I Blame The Mud Flood For Being Here

Found THC via Stolen History, and well, crap here I am, all paid up and a plus member.
It is a slippery slope indeed.
I'm Bill Mize, and I have a podcast called, creatively enough "Bill Watches Movies", which is the bastard child of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Old Time Radio.
Available where any fine podcasts are subscribed, downloaded and listened to.
I am loving the show, but daunted at the SHEER NUMBER of shows that I need to get through to get "caught up".
It's gonna be a while.
- Bill

Posted by: @billwatchesmoviesFound THC via Stolen History, and well, crap here I am, all paid up and a plus member.
It is a slippery slope indeed.
I'm Bill Mize, and I have a podcast called, creatively enough "Bill Watches Movies", which is the bastard child of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Old Time Radio.
Available where any fine podcasts are subscribed, downloaded and listened to.
I am loving the show, but daunted at the SHEER NUMBER of shows that I need to get through to get "caught up".
It's gonna be a while.
- Bill
That podcast sounds fun. I like MST3K & OTR. I downloaded some mp3 files for the player queue.

I guess I'm supposed to advertise something here as the previous did. I just wanted to hear more about this mud flood. O well. what could I expect.
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