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[Sticky] Off to the races

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@orchid20 great video, thanks. My faith in the local government restored. I'm fortunate enough to live in a regional area in NSW Australia. Here
in the bush most people have had enough a while ago and are getting on with it. I still cringe when I hear extended family members and friends regurgitating the MSM narrative. In saying that I've been pleasantly surprised by the number of people I know that are starting to question what the hell is going on.

Posted : June 15, 2020 9:53 AM
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

And now... after all of this time, and for absolutely no discernable valid reason, wearing a mask is now mandated as of June 24 in closed public spaces in the most populous Oregon counties:

The rationalization: "Most face coverings do not protect the wearer from coronarvirus, but studies tentatively indicate they help reduce the spread from the wearer to others, even if the wearer does not have symptoms"

This after WHO recently admitted that the virus does not spread through asymptomatic carriers.

I imagine this will be the "new (ab)normal" across the country by the July 4th festivities, starting in the "progressive" blue areas first as with the lockdowns.

This is where the rubber will start to meet the road for me. I've been lucky enough to skirt by in the area I live without changing my behavior much, but I am not participating in this denigrating social experiment disguised as a health precaution, and a lot of people around me have similar convictions.

This is not going to go over well.

Posted : June 18, 2020 4:30 AM
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

I've been sharing this everywhere I can. Time to call out governors on their emergency declarations and the resulting unwarranted powers they have. Kentucky shows how it is done:

"In order to issue and enforce executive orders related to Covid-19, (Circuit Judge Brian) Privett wrote that the governor must first "specifically state the emergency that requires the order, the location of the emergency, and the name of the local emergency management agency that has determined that the emergency is beyond its capabilities."

I'm sure similar protocol is already in place in many states.

Original complaint filed by business:

Restraining order against the governor:

Posted : July 16, 2020 5:53 PM
Posts: 422
Honorable Member

orchid20 wrote: I've been sharing this everywhere I can. Time to call out governors on their emergency declarations and the resulting unwarranted powers they have. Kentucky shows how it is done:

"In order to issue and enforce executive orders related to Covid-19, (Circuit Judge Brian) Privett wrote that the governor must first "specifically state the emergency that requires the order, the location of the emergency, and the name of the local emergency management agency that has determined that the emergency is beyond its capabilities."

I'm sure similar protocol is already in place in many states.

Original complaint filed by business:

Restraining order against the governor:

So it looks like (here in the great state of New Mexico) the groundwork for this shit show was laid after 9/11, in response to the Anthrax scare. The terrified masses allowed legislators to pass the 2003 Public Health Emergency Response Act - because previous States of Emergency, outlined in the State Constitution, obviously had nothing to do with public health...

I have printed a ton of 'fliers' and am trying to put one in the hand of every small business I can find. I believe these businesses are our target audience as their owners are probably voters, better connected to power, and heavily victimized by the lockdowns. They are also being imposed upon to enforce the governors illegal mask and distancing orders.

This is the flier I have drawn up:


We, the people of New Mexico,

acknowledging that Miss LUJAN-GRISHAM did declare a State of Emergency and did not convene the state legislature within the 7 days prescribed by the CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO.

disturbed by the fact that the STATE LEGISLATURE has not remained in session for the duration of the State of Emergency, as prescribed by the CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO.

horrified to learn that the 2003 Public Health Emergency Response Act strips us of these most fundamental constitutional safeguards and allows the governor to transform our Constitutional Republic into a Dictatorship - INDEFINITELY.

aware of the fact that all of the empirical evidence shows that the COVID 19 Death Rate is in line with the seasonal flu, and that now the CDC agrees and has dropped the death rate to 0.26%.

not willing to accept the starvation of our less-monied citizens, the destruction of small businesses, the denial of necessary (non-Covid) medical procedures, and the destabilization of our commonwealth.

DO HEARBY DECLARE that Michelle Lujan-Grisham has imposed restrictions without the COLOR OF LAW or the FOUNDATION OF SCIENCE.


