Billy Te Kahika from New Zealand Public Party

I am an ex-pat American living in New Zealand, and as such I have a foot in both worlds. Billy Te Kahika is an ex-malitary, and ex world famous blues musician who has started a political party called the New Zealand Public Party. He is officially launching his party today, and I saw him speak when he was in town. He talks about the Agenda 2021 and 2030 being pushed by the UN, Bill Gates and Gavi, mandatory vaccination, 5G and other such "out there" topics. This means of course that he is being castigated in the mainstream media as "Conspiracy theory nutcase." Anyway, he posts regular videos to both Facebook and Youtube (when he isn't getting censored, surprise surprise) He would be a great guest to have on THC. Keep up the great work Greg! Your show keeps me thinking and somewhat sane. Aroha from NZ!
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