Capitol Clownery

Anyone else immediately get the vibe that the protest/event on Jan 6th was a psyop? From all the antifa people to the police totally letting a federal building be overrun... this isn’t a grassroots thing. I’ve been studying astrology and saw that Mars was shifting from Aries into Taurus just a few hours after the news broke... and I realized in real time that what we experienced was an attack to lower our vibration. Every shift is an opportunity to align ourselves with the energy changing and use it to our potential. However, we can’t do that if we are fearful and distracted. There’s another big alignment (Jupiter/Saturn Conjuction Squaring Mars) coming on the 11th that’s supposed to set the tone for the next 3 years. Be prepared for something that day.
If anyone is studying astrology seriously or has any info on the cogs turning in the govt. machine lately, I’d love to hear your take on what’s next. Someone in my life is a diehard Trumper and has been telling me that all this would happen for months. I’ve always thought Trump was another one of tptb, but the attacks against him, including the removal of Trump on Twitter has me questioning who I thought he was. The attacks by media/technocracy (aka C*ina) are unprecedented, not to mention the threats on his life made by other countries. Is he really fighting for us, or is he just working for Mr. Globaloney and putting on a show?

Or one night he bet his buddy Hillary that he could run for president, as a Republican, and still beat her.
And this is the aftermath.

It most certainly felt like the typical “Problem-reaction-Solution”, as well as a total inversion of events. I find the case of Tech companies to brazenly ban a president social media accounts to be a chilling precedent. They have clearly portrayed themselves to be the Custodians of public debate, surpassing any executive powers held by the Potus.
The latest speech by Trump where he seems to implicitly admit that he will leave office without attending the inauguration. Somehow, I had the vibe that it was a deepfake video (just like the Queen’s last speech was), anybody else got that feeling?
I would say Biden’s presidency is inevitable, and that the bottom will keep sinking lower, and faster after the 20th. Biden and his pals have made it very clear that lockdowns, vaccinations and all the Great Reset goodies in the basket of Lucy, are coming very soon. And maybe that’s just what’s needed to shake the will-to-live senses in people.
“Keep calm and carry on” as the lizard Queen would say..
PS: meanwhile, the stock market is doing great, and so is BTC!

Trump is attempting a pusch-style coup because he is a thug. Most of the cops support him in this. Not so much the military or congress. Things can certainly get messy, but I do not think this will be ultimately be successful. Trump is too stupid, narcissistic, and desperate to recognize this. The thing about pathology is that it is pathological, he doesn't have the impulse control to stop himself.
The problem with Biden is that he just wants to maintain the unsustainable status quo in the middle of a pandemic depression. Without substantial efforts to help people recover from the trauma of job loss, homelessness, ect. and ending corruption through corporate money the US will continue to be a failed state, the richest country with strong third-world tendencies, the economy will languish and another more competent strong-man will rise to exploit the ignorant and suffering masses very shortly.
Ultimately it was a Obama's lack of accountability for the architects of the last recession, his unwillingness to prosecute the wantonly criminal Bush administration, and his doubling-down on illegal imperial impetus in the middle-east that created the conditions for the rise of Trump. Oh, and racism, lots and lots of racism.

enjoypolo wrote: It most certainly felt like the typical “Problem-reaction-Solution”, as well as a total inversion of events. I find the case of Tech companies to brazenly ban a president social media accounts to be a chilling precedent. They have clearly portrayed themselves to be the Custodians of public debate, surpassing any executive powers held by the Potus.
The latest speech by Trump where he seems to implicitly admit that he will leave office without attending the inauguration. Somehow, I had the vibe that it was a deepfake video (just like the Queen’s last speech was), anybody else got that feeling?
I would say Biden’s presidency is inevitable, and that the bottom will keep sinking lower, and faster after the 20th. Biden and his pals have made it very clear that lockdowns, vaccinations and all the Great Reset goodies in the basket of Lucy, are coming very soon. And maybe that’s just what’s needed to shake the will-to-live senses in people.
“Keep calm and carry on” as the lizard Queen would say..
PS: meanwhile, the stock market is doing great, and so is BTC!
“Problem, Solution, Reaction” — You nailed that formula. Interesting how the day before, people were sending death threats to McConnell & co. Then boom, suddenly they are throwing themselves into the arms of our politicians over “muh democracy” that I thought we all just realized was a sham? Big tech is the new Big Brother, with social media being where newspeak and thought policing reign supreme. As for BTC... wonder when if it’ll fall soon or if it’ll remain on the rise despite the Reset thanks to this new Aquarian influence.
If Trump cannot pull off this coup and he is not /one of them/, he and his family will be murdered. If they survive, that will confirm for me he was all a part of the plan. I do not think Biden has any real power other than being a horseman of the Reset and will die shortly into his term, allowing Kamala to be the president.
“Keep calm and carry on.” Dreary, but honestly not bad advice. We cannot let our emotions overpower us and need to focus on what OUR next move is. So thankful I have this community to light the way.

