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German: Nazis, Black Sun, Vril, Wewelsburg, Aldebaran, ...

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I stumbled upon German texts giving information about the Black Sun. Keep in mind, that these texts have been compiled by people with a right wing attitude. On the other hand, the Nazis used information available way before 1930.

Whether real or not, I believe that these folks believe in it. Also, some of this information is already know, but until now I was not able to find a good source.

There is a lot of information given, I will focus on the Black Sun. There is an exoteric and an esoteric version of the Black Sun.

The exoteric version is a cold sun within our solar system. It is a counter-sun with respect to the common sun. Particles of the common sun wander towards the Black Sun, which assimilates them like a magnet; the Black Sun also modulates these particles into various frequencies, which in turn influence mankind. In other words, the common sun is the dispenser of some mysterious matter, which in turn gets "configured" by the properties of the Black Sun. Once the common sun has no matter left, the Black Sun becomes a common sun (begins to shine) and the former common sun becomes the new Black Sun. As a result, all planets rearrange.
This Black Sun matches the black object in the solar system mentioned by flat earth people (Eric Dubay spoke about this): this black object is supposed to be responsible for solar eclipses.

The (more) esoteric Black Sun is a form of inter-dimensional tunnel. This tunnel connects Otherworld (Jenseits; which is the afterlife + plus some extras) and the this cosmos (Diesseits).

Also, it is possible by the design of Vril craft to travel to the Otherwold via hyper-dimensional jump, and then re-enter our cosmos, thus allowing for faster-than-light travel. A typical exit point would be Aldebaran. It is speculated that the race living next to Aldebaran are either our ancestors or descendants.

I plan to visit the laboratories where the Nazis constructed The Bell (Die Glocke). The Bell is supposed to be the main propulsion system of the Vril craft. Igor Witkoswki did some research on The Bell:,16.494444,15z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x0:0x0!2zNTDCsDM3JzQzLjAiTiAxNsKwMjknNDAuMCJF!3b1!8m2!3d50.628611!4d16.494444!3m4!1s0x0:0x1db722f1dccd9181!8m2!3d50.6280711!4d16.4940888?hl=en


Mythos Schwarze Sonne - Das Geheimnis der Wewelsburg
Myth of the Black Sun - The Mystery of the Wewelsburg

Compilation of articles available on the website:

Posted : February 5, 2017 11:02 AM
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A main source of the stuff mentioned above is Wilhelm Landig and his circle.

Landig Group:

He wrote three books, stating that they tell the truth albeit in the form of novels.
These novels are out of print, but scanned versions are available here:

1. Novel:
2. Novel:
3. Novel:
4. Interview:

Related Documentary 1

A guy named Rüdiger Sünner made a movie about the "Black Sun - Mythological Background of National Socialism". It is available with English subtitles here:

Related Documentary 2

Also, it is said that during the post-Nazi era satanic child abuse has been practiced in the Wewelsburg. The victims suffer from Dissociative identity disorder (DID). A German documentary is available here:

Posted : February 6, 2017 10:16 AM
Posts: 349
Bossman Admin


Posted : February 7, 2017 5:03 AM
Posts: 1354
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Wow, the first novel especially seems to contain lots of intriguing imagery. I wish there would be a translated version available but the images alone seem lot of support into nazi breakaway civilization, SSP. Here's one about Antarctica!
Thanks for posting this!

EDIT: I found this site within the book, of a underground factory/bunker. Jonastal S-III. Epic looking.

Posted : February 13, 2017 8:25 PM
Posts: 146
Estimable Member

erikx wrote: I stumbled upon German texts giving information about the Black Sun. Keep in mind, that these texts have been compiled by people with a right wing attitude. On the other hand, the Nazis used information available way before 1930.

Whether real or not, I believe that these folks believe in it. Also, some of this information is already know, but until now I was not able to find a good source.

There is a lot of information given, I will focus on the Black Sun. There is an exoteric and an esoteric version of the Black Sun.

The exoteric version is a cold sun within our solar system. It is a counter-sun with respect to the common sun. Particles of the common sun wander towards the Black Sun, which assimilates them like a magnet; the Black Sun also modulates these particles into various frequencies, which in turn influence mankind. In other words, the common sun is the dispenser of some mysterious matter, which in turn gets "configured" by the properties of the Black Sun. Once the common sun has no matter left, the Black Sun becomes a common sun (begins to shine) and the former common sun becomes the new Black Sun. As a result, all planets rearrange.
This Black Sun matches the black object in the solar system mentioned by flat earth people (Eric Dubay spoke about this): this black object is supposed to be responsible for solar eclipses.

