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Joined: November 30, -0001 12:00 AM
Topics: 2 / Replies: 10
The Process Church of the Final Judgement

Because "The Process Movie" isn't showing around me right now, it made me look at how independent movies were delivered after they're shown in concent...

8 years ago
The Process Church of the Final Judgement

Thanks for posting that. I have come across Sabbath Assembly over the course of digging into this subject. I found this video particularly interesti...

8 years ago
The Process Church of the Final Judgement

I'll definitely add "The Manson File" to my reading list. Levenda references Schreck as well as Terry in his trilogy. Do you feel like Terry is a...

8 years ago
What's After Capitalism? ---> Worker Owned Companies!

That's really cool. I used to work for a guy that had an idea to open a co-op wood shop and garage in retirement communities for older gents who didn...

8 years ago
The Process Church of the Final Judgement

Thanks! I'd be interested in any resources you choose to share. I'll bet if you find the pages, they're in .pdf online somewhere, or I could just bu...

8 years ago
What's After Capitalism? ---> Worker Owned Companies!

John Abrams!!! About 9 or 10 years ago, my to-be-wife brought home a copy of "The Company We Keep" from the library after hearing John Abrams on ...

8 years ago
The Process Church of the Final Judgement

I haven't read either of those books, but I'll be sure to put them on my list. But Manson claimed to have achieved the Scientology level of Clear...

8 years ago
Joseph Ferrell: Nameless little country in the middle of Europe

Love Mae Brussell. I've been listening to these recordings: She's talk-y. I'm sure she had plenty of presentations that aren't on youtube. I...

8 years ago
Peter Levenda American History

Just a guy in a picture:

8 years ago