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Orgasmic birthing, unschooling, and a child the same age as yours.

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All right Greg so I’ve been listening for eight years or so and it wasn’t too long ago that I called into one of the joint sessions because I wanted to talk to you about Alkaline Trio and Missouri and I’m actually from Kansas City but spent a lot of time in St. Louis playing hockey anyways we moved out here roughly the same time to California, but I’m in Northern Cal. I got engaged just before you but you got married before me, and turns out we both have a child due at almost the same time. Sept. 23rd for us. Not far after that for you, am I right? We have , to everyone’s shock, absolutely chosen to do a “free birth”, which is literally just having an intimate birth with just the mother and father…and just to name a few major things that you have helped pave the way for in my universe…We have gotten zero ultrasounds, in fact been to zero appts with an obgyn, my child will never get a vaccine and also will never step foot in a public school and will be born in this old hot tub I sourced just for this event. Me and my wife live on 50 acres in very rural NorCal and grow a lot of our own food, and have gotten to know our local meet farmer thanks to you as well. There is so much I want to thank you for, but more importantly in the short time we have here, I want to tell you that you are not alone. You are not the only one having a hard time talking to family about their first grand baby, and all the “radical” ways We want to raise it…I’m comfortable now being unconventional because I have been empowered with knowledge…so just keep doing you Greg, you are nailing all of this and it’s making a dramatic impact on my wife and My life …and I know many many others…not to mention you very likely literally saved my life…You andDel bigtree, because I had to go in to the hospital march 2020 with a staph infection that had my kidneys and consequently my heart failing…well it’s a long story but my understanding of the situation already with the ventilators…I was able to avoid being put on one just barely. Had no one else that could be there either and argue on my behalf, I had to do itall myself with the very limited consciousness I was dealing with, but I knew it could be all bad on the vent at that time. So thank you Greg for so much and I think this whole having kids at almost the same time thing is really an unbelievable miracle as well as crazy coincidence but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We’ve got more things to learn as our children age that’s for sure. and I plan to be along for the ride till the day you stop doing this, and there is nothing that you could do to make me feel otherwise.

Ps…I’m also planning to never put my child in diapers…it’s called elimination communication…Kim Anami would be an outstanding guest to have on your show given the proximity to your first child’s birth…check her out, she is top notch all things orgasmic birth too…oh yeah and you could put orgasmic birth in the title of that show for sure mate Haha

Posted : August 30, 2021 11:25 AM
Posts: 8
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Oh yeah and my child will not be circumcised!! Thank you!

Posted : August 30, 2021 11:27 AM