Ammon Hillman
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Ammon Hillman

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So, the Ammon Hillman has been one of the most interesting THC episodes I've heard so far. And I've been listening to THC for a good 10 years. I decided to check out his YouTube channel, and either he is trolling Christians or a legit Satanist or both.

My question for him would be: if what you're saying about the Bible is true, do you condone it?

I don't believe he condemned these practices in the episode.

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I found his channel about a week ago and was a little confused but I found this recent interview where he goes into his personal life and opinions a little more:

It seems to me like on his channel he's maybe just trying to have fun and present the ideas in an entertaining/provocative way.

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Maybe. I get what he's saying about translation. It is a very complicated thing when it comes to these texts. I went back to what I assumed was his first episode and he kept saying, "Hail Satan" which I can't tell if he's serious, trolling or both. I am still approaching his channel with an open mind. I'd like to see him debate somebody like Jay Dyer tho