The (more) esoteric Black Sun is a form of inter-dimensional tunnel. This tunnel connects Otherworld (Jenseits; which is the afterlife + plus some extras) and the this cosmos (Diesseits).

Also, it is possible by the design of Vril craft to travel to the Otherwold via hyper-dimensional jump, and then re-enter our cosmos, thus allowing for faster-than-light travel. A typical exit point would be Aldebaran. It is speculated that the race living next to Aldebaran are either our ancestors or descendants.

I plan to visit the laboratories where the Nazis constructed The Bell (Die Glocke). The Bell is supposed to be the main propulsion system of the Vril craft. Igor Witkoswki did some research on The Bell:,16.494444,15z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x0:0x0!2zNTDCsDM3JzQzLjAiTiAxNsKwMjknNDAuMCJF!3b1!8m2!3d50.628611!4d16.494444!3m4!1s0x0:0x1db722f1dccd9181!8m2!3d50.6280711!4d16.4940888?hl=en


Mythos Schwarze Sonne - Das Geheimnis der Wewelsburg
Myth of the Black Sun - The Mystery of the Wewelsburg

Compilation of articles available on the website:

Have you read Reich Of The Black Sun by Joseph Farrell? It's partially a theoretical thesis, as Dr Farrell's books tend to be, but it seems to be historically accurate & a great read.

Posted : February 15, 2017 1:09 AM
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enjoypolo wrote: I wish there would be a translated version available but the images alone seem lot of support into nazi breakaway civilization, SSP.

Someone started a translation but gave up, but there is also a comment/summary concerning Wilhelm Landig:

Posted : February 15, 2017 11:02 AM
Posts: 146
Estimable Member

erikx wrote: Someone started a translation but gave up, but there is also a comment/summary concerning Wilhelm Landig:

By the way, I realize Dr Farrell's book isn't quite as "serious" as those you've posted. I'm looking forward to digging in here.

Posted : February 15, 2017 1:49 PM
Posts: 1354
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Here's a link to the latest episode of Cosmic Disclosure retracing the history of the Secret Space Program with Corey Goode and Michael Salla. Great stuff. Unfortunately the link will expire in 48 hours so don't miss it!

Cosmic Disclosure: Tracing the Roots of the Secret Space Program with Michael Salla

Posted : March 15, 2017 1:01 AM
Posts: 82
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enjoypolo wrote: Here's a link to the latest episode of Cosmic Disclosure retracing the history of the Secret Space Program with Corey Goode and Michael Salla. Great stuff. Unfortunately the link will expire in 48 hours so don't miss it!

Cosmic Disclosure: Tracing the Roots of the Secret Space Program with Michael Salla

Proof through documentation. Very nice.

Posted : March 15, 2017 4:49 AM
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Here is an interview with Wilhelm Landig, given in German:

Posted : March 21, 2017 9:43 AM
Posts: 1354
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I'm digging up this old thread, after watching the latest episode of Cosmic Disclosure with David Adair, released today.
This man, originally from Ohio recounts his childhood story as he was building model rockets and later wanting to build a fusion-based propulsion system and energy plant (aka Sun in the jar) until the Army got a hold of him, in the 70s. He gets into how he met this former Nazi honcho from Op. Paperclip that introduced him to underground bases at Groom lake. Anyways, it's provocative stuff and strange!
The link is below, and I highly recommend y'all to check it. (available only for the next 40hrs).
PS: The Nazi honcho's name is Arthur Rudolph.
EDIT: More on the public controversy surrounding this dude.

Posted : August 16, 2017 6:19 PM
Posts: 1354
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The part II of that Interview got released yesterday, and I just have to share this with you again.
It's a continuation of David Adair's story about that Alien Power Plant found in the underground base at Area 51 with Rudolph.
Here's a transcript of the episode below, which contains the entirety of the episode (versus only 48hrs for the video). So I hope some people find this info as fascinating as I do, because boy, if this guy is telling the truth, and I'm inclined to believe so, it's a hell of a story! Peace!

Posted : August 23, 2017 6:23 PM
Posts: 1354
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Van Braun and Operation Paperclip being discussed on JRE..
Interesting times we're entering now:rolleyes:

Edit: I’m listening to the episode and she’s making me cringe saying how 1947 crash and all aliens myth was soviet Stalin con job using surgically modified humans to look like little big eye men..

Really? No mentions of Germans prowess at all?
Cui bono?

Posted : May 18, 2019 4:25 AM