Child Ego State.
The outrage of the schizo-dilemma makes you feel good in a strange way. You know you are not alone. It is addictive like weight lifting or play.
There is a dopamine rush.
Each side has a drug dealer.
The sunglasses of pain
You know it’s the truth if you don’t want to dwell on it at first.
It hurts seeing the light for the first time.
You’ve been in a toxic sewer of lies and darkness for so long it hurts to go through detox. It is like a Herxheimer’s reaction.
Reality is like putting on those glasses in “They Live.”
It is the opposite of pleasure.
It hurts. It gives you a headache. It should.
It is a mess. Who wants to deal with it?
Tucker likes to play the Mocking Game.
People in the Child Ego State like to play and watch these games.
One of Tucker’s favorite is the, “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!” game.
People in the Adult Ego State don’t play games.
They do constructive things – for a purpose – that has a long-term future reward.
90% of the Stew Peters show is Atrocity Porn.
Tucker, Hannity, or all of CNN, if our ruling elite wanted any of these people shut down do you think they couldn’t do it with one phone call and no explanation?
The other ingredient in the witch’s brew of mental slavery is a little bit of Hopium.
Just a dab will do.
There are 3 flavors of Propaganda Addiction
1 Hopium
2 Atrocity Porn
3 Mockery
Fear porn makes you want to buy guns compulsively like copies of Catcher in the Rye.
Atrocity porn (or anger porn) makes you want to buy guns.
But what are you going to do with them, really?
But with all 3 types of propaganda there is no real thinking involved.
It is for the sole purpose of regurgitation (to others) for the pleasure of it.
Propaganda for the sake of propagating itself.
No solutions, anything but that!
They are like dogs whining, dogs barking, dogs begging, dogs in cages encouraging others to join them. They lure you like moths to a porch light following the false “sun” into deeper darkness. Doctors handing out prescriptions to ease your pain. No cures.
The hopium addicts swarm from place to place looking for anything to devour.
These days they have landed at the Stew Peters show. Stew has never once said the word, “Zionist.” That is why he is still broadcasting.
All 3 categories could be called Whining porn, intensifying anger then dashing hopes over and over, the high followed by withdrawl.
Like Pavlov’s dogs, once we have been conditioned to respond to Double Binds our overlords do not have to spell them out in detain anymore. We salivate at just the slightest hint of one.
Do you want to hear the most fearsome example of one?
A one-word double bind.
We fight world wars for it. We swear allegiance to it.
We love her.
But it is really mob rule and appeals to the Child Ego State.
It rings of, “The kids have taken over the schoolhouse!”
But it’s a Double Bind.
The USA is not a democracy.
I cringe every time I hear Tucker say it.
He knows better.
He knows what a republic is.
But it is a magic word.
It means rebellion!
Leonard Cohen is the dark evil version of Bob Dylan.
He was obviously steeped in the secret plans of the New World Order Great Reset plan.
He wrote a song in 1992 in his album The Future called Democracy.
He prophesizes “Democracy is COMING to the USA.”
After 1992?
According to Tucker it already came to the USA in 1776.
What gives?
What was Leonard talking about?
Read to the lyrics very carefully, you may be shocked at the real message.
It deserves its own post:
Written in 1992
Wasn't democracy already in the USA by then?
Not according to Leonard.
He was as deep into Zionism and Kabbalah as anyone could be.
Anthem is another song that sounds good but, wow, it is cleverly obfuscated evil.
The Future is just plain foul.
Waiting for the Miracle is the Zionist plan to preempt God.
Everybody Knows declares NWO victory.
This song like all his others was a poem set to bad music.
It is more than a poem it is a warning.
It is a hymn to the New World Order.
The words were important
Music was an afterthought
It is propaganda enveiled in poetry disguised as a song
Listen to it first
Then read it and understand
Then listen to it again with open eyes
It is like the Protocols of Zion set to music.
It's coming through a hole in the air
From those nights in Tiananmen Square.
It's coming from the feel
That this ain't exactly real
Or it's real, but it ain't exactly there.
