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What/How would you improve the forum experience?

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Hey Greg and Y'all,

My Q to everyone is, what, or how, would you do to improve the THC forum experience a little better?
I think crowdsourcing intelligence for suggestions might shed some valuable insights.

I'll start with a couple minor suggestions:
- Tags (Flairs on Reddit) little stickers to categorize threads like : [SSP] [ESP] [Health] [History] or even [NSFW] for more sensitive topics. I know, it's not that important, but just a suggestion.

- Astrology signs under members profiles: You know how we have age, location, under our members profile?
I'm not big into astrology (or rather, I don't have much knowledge) but I do think it has significance. Plus, it's just another one of those innocuous details 😉

- Oh, and search function: it's unable to search unless more than 3 characters, I know it's a detail, but it gets in the way sometimes.

I should say also, that I only discovered the Media section recently, which is cool, but its definitely lacking some UI experience to make it "useful". I'm not sure what. I'd start with outlining what the purpose of that would be. I feel there are lots of hidden gems like this hiding under various tabs.:D

With all the above said, I think the THC microcosm is growing at the right pace, on its own terms, with the energy nurtured by all members. I could totally see this garden becoming a full-on food forest at some point.
Biggup to Greg, and y'all for making it what it is.

Posted : September 14, 2019 7:12 AM
Posts: 318
Reputable Member

Hey EP... the forums could definitely do with an upgrade : )

I think one of the main problems is on--boarding. People show up, say hi, and then merge back into the undifferentiated ether.

I think this is because the main categories of the boards just don't work. No-one uses the 'entrepreneurs' or 'explorers' boards and sadly, the episodes aren't often discussed.

A much easier way for people to dive in would be to have categories more along the lines of 'Occult' , 'ESP', 'MIC' 'UFOs'. At the top of each of these boards could be a sticky saying 'if you are new here, consider listening to these episodes to get you up to speed' and then link to all the relevant interviews. It would give people a much better chance of hanging around and contributing.

I guess I don't know what the back end of the forums looks like, but to my mind, it would not be a total disaster to archive what's happened so far and do a reboot if you had to.

Once it is reorganised you could then open it up to the non-plus members. There always seems to be a bit more of a lively discussion on the comment sections, and it would be nice to roll it all together.

And on a personal note, it would be nice if Greg occasionally gave feedback on the guest suggestions board. If he could just say like, 'yeah, we couldn't make it work' or 'this looks like a go for a future episode'. Otherwise you just feel like you are yelling names into the darkness....

Posted : October 5, 2019 3:22 AM
Posts: 1354
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Right on, thank you for those great suggestions.

A much easier way for people to dive in would be to have categories more along the lines of 'Occult' , 'ESP', 'MIC' 'UFOs'. At the top of each of these boards could be a sticky saying 'if you are new here, consider listening to these episodes to get you up to speed' and then link to all the relevant interviews. It would give people a much better chance of hanging around and contributing.

I do think those tags would help, since most people are familiar with one field than another. However, I wonder if creating sub-boards based on those tags alone would not add up to too many, making it too compartmentalized?

The sticky idea is great, I wish there'd be an easy-to-pull list of past shows based on each category (the manual work for that would take weeks..)

Another sticky that I've been thinking, thanks to suggestions from others, was a Technical problems FAQ, since more than one person has been asking for podcast feed not working etc. Consoliating them into one thread with a "read before posting thread about it, and post here for tech issues) would save people time, and also keep it organized.

Also, comments from the show pages, integrated in the forum would be very cool too, definitely.

And yeah, a little feedback from the Boss from time to time would be cool I agree 🙂

Posted : October 5, 2019 7:35 AM
Posts: 16
Eminent Member

I think we just need more users.

Posted : October 5, 2019 10:41 PM
Posts: 318
Reputable Member

threeeyedturtle wrote: I think we just need more users.

Yup, totally agree, but you wanna tidy the house before inviting your friends in. : )

On the technical side, I'm guessing Greg probably tags the episodes on the main site anyway. There will be a database that serves the website. It should be a relatively minor task to scrape the database to pull all the episodes and tags and sort from there. If you could also, say, choose the top most downloaded 3 from each tag category then you would have a pretty solid basis of choosing episodes. It would also give you a corresponding list of existing tags to form the basis of the new boards.

Posted : October 8, 2019 2:00 AM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

maybe we are too boring, maybe that's a good thing. the coolest forums are boring ha

now im going to sleep. feel like I could sleep for a week.

Posted : October 8, 2019 4:33 AM
Posts: 102
Estimable Member

Personally I enjoy reading what you guys have to say.

I’m not much for watching posted videos..hah because I like to hear these ideas in the voices of those I am getting to know.

I have entered many a post, finding the subject intriguing, only to be presented with the YouTube logo.

So I read the follow up comments and attempt to reconstruct the narrative from there.

Anyway. That’s just a perspective from my quirky ass. There are still enough video free conversations to keep me invested.

I don’t know enough about forum formats to comment on the integral design of this one. This is the closest thing to social media I partake in, and the only medium through which I comment/converse with the wider world.

Posted : October 9, 2019 9:29 PM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

nice happy johns anniversary, the journey is fun.

I have to say something skip or say hey life is confusing.

