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We gotta talk about the Monoliths...
As of now, we have 3 similar Monoliths appearing. Each new one appeared immediately after the first was taken down.
They aren't exactly the same, but they are definitely very similar. A major difference is that the 2nd had the weird polishing marks all over it (writing?)
Yes they seemed to be sheet metal (mild steel?) with rivets. Humans could do that, but aliens or anything else could also do that.
The way the Utah one was buried into the ground is very interesting. You can see a photo on wiki after it was cut down. The metal goes straight into the undisturbed ground. It's hard desert rock. There is no visible overcutting, and the interior ground matches the exterior with no disturbance.
The Romanian one looks like the ground was disturbed. And the polishing is bizarre. If it was human, maybe they weren't ready for their step in the performance, and rushed to place it?

It could all be human, yes. If it is, someone (who?) is doing something very bizarre and coordinated; for what purpose?
If it is non human intelligent entities, how should we examine and approach this?

12/21/2020 is coming up very quickly, with the great Conjunction, & I feel like this is connected and we gotta be prepared for ....what?

UPDATE:12/8/2020 There are MANY new Monoliths! They are appearing regularly now all over. Some of them are fake. That Artist group is very lightly claiming responsibility but won't say they built the original. But they are appearing all around the world with slight variations. Is it accelerating?

Things to investigate
~Geography - compare with the usual maps including Lay / Telluric lines
~Marks on Romanian - Irregular swirls, is it just a grinder, or is it a code / message?

Posted : December 5, 2020 1:52 AM
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There aren't many good photos of the Romanian swirls. It got taken down to quickly I guess.
First assumption is a human with a grinder. It's reasonable to try to polish it this way. Though, if it's sheet metal, there would be no need to do this typically, since it's already smooth. And it doesn't look like the metal was banged up or bumpy, or dirty, or rusty, so what are they trying to polish off? If you just wanted to shine it you could use a treatment on a rag. Much much quicker and easier and everything.
It would take a long time to do this with a grinder! And right away you'd know it wasn't making it smooth and pretty, it was having really the opposite effect. I mean unless you're working in the dark. But it would take hours to do all that. And, usually, if you're doing a repetitive task, you get better as you do it. But the swirls change constantly and are totally "messy". I think you'd have to have some kind of insanity to do this and think you're making it shiny, or like it matches the Utah one.
So maybe the human was doing this as part of the "art installation." Yes, this is possible. Like I said you could do it in a few hours, less if you're being purposefully sloppy. And you could keep it varied if you wanted it to look that way. So, this is reasonable. But we can still ask, are they changing the pattern randomly, or are they encoding information? Even then, is it meaningful information, ie a message, or is it gibberish for people like us to over analyze? Lol. But I could see an artist playing music, and varying the pattern to music, so an analyst might notice a pattern, but it's unintelligible.
Okay so if it's not a human, and it's an object installed by non-human intelligent entities, then...
It could be some kind of teleportation or fabrication error? Uh maybe, but I wouldn't expect sloppy errors from ETs.
It is there on purpose, and means something. It could be language. I speak a few languages but I'm not an expert on the type of analytical stuff you would need to decode this. Though it seems do-able.
But ya'll, if it is ETs, this is a pretty big sign, and I think it is demanding our attention. I know google says the Utah one was there for a few years, I think we could say it 'drew attention to itself' at this historic moment. And if there is writing that is meant to be decoded by those who are aware, then I'd suggest that we at least try!

And anyway, if this is humans doing something, I think it might still behoove us to investigate a bit and try to figure out if it's some kind of magic rite, or a physics experiment having bizarre results, or maybe something less concerning like art or advertising (but still weird).

Posted : December 5, 2020 2:14 AM
Posts: 152
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Monolith is an ad campaign from JEEP

Posted : December 7, 2020 7:41 AM
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steved wrote: Monolith is an ad campaign from JEEP

Everything I'm seeing upon researching that is that Jeep is repurposing the monoliths for their ads. Meaning, they didn't install them, and are photoshopping their cars in after the fact.

UPDATE: There's a new one, on the Isle of Wight in GB now. It's mirrored, and the top is shaped a bit differently than the others. The ground connection also looks kinda messy & shabby.