From the war against disorder
From the sirens night and day
From the fires of the homeless
From the ashes of the gay
Democracy is coming to the USA
It's coming through a crack in the wall
On a visionary flood of alcohol.
From the staggering account
Of the Sermon on the Mount
Which I don't pretend to understand at all.
It's coming from the silence
On the dock of the bay
From the brave, the bold, the battered
Heart of Chevrolet
Democracy is coming to the USA.
It's coming from the sorrow in the street
The holy places where the races meet
From the homicidal bitchin'
That goes down in every kitchen
To determine who will serve and who will eat.
From the wells of disappointment
Where the women kneel to pray
For the grace of God in the desert here
And the desert far away
Democracy is coming to the USA.
Sail on, sail on
O mighty ship of state
To the shores of need
Past the reefs of greed
Through the squalls of hate
Sail on, sail on, sail on, sail on.
It's coming to America first
The cradle of the best and of the worst.
It's here they got the range
And the machinery for change
And it's here they got the spiritual thirst.
It's here the family's broken
And it's here the lonely say
That the heart has got to open
In a fundamental way
Democracy is coming to the USA.
It's coming from the women and the men
Oh baby, we'll be making love again
We'll be going down so deep
The river's going to weep
And the mountain's going to shout, "Amen"
It's coming like the tidal flood
Beneath the lunar sway
Imperial, mysterious
In amorous array
Democracy is coming to the USA.
I'm sentimental, if you know what I mean
I love the country but I can't stand the scene
And I'm neither left or right
I'm just staying home tonight
Getting lost in that hopeless little screen.
But I'm stubborn as those garbage bags
That time cannot decay
I'm junk but I'm still holding up this little wild bouquet
Democracy is coming to the USA.
I stated the Double Bind was the oldest trick in the book.
The very first double bind was used by the serpent in the garden of Eden.
The serpent said, “Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”
But that was not the double bind.
The trap was after he got Eve to eat the fruit.
She offered it to her husband.
He knew full well as she did that it was forbidden so he had to choose between obedience to God and loyalty to the woman he loved.
If he chose obedience he would lose her.
If he chose her over obedience he would be punished.
He chose to forever entwine his destiny with her.
This was the double bind, the no-win situation for Adam.
Double Binds are tricky snares because they are hidden so well and difficult to describe.
It is like a photo of a house surrounded in trees.
In summer you can’t see it.
But in winter, although the trees are still there and have not moved you can see it if you can ignore the branches because the leaves no longer obscure your vision.
TV is the leaves.
The mystery of hypnosis/suggestion is the leaves.
You can’t focus on the problem because you can’t identify it.
The metacommunication/spiritual factor is not obvious in the equation.
It is suddenly above your pay grade.
I heard this analogy somewhere on THC but cannot remember who said it but I expounded on it.
Some dogs are pretty smart.
Some, like Chihuahuas are retarded abominations.
Humans come in these 2 flavors also.
But regardless of how smart the dog is it boils down to one important point.
The dog doesn’t know how the food got into the can.
This is a metaphor of the double bind.
It’s not about intelligence.
You feed your pet poisoned food full of bromine because you broke him of his hunting habit.
You enslaved him.
He is forever domesticated.
He doesn’t know why but all food comes from cans.
The dog never wonders how the food got in the can in the first place.
So it is with our civilization.
We are being fed exclusively canned double binds and we like it.
Double binds are what schizos eat!
It's poison but it gives us our directions.
Unless we all start asking the hard questions of ourselves and truly wake up we will be forever at the mercy of the man with the can opener.
Double binds are just one of a category of tools called Master Suppression Techniques.
The research was pioneered by Injald Nissen circa 1945. You may want to look them up because they have also at some time been used against you, probably without you realizing it.
Our overlords may also have tricked you into using them against others they wanted to target for special treatment. They are in no particular order: Making invisible, Ridicule, Withholding Information, Heaping Blame, Putting to Shame, Objectifying, Force or Threat of Force. I will save them for a later study.
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