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Conservative magical/pagan community?

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Not having a magical or pagan community that I really feel a connection with is really getting to me. I've left several online communities because I can't handle the rhetoric around everything else (political, liberal worldview, etc.). Doesn't necessarily have to be a conservative community. I'd be happy with a politically neutral community as well. Any place where magical, esoteric, or pagan beliefs are discussed without some trump hating and have you got your 42nd booster tossed in. 

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Don't have much to suggest. Just commiserating.

It's kind of sad that we've gotten to the point where even "politically neutral"/"apolitical" is considered unacceptably conservative now by those with Trump/Covid derangement syndrome. And 

Depending on your tolerance, I've noticed there are a few right-leaning twitter personalities who seem to flirt/play around with esotericism/paganism/magic adjacent stuff. I don't think any of them are serious practitioners, it's either at least semi-ironic or at best an academic interest. But there may be a place to start looking there. Cernovich seems to have a good number of followers and mutuals who lean that way in terms semi-ironic interest. Stone Age Herbalist/eugyppius are have a more academic bent.

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John Michael Greer is the closest it comes to a conservative Pagan author.  He constantly points out how the woke marxists are wrong about 99% on everything.  

I agree though, most people in this community are the most obnoxious woke leftist idiots.  they tolerate practically any depravity and immoral ideology.  They do anything to avoid defining any type of moral code out of fear of not "being open."  Similarly they refuse to correct each other on even the facts or documented history about their beliefs and leaders/authors from the past out of fear that they may hurt someone's feelings.    

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@blackoak777 🤣 truth

Neuron Crux
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Might want to check out Shed of Rebellion/Temple of the Machete who wins all battles.

Pretty balls to the walls occult warrior vibes, with currents of Solomonic, Voodoo, Palo Mayombe, etc.

They also have a branch which is something like the Missing 411 Remote Viewing Project, or something like that.

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@neuron-crux This is definitely interesting. Only had time for a cursory glance so far. Not sure it's my thing, but certainly worth some more research!

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Not sure exactly how conservative he is, but Mark Slavish, who runs the the institute for hermetic studies ( was just on Thoth-Hermes podcast ( He--somewhat unprovoked-- brought up and dismissed the transgender nonsense, calling it out for the lie that it is. He's collaborated with John Michael Greer who blackoak777 mentioned as well. So there may be something there that at least isunlikely to be totally woke brainwashed.

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