Living in the evil timeline from Back to the Future II

Okay, it's a bit of a joke but the corrolaries are intriguing and do make you wonder what the writers of the film might have known and how:
Cubs win the 2016 world series.
Nike develops self-tying laces.
The Legendary Self-Lacing Shoes Have Finally Become a Reality
We already know weather modification and geoengineering have been going on heavily since the mid-nineties, although it started decades earlier:
What in the World Are They Spraying?
The closest living corrolary of Biff just became President:
And finally electrogravitics (aka real hoverboard tech / flying car tech) is going mainstream:
Leaked NASA Paper Suggests The 'Impossible' EM Drive Really Does Work

Just thought I'd post the clip that general emotional tone yesterday reminded me of:
Biff Museum Clip

Here is something I just stumbled across on youtube while finding the above clip: This video discusses among other things an article published on OCT 21, 2015 that claims Bob Gale one of the "architechts" of Back to the Future based the character Biff Tannen on Donald Trump:
The Occult Of Back To The Future - Biff Tannen Is Donald Trump
It's official, we have a 1980's movie villian as president
‘Back to the Future’ Writer: Biff Tannen Is Based on Donald Trump
Some of his numerological references seem a bit of a stretch or he doesn't connect the dots fully and the bit about Needles living at 88 Oriole and then switching to discussing the occult significance of OREOs doesn't make any sense at all in my book. The occult significance of orange equating to 33 is interesting as well, although some of the things he calls orange look more red to me.
I honestly have no idea what to think about his claims about Jimmy Carter being the post-mortem identity of a living JFK or his photographic ear analysis, perhaps worth a look. Aside from that there are a lot of interesting things in the background of the movie which are easy to miss but definite occult references.

Intriguing. A little silly on the surface, yes, but very intriguing in a more serious kind of way as well. Good job :o) Maybe I will watch the movie with my son today and secretly look for other signs and correlations to today.

I love this. Definitely need to re-watch the series.

It's an interesting perspective but with this one I don't get a real "A-ha" moment. It seems a bit forced to the narrative. The other interesting point to all this and some other speculation is that Trump has been being asked if he would run for President for decades now. Important to consider this fact in considering the inspirations of any creator.

Really, it started as a bit of a joke because I made an offhand joke to my neighbor about Back to the Future II when the Cubs won. But after doing some searches for the thread there are some interesting corollaries. I agree no "A-ha" moment, but I thought the video was interesting for hints of possible inside knowledge embedded in the film. Some things like the Nike shoes are more like life imitating art. Some things in the video are a bit of the stretch and over the top, but still entertaining one way or another. Still the number of things that are close to what was described in the film are interesting, especially the Cubs win (pondering the HSC episode about game fixing). Overall, not a serious conspiracy to go ranting over or anything, just a bit odd and kind of funny and entertaining.
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