It's reported that "The Most Famous Artist" collective is claiming responsibility. I don't know if I believe them though. They are selling "facsimiles" of the monoliths and hyping themselves. They have some photos of them creating monoliths, but notably all the photos tagged in instagram are about making copies. They aren't showing, on IG or their website, anything that I would consider hard evidence that they installed or created the originals. The lil 3d digi model is way too simple to demonstrate that, I could create that in 2 minutes. I think they are just claiming the origin since no one else is, and selling copies for money.

Posted : December 7, 2020 4:54 PM
Posts: 474
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David Icke Lives on the Isle of Wight - so therefore the monoliths are a reptilian calling card!?

Posted : December 9, 2020 3:23 AM
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Posted : December 9, 2020 8:41 AM
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Copycats wanting to be enigmatically viral. The construction is simple and as stated previously in this thread the swirls are just an angle grinder with a sanding wheel. I wouldn't put the total time for someone to build and assemble one of these past 6-8 hours even embellished.

Posted : December 12, 2020 2:14 PM
Posts: 11
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ripleyllessur wrote: We gotta talk about the Monoliths...
As of now, we have 3 similar Monoliths appearing. Each new one appeared immediately after the first was taken down.
They aren't exactly the same, but they are definitely very similar. A major difference is that the 2nd had the weird polishing marks all over it (writing?)
Yes they seemed to be sheet metal (mild steel?) with rivets. Humans could do that, but aliens or anything else could also do that.
The way the Utah one was buried into the ground is very interesting. You can see a photo on wiki after it was cut down. The metal goes straight into the undisturbed ground. It's hard desert rock. There is no visible overcutting, and the interior ground matches the exterior with no disturbance.
The Romanian one looks like the ground was disturbed. And the polishing is bizarre. If it was human, maybe they weren't ready for their step in the performance, and rushed to place it?

It could all be human, yes. If it is, someone (who?) is doing something very bizarre and coordinated; for what purpose?
If it is non human intelligent entities, how should we examine and approach this?

12/21/2020 is coming up very quickly, with the great Conjunction, & I feel like this is connected and we gotta be prepared for ....what?

UPDATE:12/8/2020 There are MANY new Monoliths! They are appearing regularly now all over. Some of them are fake. That Artist group is very lightly claiming responsibility but won't say they built the original. But they are appearing all around the world with slight variations. Is it accelerating?

Things to investigate
~Geography - compare with the usual maps including Lay / Telluric lines
~Marks on Romanian - Irregular swirls, is it just a grinder, or is it a code / message?

I think it’s an elaborate art project. Cant see aliens using stainless steel.

Posted : December 22, 2020 2:49 AM
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To follow up, checking the Wiki page on this, a ton of monoliths have since appeared!
Maybe 40 or 50 listed there. Many of them are stated to be art works by people. But many of them have nothing written about the origin! I'm not going to go research them though. Nothing specific and tangible happened on 12/21 2020. So the immediate concern is relieved. However I would still consider this to be an interesting project for someone else to follow up on. Something interesting, and possibly 'alien', may still be going on, and maybe some of the later monoliths are 'genuine'.
I continue to strongly disagree with the argument of "aliens wouldn't use stainless steel" or any other technology. Advanced entities have access to MORE technology, not less. Nails were invented thousands (10,000s?) of years ago, and they are still the best solution in circumstances. Sure, details are improved, and production methods especially, but the fundamental tech is still good. And a sheet isn't a unique Earth-tech shape. SS will always be great for certain applications. Any advanced entity would reasonably choose to use a simple, flat sheet of a type of metal. This is true regardless of whether such objects were made in a Star Trek style replicator, or if the 'alien' entities actually built the device on Earth with available materials. We could have a more nuanced debate if there were things like screws, brackets, bolts, etc. Aliens could still produce all those, but we might be able to argue that it's to exactly-current tech.
If we still had the original, perhaps chemical analysis could be done on the material make up. I'm not sure how much can be discovered from SS. Maybe at best you could discover how long about it was cooled to a sheet. But, as always, it's all gone...

Posted : February 15, 2021 10:18 PM