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David Noakes | The GcMAF Cover Up, Doctor Deaths, & Big Pharma’s Sickness Agenda

Topics Covered: Big Pharma, Cover Ups, Health, Scandals

Show Notes

CEO of Immuno Biotech, David Noakes, joins THC to talk about the GCMaf saga, Big Pharma’s suppression and cover up of this information, and the campaign against real cures. David’s own facility was raided and shut down as well as several clinics of his colleagues, many of which were found dead in the days following the raids. Obviously, following these events, a well-oiled media campaign has been working to destroy the reputations of those involved and justify the actions of the police and regulatory agencies. Thankfully, here David gets a chance to answer questions and talk about these events more freely.

GcMAF websites and information:

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