Jan 20 2024 Astro P...
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Jan 20 2024 Astro Prediction

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Astrological prediction for Jan 20th 2024

I’m a practicing astrologer, and I’m just putting this out here for “fun”, though the topic matter in my mind is the darkest of the dark.
Pluto and the Sun conjoin and move into the sign of Aquarius on January 20th. Pluto is related to power, corruption and bringing into light that which corrupts. Pluto tills and turns the soil and prepares the ground for future building.
Now there are is a lot of content out there regarding Pluto changing signs (this planet spends at least two decades in a sign it moved into Capricorn 2008, entered Aquarius last March, retrograded back into Cap and on the 20th it moves with a conjunction to the Sun).
Ok with the astro groundwork laid out, what’s my prediction?
Jeffery Epstein also has a bday on the January 20th, his natal 0 degrees Aquarius Sun will be conjoined by the transiting Sun and Pluto. This could be interpreted as more details around him and the overall subject receiving greater illumination on hidden details.
I don’t have an exact time for his bday to pull an accurate chart. I do have an accurate time for Maxwell, and Pluto is transiting her natal Saturn (planet of time, death, constriction and isolation) which resides in the house of other peoples money, taxes death and karmic taxes. Pluto retrogrades back in June and will hit near her Saturn degree mark 29 deg rx by fall 2024 (where it is now ). Then it will station in October and finally re-enter Aquarius for good in Dec, returning to Epstein sun placement. We can use these dates to watch the ebb and flow of the news cycle and information. His bday in 2025, he still has Pluto at 1 degree off his natal Sun, but I do think this ingress of the Sun and Pluto moving together this year is a strong omen. I may be 100% wrong and I’m also ok with that.
With this all said, I just think it’s fun to put a time stamp on predictions. I will go one further and say that this year in general regarding Epstein will receive heightened attention overall (which is not really shocking revelation), but this is his solar return chart and sets the tone for the year ahead, even posthumous.
It is my hope this is true and others are seriously held accountable for the unspoken hidden corruption. Yet I also think the planetary clock is set to expose the corruption that runs deeper than we all are privy too.
I’m keeping an eye on Saturn too because it will move over his natal Venus and Mars that sit conjunct at 16 degrees Pisces, symbolically showing the corruption, sexual violence and power over women, and Saturn bringing forth judgement. This will be a ongoing 2024 transit with Saturns retrograde.

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What happened ?

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@nickzeptepi Well nothing on the day, but surrounding both sides of the date, there have been multiple victims  coming forward pushing new lawsuits, Ghislaine reported she’s writing a tell-all book, and Jeffery’s brother is also running the circuit  saying his brother didn’t kil himself and is trying to publicly/privately get answers.

I still feel confident with the solar return prediction that this entire year will be marked by the Pluto/Sun conjunction in his chart, and more corruption will be exposed in regards to the whole situation. Shall see! 

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@analogsky i did a prediction + journal exercise a few years ago.

I found + or - 3 to 5 days of the target date still had effects, like planet vvv was always a delay but accurate.


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@nickzeptepi yes! This is considered in astrology as applying or separating aspects, which are measured by degrees. Traditional astrologers give up 3 degrees on either side of an exact aspect for planets and up to 15 degrees for the Moon. Modern astrologers can be much more generous with degrees. No doubt you can feel a building and then a waning if you study closely enough. That’s cool you tracked them!

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Thanks for sharing your practice here.  Which pillar are you representing in astrology: solar, lunar or the alchemical middle way?

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@localharmony I am a certified Hellenistic Astrologer.
