Amorc Monographs: ~...
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Amorc Monographs: ~5000 Low Res Scans

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A disgruntled ex-member of Amorc offers payed access to scans of Amorc monographs: These monographs are a bit repetitive, as Amorc re-published them several times in various editions.

Basically, you cannot download them conveniently and are discouraged to do so. Also, the scans are low res and very hard to read.

I am not willing to pay this guy money for low res scans of documents he did not create himself and is not supposed to share anyway.

The guy offers a 3-day trial which allows access to some monographs ... and I got to work.

I did some basic cropping, but did not try to improve the scans yet:!OsEwnBKC!-85cB6RwXxf6KKtAvVJdomPIKKNNx8cwWlbkU9BLYWw

Please refer to the accompanying sitemap.html, which details the sections of the monographs.

If you want all monographs this guy offers for money, PM me.

That said, there are torrents with the keyword "digimob", which are supposed to contain some monographs. However, I was not able to download them.

If you have a lot of high quality monographs, please let me know. I'd like to check them out.

Posted : March 30, 2018 8:11 AM
Posts: 4
New Member

Thanks for these. I am digging into mystery schools a bit and none of them seem to want to give you full unfettered access.

Posted : January 18, 2019 5:48 PM