I have no clue whats going on. fuck all is what I go by sorta

Posted : October 9, 2019 9:41 PM
Posts: 1354
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Thank you everyone for the great feedback. I agree that there are a few tasks that can be done to clean-up the house, so to speak.

Having just made the transition to being a mod, I'm hoping that we could maybe implement overtime some of those ideas.
Last but not least, thanks to Rani for suggesting it to me a while ago, and of course, Greg, for this honour and all the troubleshooting.
Shoutout to all the THC+ members for their positive energies, and it's always nice to see more join in.

This year's episodes are pretty awesome so far, and I'm excited to see those aetheric seeds poppin' up!

Posted : October 10, 2019 6:12 PM
Posts: 1354
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I'm thinking about, whenever a new episode comes out, it posting it on the THC Episode forum automatically, and maybe even with the website comments integrated automatically (that way there's no "two" distinct comment sections like there is now).
If that makes any sense.

This would make it easier to find the relevant episode's thread on the forum, and for people to discuss their highlights, anecdotes, etc.

Posted : October 12, 2019 7:51 AM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

enjoypolo wrote: I'm thinking about, whenever a new episode comes out, it posting it on the THC Episode forum automatically, and maybe even with the website comments integrated automatically (that way there's no "two" distinct comment sections like there is now).
If that makes any sense.

This would make it easier to find the relevant episode's thread on the forum, and for people to discuss their highlights, anecdotes, etc.

Yes i like that, i hardly read the comments on the non member area, if they crops pollinate into here and we can comment, it would also be great if our comments get tagged as plus member , it might get a few more people in here for the other discussions.

Better search, stickies, better topics, feedback on guest suggestions, I agree with then all

I've had a couple of issues following a thread or locating a old thread I had been commenting on in my activity section. I'm sure I tagged it to watch but it doesn't appear in watched threads.

I suggest a template in a sticky for guest suggestions, there's been a few that have been so basic - "this guy is great in this podcast" and that's it, no bio no links no context! Bah Humbug....

What about a top active threads in the last week/month section/side bar?

Posted : October 12, 2019 9:46 AM
Posts: 1354
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So I've compiled a list of the feedbacks, which I am posting below for reference.
If you think something else should be added, please post it below. Otherwise, I am thinking of sending it to Greg, and see what can be done.
He's a busy man, and I don't expect the demands to be filled immediately, but it would be a good start.
What do you think?

List of suggestions given by various Plus members :

  • Categories: alternate sub-categories based on various topics. For example, SSP, ESP, Magick, Health.
  • Tags: Is it possible to add tags on each episode, thus making it easier to find the relevant episodes?
  • With each new episode release, a corresponding thread is automatically created on the Forum, making it easier for people to discuss their likes/dislikes, anecdotes. As a Bonus: if the comments posted on the website are “mirrored” in the Forum (and possibly, can see who’s a Plus member/Free member)
  • Occasional feedback from Greg on Guest Suggestions forum would be helpful.
  • "Top active threads" by various metrics: last week/month in the side section area (currently, only "Most recent" exists.)

Also, a couple things I can help with:

  • Stickies: As a mod, I can now help with that. Whether someone else starts a thread (and I can sticky if its relevant), or I can start one and sticky it as well. For example, I did just that in the troubleshooting section because I believe it will be easier to have one main thread regarding playback issues.

I like this, crowdsourcing intelligence. Very efficient!

Posted : October 12, 2019 12:40 PM
Posts: 326
Bossman Admin

Big thanks to @enjoypolo for helping out around here!

Categories: I'm completely okay with more categories. THat's something you guys can play around with. Pretty sure all the mods have the ability to do that.

Tags: This sounds more like a request for the podcast website itself? Either way, if it's a forum thing, I don't think I've seen anything about tagging, but I could be wrong.

Episode releases: I would really like this, especially if it's automated. We might be moving the forum to a wordpress platform soon/eventually. There are a lot of technical reasons to do that, but more synergy is definitely one of them.

Feedback: I should get in here and comment more all around, it's just tough to get that far on the do-to list. I do grab suggestions from the guest suggestion forum, but I don't often remember to mention that by the time the episode comes out. I am checking that place out more than any other though!

Top Active Threads: If that's something that can be easily added via the options, please do @enjoypolo

Thanks guys, I wish the forum was a bigger thing for THC, maybe these things will help!

Posted : October 14, 2019 3:59 PM
Posts: 638
Honorable Member

there probably doesn't need to be two introduce yourselves sections. just have a thread stickied in the wildcard section.

oh and a spotlight section for amazing shows you've seen on the internet

Posted : October 14, 2019 5:21 PM
Posts: 1354
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That's awesome, thank you Greg.

sirujux wrote: there probably doesn't need to be two introduce yourselves sections. just have a thread stickied in the wildcard section.

oh and a spotlight section for amazing shows you've seen on the internet

That's very true, never thought, or even noticed it :p:rolleyes:

Edit: I’m still a newbie when it comes to the interface, so it may take a while to see changes. Likewise if anyone has tips to achieve any of them, I’ll certainly appreciate the help 🙂
I’m also playing around with the Shortcuts app on iPhone to see if there is an easy, scripted way of doing things like automated posting.

Posted : October 14, 2019 6:36 PM
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