Active Member
Joined: September 24, 2020 2:19 AM
Last seen: May 14, 2024 7:15 AM
Topics: 1 / Replies: 6
RE: Dr. Richard Alan Miller | Mind Portals, Cosmobiology, & Surfing The Holographic Universe

What do people think of this guest? I really can't tell if it's all bullshit or not. On the surface I think there's no way one guy could be involved i...

2 years ago
Happy 2022 New Tax Year: Very important If you rec’v $$ thru Venmo type apps,

I kind of assumed that this whole time this was how it worked and so I avoided selling stuff online. Next they'll tell us they listen to our phone cal...

3 years ago
Skunked again.

Was your recording clear and quality? Greg mentioned that some recordings sounded bad so he didn't play them

3 years ago

The project seems cool and easy to get into. I'm not sure exactly what the hell it is, but the people seem passionate.

3 years ago
Dan Winter | The Physics Of Magic, Language, & Plasma Beings

This is the first guest I have ever doubted. I visited his website and tried my best to look past the presentation but I can't believe that he wants u...

3 years ago
Recent self-exile from academia

Hi JH, fellow exlabrat here. Glad we escaped.

3 years ago