Best GTFO state?
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Best GTFO state?

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Just curious what people's opinions are on the best state to live in, regarding gene therapies and the BBB Agenda. Looking for the lowest score on a scale of 1 to California. Thoughts?

Posted : November 24, 2021 7:01 PM
Posts: 240
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I live in Virginia, which has been very tolerable especially if you get outside the Washington DC beltway. Seems like it will stay that way or even get better with the recent election we had (knock on wood). My plan if that election had gone the other way was to jump the border to Tennessee -- about as good as you can get on the stuff in the US outside of Iowa or Florida-- and doesn't have the shitty weather of Iowa or the Eye of Sauron focused on it like Florida does.

Posted : November 25, 2021 12:21 AM
Posts: 2
New Member

Texas and Florida seem to be the popular ones. A friend has family in Tennessee and I have friends/family in Missouri. Both aren’t sexy choices but very reasonable when it comes to Covid mandates and the woke agenda. Leaning towards TN (no state income tax plus the Smoky Mountains).

Posted : December 1, 2021 7:19 AM
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I'm in Arizona (in a more rural area about 40 minutes outside of Phoenix) and we've been able to exist with relative ease out here. My kids' public school district went back to in-person in August 2020 and shy of the people who want to wear a mask, there is very little evidence anything has happened here. I kind of like that we tend to be a little more low key about it than TX and FL... not that there's anything wrong with their super public resistance, but it does make me suspicious. Arizona just quietly exists. We definitely get a lot of CA and Midwest transplants, but where I'm at it's very normal and people here are very live and let live people. You're also a half a day or less away from snow in the winter, the beach in the summer and Mexico if ever you have to totally bug out haha

Posted : December 1, 2021 4:36 PM
Posts: 200
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clhobby412gmail-com wrote:
I'm in Arizona (in a more rural area about 40 minutes outside of Phoenix) and we've been able to exist with relative ease out here. My kids' public school district went back to in-person in August 2020 and shy of the people who want to wear a mask, there is very little evidence anything has happened here. I kind of like that we tend to be a little more low key about it than TX and FL... not that there's anything wrong with their super public resistance, but it does make me suspicious. Arizona just quietly exists. We definitely get a lot of CA and Midwest transplants, but where I'm at it's very normal and people here are very live and let live people. You're also a half a day or less away from snow in the winter, the beach in the summer and Mexico if ever you have to totally bug out haha

I'll be heading down that way in my little camper trailer early next year. Arizona is a good choice for nomads as it's easier to "chase 72 (degrees)" year round without having to travel long distances.

Posted : December 1, 2021 10:48 PM