I walk in and begin speaking before they can ask if I have a mask. "Hello! I'm handing these out to all the local businesses in the area, for you to do with as you see fit." Smiling and unthreateningly as possible. If they want to burn it in the alley or send it to some gov't official - I'm fine with both. That is how a marketplace of ideas is supposed to work.

I promised myself I would never go door to door again. It sucks. But, to be honest, I'm getting some decent exercise, some fresh air and sunlight, and for every simpleton meeting me with outright hostility toward my maskless face, I've encountered two welcoming and encouraging shopkeepers who want to shake my hand. I may even pull a few new friends outta this.

All I know is - HISTORY IS NOW.

And when I stand up to be judged, I will be proud of the side I chose and the war I waged.

*CDC Death Rate source:

"For the first time, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has given a realistic estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, which in its most likely scenario is 0.26 %. They estimate a 0.4 % fatality rate among the symptomatic cases. If you consider their projection that 35% of all infected cases remain asymptomatic, the overall infection fatality rate (IFR) drops to just 0.26 %. This is almost exactly what the Stanford researchers had projected in April 2020."

You are far more powerful than they will ever tell you.

Posted : July 17, 2020 2:41 PM
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

fifthcolumn wrote: So it looks like (here in the great state of New Mexico) the groundwork for this shit show was laid after 9/11, in response to the Anthrax scare.

Yep, this C19 protocol is straight out of Donald "Rummy" Rumsfeld's Anthrax pandemic playbook from way back then. I think a lot of the local authorities are mainly guilty of laziness: following this preset way of addressing the "pandemic" and using poorly generated computer models rather than assessing the situation intelligently and acting accordingly.

Now they are mainly spurred along by the opinions and fears of voters who are either manipulated by the media-cricy or not too adversely affected (yet) by the mandates and closures (retirees, affluent remote workers - like most YT influencers- , etc.). We need the angry people to get more vocal and put their collective foot down.

And seriously, where the f are all of the lawyers???

Posted : July 17, 2020 5:43 PM
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

Here is some different ammo for your next mask or no mask debate. If masks should be mandatory, so should goggles for the same reason:

All or nothing, I say (facetiously).

Posted : July 19, 2020 10:23 PM
Posts: 55
Trusted Member

orchid20 wrote: Here is some different ammo for your next mask or no mask debate. If masks should be mandatory, so should goggles for the same reason:

All or nothing, I say (facetiously).

Absolutely, the half pregnant approach is bullshit

Posted : July 22, 2020 2:44 AM
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

Heads up, looks like Yahoo made a very, very bad call with their advertising by posting a link to this in my inbox. Microsoft Power Platform? Power to who?

I am working blissfully from home right now but if the owner/boss implements this I will negotiate hard to stay remote. Or quit.

Posted : August 11, 2020 11:01 PM
Posts: 55
Trusted Member

orchid20 wrote: Heads up, looks like Yahoo made a very, very bad call with their advertising by posting a link to this in my inbox. Microsoft Power Platform? Power to who?

I am working blissfully from home right now but if the owner/boss implements this I will negotiate hard to stay remote. Or quit.

Yep,I'm hearing you.
I living in a large country town and the staff at the corporate take away shops (Macca's KFC etc), supermarkets and hardware stores are all wearing them. Fuck that.

Posted : August 11, 2020 11:42 PM
Posts: 15
Active Member

sleeper007 wrote: Anyone else think it’s highly possible that Covid 19 is being weaponized by those who own the media. Using a barrage of dramatizations and inflated numbers to create hype but also attack the unconscious/subconscious via Suggestion/manifestation. The imagery alone of empty streets resemble something seen in 28 Days Later might be enough to link the current view out ones’ window with doom and despair subconsciously, possibly creating a mindset that is susceptible to feeling sick.

Absolutely! If you know anything about subconscious programming (check our Jason Christoff) you know that the subconscious mind doesn't know how to tell tv from real life and thinks that what it sees on tv is the real world, that's it's a scary and unsafe place. Stressing people out and making the much more susceptible to dis-ease!

