Chris Hedges
He's a journalist, mostly talks about the decline of the American empire, what's wrong with the economy with really good insight into inner-workings. He just released a book called America: The Farewell Tour.
He's also a Presbyterian minister, but don't pre-judge him. He's been certified to teach creationism from Harvard Divinity school, and from something he said in a recent speech I heard on Youtube, it seems like he may know something about this esoteric/exoteric concept Greg has been talking about lately. I'd love to pick his brain about it.
I don't know, might be worth a shot.
"He's been certified to teach creationism"
He is a minister and did go to Harvard, but he is no creationist. I like the guy and listened to him for years, but then I got a lot less interested in politics.
hugh johnson wrote: "He's been certified to teach creationism"
He is a minister and did go to Harvard, but he is no creationist. I like the guy and listened to him for years, but then I got a lot less interested in politics.
He's been certified to teach creationism, i didnt say he was a creationist, per se. I dont know, it seems like he may have had a shift of view concerning religion somewhere alomg the way. I heard him say in one interview that he doesn't really consider himself religious, so I really don't know what to make of it.
Chris Hedges is a bit too anti-conspiracy to be on a conspiracy podcast. And he is a bit too left-wing for Higherside. I like a lot of Hedges work. He is a pulitizer prize winning journalist who got fed up with the New York Times and left the establishment. He knows the tricks of the trade and how people get ahead in journalism. He despises liberalism (and knows more about it than anyone posting on these boards, even writing an excellent book about it) almost as much as he does the neocons and neolibs. He has a seminary degree and has somewhat principled Christian beliefs. He has a strong moral compass. He has an environmental streak, even hanging out and co-writing articles with Derrick Jensen, a fairly famous anarchist environmentalist who advocates blowing up dams (for the salmon and ecosystems) and a heck of a lot more via his group Deep Green Resistance. I would love it if Greg had him on, but I don't see it happening..
Aw, I dunno, I do see Greg having him on. They would just have to agree on the scope of questions ahead of time. That's what makes the show special: Carlwood won't be pinned down to the usual parameters. Instead of pandering, he takes his audience on new thought trains as he goes along. I assume that agreement on limits of subject matter have to be set ahead of time with most guests. I know Ras Ben's work well, for example, and he sure tailored his presentation for the show, as did Dr. Lori Handrahan. Yeah, I think he could agree on terms, needle Chris Hedges a bit, too, and turn it into a GREAT HTC. Carlwood is strong that way. ~ 2cents
All fair points.. My point was not to knock Greg in any way, but merely to wonder if the work of Hedges would hold enough interest for Greg. Most people who get into Hedges are those steeped in leftist and activist culture, (though his rather simplistic criticism of the black bloc during occupy did turn away more radical and large tent leftists). The other consideration is Chris himself. Many higher profile individuals of the independent left still consider (perhaps doubly so in the age of Trump) conspiracy a death knoll to a career and will not associate with it any fashion. Post 9-11 purgings were common in the early mid 2000s driving many searching for a political home. Abbie and Robbie Martin are two exceptions though they not consider themself conspiracy theorists, merely willing to entertain some possibilities on conspiracy podcasts (like tin foil hat though perhaps the comedy angle there makes it safer). But I think Greg C would be great, as would Chris H and I strongly endorse this choicel. And I am all about having guests on that can help ground and reel people in a bit using reasonable interpretations off well researched journalism.
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