Greetings From New Zealand!!

Hi all! Been meaning to sign up for a few weeks now but i finally did it. I'm just simple Sparky (Electrician) making his way in the mighty Waikato. first heard THC when i was following #Pizzagate last year and got hooked to those epic intros immediately 😛 I'm on a quest to find out for sure what shape the earth is (i'm leaning towards flat). I also very much enjoy tying other guests conspiracy theories to the flat earth theory.... Most of them work surprisingly enough. Like anything to do with Aliens seeding humanity could easily be another dimension rather than a different physical place in our universe. Would love for you to get Dubay back on here Greg. Any questions/discussions are welcome, ill do my utmost to answer, but if your gonna ask me "what is the moon?" I'll reply with a truthful "I don't know". Look forward to combing through the second hour of my favourite episodes.
Cheers Guys and Gals,

Howdy Sparky. So coming from New Zealand must give you a bit of a different take on FE. Are distances flying overseas in synch with conventional data for you down under?
I am not a FE guy but I try to keep my brain flexible enough to listen.

I haven't been over seas much, but looking into flight paths I find some odd things, like most connecting flights that end up in Auckland airport from destinations also in the southern hemisphere (like Buenos Dias) tend to do a stop over in the northern hemisphere before returning south. The conventional data for flights to Australia seem to line up pretty well tho, this could be explained by NZ and Australia being closer to each other than we think (possibly) also the flight from Buenos Dias to Auckland would be achieved much faster if they went over Antarctica but I'm yet to find a flight that does that. Not many people that believe the ball earth would even give me the time of day. Your curiosity is inspiring sir.

Getting too close to the poles historically plays havoc with all sorts of navigation systems. Over the Pole in the northern hemisphere has never really meant exactly that. The so-called great circle routes that reach high latitudes have never been allowed to get too far north.

I find it interesting that instruments can't handle the poles, yet we has instruments that operate perfectly in the harsh conditions of space.... odd don't you think? Went to the moon in the sixties but can't fly over Antarctica in 2017? I find it very suspicious

Do you know about JANAP 146?
Curiously, this atmosphere that discourages pilots from reporting UFOs is completely opposite to the current vigilance desired in our post-9/11 world. Even during the Cold War when a Soviet attack on North America was of major concern, having all pilots, civilian and military, report sightings of possible enemy aircraft was most desirable. In 1954, military and commercial aviation officials produced the Joint Army, Navy, Air Force Publication 146 (known as JANAP 146). A companion set of directives giving Communication Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings (CIRVIS) was produced later and is still in effect today in a slightly modified form. In no uncertain terms, it instructs both civilians and military personnel that:CIRVIS reports should be made immediately upon a vital intelligence sighting of any airborne, waterborne and ground objects or activities which appear to be hostile, suspicious, unidentified or engaged in illegal smuggling activity. Examples of events requiring CIRVIS reports are:
- unidentified flying objects;
- submarines or warships which are not Canadian or American;
- violent explosions; and
- unexplained or unusual activity in Polar regions, abandoned airstrips or other remote, sparsely populated areas.
I don't suspect it is the reality of a flat Earth that is the concern, but access to the Hollow Earth that's being hidden.

satyagraha wrote: Do you know about JANAP 146?
I don't suspect it is the reality of a flat Earth that is the concern, but access to the Hollow Earth that's being hidden.
What limits are there to the rules by which various material universes are governed? Humans have a spark which is beyond all of these densities. And we share one consciousness.

Hey, good to see a fellow kiwi on here. You're on the right track. Definitely flat 🙂

Hey fellow nzer here Akl stay strong!

It's been a while since you posted this, but thought I'd just on here and let you know that we have a THC meetup planned in Auckland for the 9th of Dec if you happen to be up this way and would like to join us. This will be our 3rd meeting.
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