Great episode, grea...
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Great episode, great new theme songs.

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Did you guys hear the new episode with Analog? I am from Bulgaria and I can't dismiss the similarities between the pre-Bulgarians Traki, ancient Greek Trojans and the Italian Truskans. It looks like very unified culture dating around the same time. Some Bulgarian historians claim ancient Greek language take its roots from the Traki. Or maybe it's just a dialectic thing and it's all the same people. Lot of things they find these days are labeled as Roman but are they or some group just like to steal others achievements to serve their narratives and nobody have benefit to expose fake history but capitalize on the old lies instead. Roman looks to me more and more like a label you can just stick to anything like Tartar. The tartars of 20-21 century are the Communists. If you just see the anti-communist propaganda after ww1 is just mind blowing! Nationalizing women, eating babies omg, and anything that does not worship American way or wants to nationalize resources or just want to be neutral is labeled as evil communist. The word Communist just like Fascist and Marxist they don't mean anything anymore because how overused out of context they are. Check out the William Blum's book "Killing Hope".
However to the second topic the songs. The episode had some new great intro and outro songs does anybody knows the names of the artists? And does that second intro jazz song have a longer version because it sounds like it does?

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The new intro song effing slaps! I was so happy to hear it!

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@zenkyoki I was so moved by the new tune I signed up!

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It was a good episode. Did Greg perhaps misunderstand Analog about coal? Analog mentioned that bits of wood are found in coal. Actually, leaves and other remains of the original plant material are found in coal. This is mainstream geology. Greg seemed to push back, arguing that he was not sure trees could be that large. I might have misheard, but I don't think Analog was saying each bed of coal was created from one tree. Whether or not the trees were "giant", even the mainstream narrative is that the forests were.