shamangineer wrote: Trump is attempting a pusch-style coup because he is a thug. Most of the cops support him in this. Not so much the military or congress. Things can certainly get messy, but I do not think this will be ultimately be successful. Trump is too stupid, narcissistic, and desperate to recognize this. The thing about pathology is that it is pathological, he doesn't have the impulse control to stop himself.
The problem with Biden is that he just wants to maintain the unsustainable status quo in the middle of a pandemic depression. Without substantial efforts to help people recover from the trauma of job loss, homelessness, ect. and ending corruption through corporate money the US will continue to be a failed state, the richest country with strong third-world tendencies, the economy will languish and another more competent strong-man will rise to exploit the ignorant and suffering masses very shortly.
Ultimately it was a Obama's lack of accountability for the architects of the last recession, his unwillingness to prosecute the wantonly criminal Bush administration, and his doubling-down on illegal imperial impetus in the middle-east that created the conditions for the rise of Trump. Oh, and racism, lots and lots of racism.
Hmm, I thought Trump had lots of military support and was at a base in PA when he got booted from Twitter. We will find out, I suppose. I do have to disagree with you on Trump being stupid. A narcissist... 100%, but I think his presidency was calculated and planned for nearly 20 years. The 1984 article by NYT claiming that he would be our greatest president sealed this theory for me. Oh, and have you ever seen him on WWE? He has been playing a “Heel” this whole time while making power plays behind the scenes.
I just can’t tell if he’s a part of the plan the way Bush Sr. through Obama was, or a monkey wrench in it all. The Republicrats spent all of their time in the last 4 years attempting to remove him from office— was it all just a game to further divide us and let us grovel at the next dictator’s feet to “save us?”

chillcrab wrote: Hmm, I thought Trump had lots of military support and was at a base in PA when he got booted from Twitter. We will find out, I suppose. I do have to disagree with you on Trump being stupid. A narcissist... 100%, but I think his presidency was calculated and planned for nearly 20 years. The 1984 article by NYT claiming that he would be our greatest president sealed this theory for me. Oh, and have you ever seen him on WWE? He has been playing a “Heel” this whole time while making power plays behind the scenes.
I just can’t tell if he’s a part of the plan the way Bush Sr. through Obama was, or a monkey wrench in it all. The Republicrats spent all of their time in the last 4 years attempting to remove him from office— was it all just a game to further divide us and let us grovel at the next dictator’s feet to “save us?”
Well it's purely my opinion, but I think Trump always had aspirations to run out of sheer ego. In the wake of the Obama presidency backlash among Republicans, the commercial success of The Apprentice, and as a branding opportunity he ran. I don't think he really thought he was going to win before the results came in. I think he was mostly looking to exploit the free advertising to boost his brand.
I think many elites were equally surprised he won, but leaned into it to try to get what they wanted from him in the form of tax cuts. While the elites are undoubtedly fascist they recognize that having a complete loose cannon like Trump running things any longer runs counter to their own self-interest, but I could see them using him for the purposes of upending democracy and then scuttling him out later, but it's a pretty big risk as he has never been a team player.

chillcrab wrote: Hmm, I thought Trump had lots of military support and was at a base in PA when he got booted from Twitter. We will find out, I suppose.
He does have a lot of support among enlisted, but not as much among the upper eschelons from what I understand. If things do pop off to where lines are being drawn in the military we are in big trouble, and I don't think we are quite there yet.

OBVIOUS false-flag/psy-op initiated by Left-wing infiltrators & the Oligarch Media...intended to target the Right-wing and Trump supporters.

chillcrab wrote: I just can’t tell if he’s a part of the plan the way Bush Sr. through Obama was, or a monkey wrench in it all. The Republicrats spent all of their time in the last 4 years attempting to remove him from office— was it all just a game to further divide us and let us grovel at the next dictator’s feet to “save us?”
I've been stewing on this for a while. A couple of people who's opinions and insights I really respect had gone deep into the q end of the pool and have been laying out the arguments for trump as a positive event for some.time. But none of that ever really had the ring of truth to me, he's an obvious scum bag with decades long connections to people who seem to thrive on human and heroin trafficking.
My takeaway at this point, he was an important push on the pendulum that is being swung to break this nation apart. He was the "heel", as mentioned above, and he played his part quite deftly. They will keep swinging us back and forth between race baiting totalitarian dems and crass inflammatory totalitarian reps until they break our society.

Something else that I forgot to add in my post above;
What was the result of Donald Trump's presidency?
People on the "right" openly advocating for martial law and a military coup and people on the "left" advocating for martial law and thought crime legislation.
Seems to me like a pretty well executed psy op when you've got the majority of the public discourse openly discussing various forms of martial law
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