my mea culpa- trump...
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my mea culpa- trump is evil

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i feel sincerely moved to come here and provide my public mea culpa*.... i was wrong about trump... he is simply deep state and therefore evil.

i realized this after he became president.

i'm literally shaking and crying as i type this. i was so hopeful but he has done nothing since being president. my expectations were so high and i didn't manage them. and now i am crashing from that disappointment. i'm just gutted... i don't know if i can handle this.... i'm just so fucking sad and feel so fucking stupid. how could have i believed he would do anything good? 

i'll explain why i think this (i mean, the very smart people here in this forum already know this, so i know the below sounds like 'old news' but i am, as thomas pynchon is, a slow learner)

-elon pretended to be a zi0nist but all this time he was literally a nazi. i mean, he gave the the nazi salute. i'm literally crying so much right now that i'm destroying my keyboard. fuck, now i'm ultra disappointed and have to get a new keyboard. 

- one of trumps son's literally did an illuminati  hand gesture, a triangle, a fucking triangle yall! how could i have been so brain washed?!?

-at one point elon was literally possessed by a demon. he was rocking back and forth with his eyes closed. a fucking demon possessed him right in front of my eyes!

- barron shook hands with biden and harris right after!!... as carlin said, its one big club and we aint in it!! ... oh god, how could i have been so duped? i'm sobbing... i literally just pulled a muscle in my back because i'm sobbing so much.  (now i'm typing with one hand, i've literally injured myself so bad i'm having to type with one hand

- he withdrew from the paris climate treaty. oh god,d  how cuould i haev ben so stiupid, we aer litterally goin too die, fro climate changge... (sory my typpingg isns't good, butt i'm typin wiht onee hand noww)

-trump didn't take the oath of office with his hand on the bible! i'll say that again... he didn't take the oath of office with his hand on the bible! we all know waht that maenss, he is a satan worshiper. Lucifer is portrayed in literature with his hand 'beside' the bible!!!!! i literally can't believe how dumb i was

- he pardoned fauci... this is the one that broke me. how could he pardon fauci? so it is true, bobby kennedy jr. was 'sus' as was so astutely pointed out here. 

- he had rich people at his inauguration. Rich people yall!!!! if he was really against the deep state he would only have people with a net worth under $100,000! rich people control the world, it really is all a rich man's trick. 

- he is adding to the military (he said he was against the mil. instudtrial complex) but he is adding to the military! his exeutive order is adding 8,000 troops to the mil.! i'm sobbing, i'm shaking... i just am so let donw. i feel like a fool

- probably the thing that most woke me up was reading online that they served mcdonalds at the celebrations after! and there is an eye witness of rfk jr eating a big mac! a big mac yall! this man is sus, he isn't for health! 

and it is just on and on.... i'm just so sorry for my out burst saying i was leaving THC and the consp. community because people weren't celebrating that bobby k. was poised to be in a position of power. that man is soooo sus... sooooo sus yall!

this post is my amends process. please let me stay in this community. i was just so wrong. i'm going to pay for two plus subscriptions from now on to make up for my wrong. i sincerely apologize for being duped by this truly evil evil man and trying to 'wake up' people to what i thought was true.

it really -was- a fake bullet and a blood packet! it was all a deep state set up. and to think... before i saw this evil unfold at the inauguration i was un ironically listening to that new rap song with roseanne bar! however, after getting this off my chest, my back has loosened up some. so i can type with two hands now. 

but i'm still sobbing and my keyboard is destroyed. i'm humbly starting a gofundme account to get a new keyboard. 

please accept my humblest apologies. i was so wrong about this evil man that is clearly deep state. and please donate what you can to replace my keyboard

-in truth

frater 222


*i know everyone here knows what mea culpa means but for those idiots that actually believe trump is a net positive and a historical figure (like i previously was) mea culpa means, an acknowledgment of one's fault or error.

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Don't be so hard on yourself we've all been in your position. And you are just getting started because it's actually even worse than you knows smh. Except climate change that's not real smh smh

I can empathize for your situation, but a go fund me? I paid $20 for a wireless mouse and keyboard I'm sure you can come up with that on your own lol

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Thanks so much for understanding. the switch i've had is so swift that the below guy thinks my OP was satire. it wasn't, i really thought trump was a good guy, but after day one it really opened my eyes. i had a breakdown yesterday.

its like i just wanted to believe he was good, i really didn't manage my expectations. RFK jr joining him really tricked me. now i see RFK jr is very sus. i mean, he was eating mcdonalds after saying he was all for our health and the rumors are he was eating it at the parties on inauguration day.

do you have any advice on how to get over such a thing? and how do you think things are worse? i'm very new to all of this, i mean, i honestly thought trump would do something good, lol, so you know i'm a newbie, lol. 

i used to be very skeptical of climate change, thinking it was being used to grab more control very similar to c0vid... but now i'm honestly not sure. i mean, if trump pulled us out of the paris treaty then remaining in has to be a good thing? don't you think?  

thanks for empathizing but i need a special ergonomic keyboard, the one i need is $300... the ironic thing is, i injured my hands being a 'keyboard' warrior for trump and now because of him i have to get a new keyboard. i'm in tremendous pain when i type, even now. but thank god i can use two hands now. i'm really hoping the community will help me out with the gofundme so i can now be a keyboard warrior against trump, lol. we have to wake folks up to this evil.

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You're not a very good satire writer and this series of posts isn't inspiring me to seek out your book.

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wow, its literally true, not satire. the person above understands that... man, you won the debate. take a victory lap. i was wrong about trump. i mean, he promised us libertarians that he would pardon Ross Ulbricht and guess what? he refused yesterday to do it. i was duped

and i have no book... i was honestly lying, i was trying to give credence to my erroneous views that trump wasn't part of the deep state, was a net positive and was a historical figure. so i just lied and said big names in the space praised a book that doesn't exist. i honestly wished i was smart enough to write a book that was "destined to be a classic" with "every page packing a punch" but i'm just not that smart. 

and i almost lied and claimed that nick Land said the writing on my substack (which doesn't exist) was "epic".  at the time i thought nick land was the most brilliant living philosopher alive and that it would lend weight to my terribly misguided views. however, i now see Land just like Vox does. the dude is pure evil racist, just like trump. Vox points out that nick Land is the dark architect for the racist alt. right.




