Plandemic Video Questions

Hi Guys,
I just wanted to start a thread discussing the viral nature of the Plandemic video that has gone viral in recent days. I know that Greg Carlwood commented at the end of the Crrow podcast that that even non-alternative family members and friends were watching it. Suddenly, it was everywhere. The censorship and blowblack to this video seems to be all out of proportion as well, as it is getting taken down as fast as it has put up. That being said, I have to say that this isn't even close to the best video out there that features Dr. Mikovitz. She has been speaking on a regular basis across numerous platforms, so why did this one spark such a nerve? There are also quite a few other people (Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Rashid Butar, David Icke, Robert Kennedy Jr. and many others) who are saying similar things. Why is this video the one that went viral?
Greg also mentioned that there were aspects of her testimony that just don't feel right. I am not worried about the fact that she has been smeared by mainstream Big Pharma. I can't put my finger on it, but there is something about this story that doesn't match up. At one point in the video she talks about her work at Fort Detrick trying to study how to get Ebola to be able to infect human cells. That seems crazy to me. Ultimately, I tend to agree with much of what she is saying about the dangers of the underlying agendas to what is happening, but I can't shake my unease about this video. What do other people think?

I've only watched the 2-min teaser. Will save it for when it comes out in full. I also don't like it when something explodes and goes viral. Can't explain it, but there's a smell, like a perfume trying to get your attention.
I'm sure Dr Mikovitz has her intentions in the right place, but then again, I don't know her either. It wouldn't be the first, nor the last time, the public gets double-crossed from a whiff of limited-hangout.
Silver lining is, more people are waking up (ie, distrusting mainstream authority) regardless, and that's a positive sign 🙂
PS: Bio-labs studying infectious diseases is nothing new though. These programs go back a long way, at the very least since World War II, where Nazi scientists/doctors and their Japanese allies in China (Unit 731) were responsible for some atrocious human experiments on captured civilians, including things like bubonic plague, etc.). After the Japanese surrendered in 1945, the US gave them a pass in exchange for handing over the research results and it went underground ever since (similar to how Operation Paperclip got the worst nazis clean papers). But i digress!
PS2: this is a book I read a few years back, by Judith Miller, that explains the state of biowarfare research in the US pretty well. It's not new, but I remember being dazzled by it:
Germs: Biological Weapons and America's Secret War

Hi Enjoypolo,
Thanks so much for the reply! It is truly had to decide why one video becomes viral and another doesn't. I have heard people talk about this Plandemic video as part of a larger agenda to further polarize the population. There was a period of time where it felt like half of my FB timeline was people saying, "You have to see this video!" and the other half were either posting "debunking" videos or calling for it to be taken down. It is hard to see people that I consider intelligent openly calling for censorship. It reeks of arrogance and paternalism of the highest order. "I am smart enough to see that this is conspiracy theory BS, but there are a lot of dumb people out there that might get duped into not supporting vaccines, and we can't have that now can we. Ban it!"
The events of the last few months have been so rapid, fear inducing and frankly surreal that I think we are seeing more people waking up, while at the same time more people stubbornly putting their heads in the sand. I would like to think though, that more people are starting to question the Orwellian aspects of our current situation, and whether it is really justified.
You make interesting points about germ warfare labs. Sadly, they have been with us for a while. The Last American Vagabond has explored the leaks at Fort Detrick, as well as connections to the Level 4 Lab in Wuhan in a fair amount of detail. At this stage of what is going on, I'm not as focused on laying the blame for where it came from as I am on what we can do about it as individuals and as a collective. I can't shake the idea, though, that these kind of Level 4 (is there a Level 5) labs are insane. I've read Stephen King's The Stand too many times to think that given enough time and rolls of the dice someone carrying a beaker of death trips while they are sneezing, just when the door malfunctions, and so on and so forth...
Also, thanks for the book recommendation! I will add it to my Book Depository wishlist. I have four or five books (mostly cited reading from HigherSide Chats recent podcasts) winging their way across the globe at the moment, and I'm looking forward to getting stuck in.
I hope all is well with you wherever this finds you.
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