Swedish Mortality R...
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Swedish Mortality Rates

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Posts: 46
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Well, the results are in. And no surprise 2020 was a fairly average year for mortality in Sweden. No mask mandates. No broad shutdowns of society. Please spread the info to anyone you care about who might be open minded enough to hear it.

Here's the official Swedish gov stats site after I pulled up a 10 year mortality chart for all age groups.

Posted : February 23, 2021 7:55 AM
Posts: 422
Honorable Member

Hey stud,

This guy is an awesome analyst of the Swedish data. Ivor Cummins. You heard of him?


You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : February 23, 2021 4:01 PM
Posts: 46
Trusted Member
Topic starter

fifthcolumn wrote: Hey stud,

This guy is an awesome analyst of the Swedish data. Ivor Cummins. You heard of him?


I haven't I'll check it out. I've just been paying attention to Sweden since they have acted as the "control" in this experiment for Anglo-european nations and they were reporting very high relative Rona deaths a few months ago

Posted : February 23, 2021 4:34 PM