Posted : October 9, 2020 1:49 AM
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

Something hopeful... 50,000 restaurants in Italy stand against the shutdowns (I'm going to start calling them that):

"We will make them eat their fines..."

Posted : January 18, 2021 4:52 PM
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Hi Guys, looking at it from the UK, and it just looks like it's all about money.
I think our government has taken steps to deliberately keep infection numbers high.
It's disaster capitalism - They are using this as an opportunity to hoover up even more resources. They aren't even making a secret of bypassing public procurement laws to favour their rich buddies (and themselves)
As for the vaccine - same thing. Whatever your view on vaccines generally, I don't think this is good. Remember the iron triangle - cheap, fast or good, pick two. mRNA vaccines already had cheap and fast built in before scope was even considered. Here, they've bought a lot of vaccine, not sure which one, but don't seem particularly keen on administering it. The payment is either made or committed to so it doesn't really matter whether we actually take it.
And then of course the subsequent debt is going to be hugely profitable for SOMEONE. if a mortgage is 'a thirty year harvest', what's a debt of two trillion?
Thank You Mr. Carlwood for the lesson in not ever swallowing anything whole. Once you're aware of propoganda it's really everywhere.
And it's nice to get this off my chest without being asked if I believe the earth is flat and do I hate the gay frogs? I keep trying to tell people that conspiracy culture isn't all one thing. We've been shown over and over again that the three arms of the Establishment lie all the time, but people still keep going back to them for a reassuring hug.

Posted : January 19, 2021 8:56 PM
Posts: 40
Trusted Member

Can anyone point me in the direction of the episode that laid out the PCR bullshit right away at the start of the scamdemic? That guest called the entire thing spot on from day 1. And now look, PCR cycles being reduced, JUST LIKE that guest said they would do to end the scamdemic.

Greg you should get that guy on again to rehash the entire ordeal seeing that he had it all called from the getgo.

Posted : January 24, 2021 7:37 PM
Posts: 2
New Member

orchid20 wrote: Stanford professor finally comes forward with some valid talking points and reference for us to use while talking to the general public about all of this craziness:

Found it during my daily dose of anger porn at David Icke's website (which I probably won't mention)

As Yang would have said: Math.

Clicked this on 1/25 and the video has been removed for "violating community guidelines."

Posted : January 25, 2021 10:43 PM
Posts: 55
Trusted Member

Nothing wrong with having a vent. You are right in regards to the sheeple running back the establishment. I loath having to listen to friends or work colleagues regurgitating main stream media dribble. It never ceases to amaze me how gullible some people are. Its really started to annoy me

QUOTE="samtran72, post: 16043, member: 17047"]Hi Guys, looking at it from the UK, and it just looks like it's all about money.
I think our government has taken steps to deliberately keep infection numbers high.
It's disaster capitalism - They are using this as an opportunity to hoover up even more resources. They aren't even making a secret of bypassing public procurement laws to favour their rich buddies (and themselves)
As for the vaccine - same thing. Whatever your view on vaccines generally, I don't think this is good. Remember the iron triangle - cheap, fast or good, pick two. mRNA vaccines already had cheap and fast built in before scope was even considered. Here, they've bought a lot of vaccine, not sure which one, but don't seem particularly keen on administering it. The payment is either made or committed to so it doesn't really matter whether we actually take it.
And then of course the subsequent debt is going to be hugely profitable for SOMEONE. if a mortgage is 'a thirty year harvest', what's a debt of two trillion?
Thank You Mr. Carlwood for the lesson in not ever swallowing anything whole. Once you're aware of propoganda it's really everywhere.
And it's nice to get this off my chest without being asked if I believe the earth is flat and do I hate the gay frogs? I keep trying to tell people that conspiracy culture isn't all one thing. We've been shown over and over again that the three arms of the Establishment lie all the time, but people still keep going back to them for a reassuring hug.

Posted : January 30, 2021 8:14 AM
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