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Del Bigtree: Vaccine Deception, Big Pharma, Gut biome

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Listened to this last episode yesterday, and boy I was in for a ride!
Del made such a strong case with his arguments against certain types of vaccines, including the case of aluminium in the brain, as well as what fascinates me most, the link between autism (and other neurological conditions) with the gut biome.

I also looked up his Youtube Channel High Wire featuring so many episodes, including this Pharma-stooge that was on the JRE not long ago, a doctor advocating for health who couldn't even look straight.

So long story short, feed your gut proper food (I'm guilty of transgressing that rule myself more than I'd like to admit), but it really goes a long way, inchalla

Posted : April 4, 2019 4:20 PM
Posts: 318
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Check out the GAPS diet (Gastrology and Psychology Syndrome). It was designed as a variant on the Specific Carbohydrates diet by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride to help her autistic son.

"Through years of research and clinical experience, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride adjusted her protocol to fit the individual healthcare needs of her patients suffering from a variety of intestinal and neurological conditions as a result of an imbalanced bacterial ecosystem within the GI tract. The GAPS Diet focuses on removing foods that are difficult to digest and damaging to gut flora and replacing them with nutrient-dense foods to give the intestinal lining a chance to heal and seal."

Posted : April 7, 2019 6:42 AM
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Very much appreciate those links to keep the gut healthy.
This article (another one) tweeted by Paul Stamets today relates to drug-resistant bacteria in what may, or may not be a psy-op, in the NY Times about the germwarfare-psyop fear-based manipulation scenarios potentially (and actual) unfolding.

Piecing the pieces together, it looks to me as every effort is done to surpress the gut biome. Whether we look at glyphosate/roundup/gmo and monoculture (which lowers nutrient density in the food as well) to antibiotics/MIC. This affects everything of course, not the least the bees.

Stamets has done an incredible work by finding a remedy to (Bee) Colony Collapse Disorder with a fungi that can successfully treat the condition, instead of having to exterminate the whole colony. This is so fresh still, but the cure is out there!

This documentary is a gem talking about Bees of course, but also biodynamic farming and Steiner's practices, and I still haven't finished it, but highly recommended.

Posted : April 7, 2019 11:57 PM
Posts: 318
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The gut biome is certainly under attack, but the good news is, it is very easily repairable (unless the gut wall is actually damaged or 'leaking' in which case, it's a longer journey.

For example, the appendix, rather than being vestigial, is actually a repository for health gut bacteria. Don't let them cut it out!

Paracelcus was talking about cancer, but I think his stance is pretty solid across the board

"It should be forbidden and severely punished to remove cancer by cutting, burning, cautery, and other fiendish tortures. It is from nature that the disease comes, and from nature comes the cure, not from physicians."

May favourite part of this episode was when Del made the point that yes, our environment is really toxic making it hard to parse out exactly which toxins have made us sick. However, given the astronomical rise in auto-immune conditions, it makes sense to look at what we have changed in terms of *immune response challenges* and look to them as a probable cause of the problem.

Posted : April 9, 2019 1:06 AM
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I've been wanting to share my incredible experience with acupuncture this past week, and perhaps this thread is as good as it gets.
My partner and I decided to go try a local community acupuncture place after she's been dealing with acne, and me with my seasonal allergies (hay-fever to certain tree pollen). I've had my allegies most of my life, and it's always in the Spring when tree pollen blooms, usually to the point where I'm constantly sneezing, congested sinuses, the whole deal.
Up until now, I mostly treated it using Reactine/Claritine and other anti-histamines (inflammation) as well as nasal sprays. They don't do a very good job, but that was my best bet.

I also tried homeopathy from the brand Boivons, but it didn't do much either (although I'm still a believer in the modality itself).

Now back to acupuncture: The first treatment I had, (hour long session poked with needles, 3 on the head; 3 on each arm and legs) I already felt better afterwards, but the symptoms came back after a day. So the practitioner advised me to come 3 times a week. So I decided to give it a try.

After finishing my third treatment in a week few hours ago today, it's like magic, I'm feeling much better, and can even breathe with my two nasal (a rarity in this season). I also feel calmer after each sessions, as if my body's energy is flowing better.

For the longest time, I didn't pay attention to TCM/acupuncture, but it really does wonder for inflammation type symptoms. Now granted, it doesn't cure my allergies, and I likely will have to get poked at least once or twice a week for effectiveness. One time, I basically fasted until the evening, and symptoms weren't as bad, which made me wonder if its something in my diet that exasperates the inflammation. But that's another can of worms that'll need further testing at some other point.
I've also heard something along the lines that allergies correspond to psychological traumas.
While I'm not against the idea, it simply is too much work for immediate relief.

The beauty about the place I go to, is that it's a community co-operative, and they basically accept a sliding-scale anywhere from $20-$40 based on how much you can afford, and it's a very hassle free, relaxing environment where you basically lie down on a reclining chair in a room with other people next to you, get poked and close your eyes/meditate for an hour (or more if you want). Everyone is respectful of the quiet environment, so it's never been an issue to me. It feels more like going to pray/meditate at the temple.
I just realized that it's a whole movement, so if you're lucky, you may find one in your area.

PS: I will be going for a month, a see how it affects me.

Posted : April 9, 2019 4:24 AM
Posts: 18
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Awesome episode. The scary part is an article that came out today. NYC mayor De Blasio, today, announced a public health emergency because of a measles outbreak (that has killed no one). Aaaand they are forcing people to get vaccinated or get up to a $1000 fine!! Fuckin’ savage. Del called it.

New York City declares a public health emergency amid Brooklyn measles outbreak - CNN

Posted : April 9, 2019 10:23 PM
Posts: 1353
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Today's a big step forward in Denver, CO:
First city to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms.

Small steps..:rolleyes:

Posted : May 8, 2019 4:11 AM