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Dr. Michael Salla Ph.D - The Secret Space Program, Antarctica & Exopolitcs

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enjoypolo wrote: I've got mixed thoughts about Richard Dolan. Let me explain why. I used to like find his work attractive, and read a book or two of his on his theory of Breakaway Civilizations (Not to confuse with SSP). Then, I was quite surprised by his resistance to SSP whistleblowers, reminding me of Dr Steven Greer.
I was really disappointed when I watched this 2017 MUFON symposium panel discussing SSP. If you haven't watched it, you should. Because Dolan is sitting amongst some highly respectable whistleblower, including William Tompkins, Corey Goode,Michael Salla and Andrew Basiago.
Yet for all the talks about a Breakthrough Civilization, Dolan is resistant to the idea that there are actually IS a Secret Space Program. And has existed for the past thirty years.

Look, it's one thing to be suspicious of a guy who claims he's been working on a 20-and-back (20-years program) in outer space as an intuitive empath. Trust me, I used to be that guy. But the guy has incredible amount of details that stand up to brutal scrutiny over almost 10 seasons on Cosmic Disclosure, not including all the long talks and Q&As. I don't mean no disrespect, but you yourself mention not even bothering to finish the first episode. It strikes me that you must've felt a strong emotional response to what Corey had to say. And maybe, that should be scrutinized, just the same way Corey's testimony should be. And maybe, if you would bother to go through what he has to say (at least a few episode) you would see that what he says is coherent, and even more so often vindicated.

Personally, I find it hard to fake the fact that Corey's testimony over the years under scrutiny from David Wilcock, seems to correlate William Tompkins testimony (unrelated to both, and goes at least a generation or two before both). Not to mention that autistic Briton hacker Gary McKinnon who got in NASA (could've been DoD) computers and found mentions of space aircraft carriers, including pictures and mentions of Solar Warden. He's facing extradition to the US and life in prison without parole for his 'crimes'.
Then you have Capt Randy Kramer's testimony of that exact same program. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of people who are mentioning Secret Space Program.

There comes a point where there is too much not to see a coherent pattern emerging. So that's where I'm inclined to believe, that there may very well indeed be such a vast shadowy program going on. Whether Blue Birds Being or Inner Earth beings called the Anshar have anything to do with it is another layer of complexity added to the equation.

To go back to Dolan, and more in general about whistleblowers coming forward. I think we need to be more open to paradigm shattering testimonies, especially when we have so much information available. I used to be bound to my emotional, impulsive reactionary states. But once I realize how little I knew about anything, let alone my own self, I realized that I should at least give the benefit of the doubt to people who are more likely to be in a position of knowing.
Anyways, that's my two cents. I respect everyone's opinion regardless of my views.

EDITS: I added a few links for further clarification.

You see why it’s pointless to respond, they’re so stupid and arrogant they have no fucking idea what you’re talking about, they just dismiss anything their tiny brains can’t process and mask it all behind a veil of illusory self importance to justify their ignorance.

Posted : March 13, 2018 3:53 PM
Posts: 1354
Member Moderator

trintdaddy wrote: Thank you for your thougtful response.

I'm not a huge fan of dolan. It's just that I've listened to just about everything else.

I was very unimpressed with the first episode of Cosmic Disclosure, not because of any emotional attachments or because of the material. The presentation almost immediately turned me off. I will give it another chance, though, & I'll get back with you.

I don't have much time to respond right now, but I'll get back with you soon.

Speaking of which, I would equally recommend checking the testimonies of Emery Smith, who first appeared in public towards the end of 2017 thanks to David Wilcock. Emery worked at Sandia Labs, the notorious MIC scientific lab where he claims to have worked as a surgeon having autopsied on many different ET/ET-hybrid bodies.
The production value of the show has gone way up since the show first started with Corey Goode, including very detailed visuals that help put things into context.

You can check David's blog post about Emery's initial coming out here (lengthy but detailed and puts the context), as well the subsequent death threats that ensued.

As well as the latest season of Cosmic Disclosure (on Gaia) consists almost exclusively of his testimony. It's breathtaking at times and while it doesn't talk specifically of SSP, you can certainly cross-correlate a lot of the informations as well.

David Wilcock with Emery Smith, episode 1


And also, this is the latest episode just released today, available for another 35 hours.

Posted : March 13, 2018 9:47 PM
Posts: 1023
Noble Member

enjoypolo wrote:
Not to mention that autistic Briton hacker Gary McKinnon who got in NASA (could've been DoD) computers and found mentions of space aircraft carriers, including pictures and mentions of Solar Warden. He's facing extradition to the US and life in prison without parole for his 'crimes'.
Then you have Capt Randy Kramer's testimony of that exact same program. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of people who are mentioning Secret Space Program.

"Hacker" If I remember most of the computers had default or no password on them. Just because he was walking through a few screen doors on the submarine that were left wide open he was dubbed the "world's greatest hacker" by the Anonymous group - I guess that says something about them. I guarantee the world's greatest hacker is someone who's name really is still anonymous.

Posted : March 14, 2018 1:12 AM
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shamangineer wrote: "Hacker" If I remember most of the computers had default or no password on them. Just because he was walking through a few screen doors on the submarine that were left wide open he was dubbed the "world's greatest hacker" by the Anonymous group - I guess that says something about them. I guarantee the world's greatest hacker is someone who's name really is still anonymous.

From the Guardian article July 9, 2005:

Basically, what Gary was looking for - and found time and again - were network administrators within high levels of the US government and military establishments who hadn't bothered to give themselves passwords. That's how he got in.

Posted : March 14, 2018 2:48 AM
Posts: 146
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I watched episode 2 & 3 of cosmic disclosure, & without getting into details, I don't care for it or the material contained therein. I'm willing to take in just about any information, sift it, then keep what makes sense - not the case on this occasion. Maybe one of these days I'll reassess my position, but for now, something about the show's participants REALLY trips my trigger & turn me off.

Enjoypolo, I appreciate & recognize your knowledge on the topic along with your willingness to provide information. I watched & enjoyed the mufon symposium you posted. I'm not "in any camp" with regards to salla or goode. I'm SSP agnostic. thanks for the information you've shared here! perhaps we can further discuss the topic at another time.

Posted : March 14, 2018 11:08 PM
Posts: 326
Bossman Admin

ixdbxi wrote: It was a waste of time to post this, Carlwood is too close minded for the info and he ignores 99% of the suggestions, he doesn't give a fuck about his listeners, we're just a cash cow for him.

What a dick. Thanks for listening!

Posted : April 11, 2018 5:10 PM
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TheCarlwood wrote: What a dick. Thanks for listening!

Thanks for confirming that.

Posted : April 12, 2018 4:22 AM
Posts: 632
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thegdolla wrote: I didn’t see anyone harassing you. Disagreement is not harassment. I took the liberty of cleaning up one of your comments which directly attacked someone’s sexuality which is explicitly against the rules.

Other than that man. Smokin a little smoke drinkin a little drink and upping the chill factor could probably go a long way. We’re all friends here, struggling against the same systems of control. No need to be dicks

Great Job,Moderator! How about a show on "The Angry SuperFan" Archetype =D It's amazing how people will take the time to shit all over another's creation without a shread of humility or "open-mindness" they are decrying in the first place. This must be disheartening at first & to some degree,in general,depending on the regularity of these "Angry SuperFans". Good News is To Every One "Angry SuperFan" you have 10000 other THC-ers that know what's up & gladly support the efforts of everyone at the HigherSide Chats. Thank you all for what you do. Money Well Spent! <3, J.E.

Posted : April 12, 2018 5:25 PM
Posts: 24
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genxgemini wrote: Great Job,Moderator! How about a show on "The Angry SuperFan" Archetype =D It's amazing how people will take the time to shit all over another's creation without a shread of humility or "open-mindness" they are decrying in the first place. This must be disheartening at first & to some degree,in general,depending on the regularity of these "Angry SuperFans". Good News is To Every One "Angry SuperFan" you have 10000 other THC-ers that know what's up & gladly support the efforts of everyone at the HigherSide Chats. Thank you all for what you do. Money Well Spent! <3, J.E.

Are you saying I’m an angry superfan? If so, explain how? How am I being close-mimded? Any dissenting voice that doesn’t go along with the collective is dismissed as close-minded? Logic of that? How is Carlwood a creator? If anything, he steals other people’s creativity and makes money off it. The only angry superfans around here are the ones that are dumb enough to think Carlwood gives a fuck about them, defend him like mindless zombies, and censor anyone who says something they don’t like, good job championing the destruction of free speech moron.

Posted : April 12, 2018 8:29 PM
Posts: 24
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TheCarlwood wrote: What a dick. Thanks for listening!

What kind of egomaniac comments about themself in the third person, wtf?

Posted : April 12, 2018 9:43 PM
Posts: 24
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Can someone delete this thread? Why isn't there an option for the creator to delete their own thread?

Posted : April 17, 2018 9:17 AM
Posts: 8
Active Member

ixdbxi wrote: It was a waste of time to post this, Carlwood is too close minded for the info and he ignores 99% of the suggestions, he doesn't give a fuck about his listeners, we're just a cash cow for him.

I could not agree less.

Posted : June 11, 2018 12:35 PM
Posts: 8
Active Member

I'ma just put this here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKopy74weus

Mass awakening in every facet of culture. fantasy, preparing the way for reality... or maybe just a subtle heads up?

Sure feels good being the bell of the ball!

Team Human!!!!

Posted : June 11, 2018 12:36 PM
Posts: 146
Estimable Member

have you guys heard about Wilcock leaving Gaia? allegedly he claims they're promoting a luciferian agenda & he's not gonna be part of that (I'm paraphrasing of course). Specifically, he takes umbrance with Ancient Civilizations Season 2 Episode 1. There's more to this story, but I don't care. I like the show Ancient Civilizations. I like Deep Space, too. Both strictly for entertainment value a la Ancient Aliens. Very similar shows.

Regardless, the jews. 😉

Posted : July 20, 2018 12:14 PM
Posts: 474
Honorable Member

trintdaddy wrote: have you guys heard about Wilcock leaving Gaia? allegedly he claims they're promoting a luciferian agenda & he's not gonna be part of that (I'm paraphrasing of course). Specifically, he takes umbrance with Ancient Civilizations Season 2 Episode 1. There's more to this story, but I don't care. I like the show Ancient Civilizations. I like Deep Space, too. Both strictly for entertainment value a la Ancient Aliens. Very similar shows.

Regardless, the jews. 😉

Have you seen this guys channel? Ancient Architects - Offers his own take on whats found, his mini series on Tutankhamen fake is really interesting.


Posted : July 22, 2018 4:47 AM
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