Frost Tower Moloch ...
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Frost Tower Moloch connection

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Hey Carl,
I was wondering if you've ever heard of the Frost Tower in Austin TX?

It is a huge skyscraper downtownin the shape of an owl. if the skyscraper sized monument wasnt weird enough it was the first skyscraper to be completed after the 9/11 attacks. its just too big of a coincidence for that right after the largest human sacrifice in US history this huge alter to moloch goes up. just something you might want to maybe ask a guest in a later time.

Posted : December 22, 2018 8:40 PM
Posts: 18
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Nice lead.

111 W Houston St. - a very magical number, besides its obvious connection to the magical 11, 111 = 3 x 37
111 has only 4 divisors (thus a numerical Tetragrammaton) : 1, 3, 37, 111
-The smallest magic square using only 1 and prime numbers has a magic constant of 111
A six-by-six magic square using the numbers 1 to 36 also has a magic constant of 111
-In cricket, the number 111 is sometimes called "a Nelson" after Admiral Nelson, who allegedly only had "One Eye, One Arm, One Leg" near the end of his life. Gee, how often do we see the one-eye symbolism... YAWN... you think they'd come up with a new thing once in a while.
-In Pakistani history, Pakistan Army's 111 Brigade is notorious for being used for staging the coups to overthrow the elected governments in order to impose martial law.

460000 sq ft of office space; 46 is the total number of human chromosomes

The weird and very prominant circle symbol at the top of the building, rather than having 12 or 16 like most circles, this has 15. ATU 15 is The Devil card - just sayin.

I found it mildly amusing that W Houston looks like "Who" (the sound an owl makes, as well as a marker of identity) and "Stone", but perhaps more relevent is that a quick search for the name Houston comes up with ancient baronies of Scotland.... anybody smelling what I'm stepping in?

Posted : December 27, 2018 9:07 PM
Posts: 93
Estimable Member

These geomancy finds are awesome. Thanks!
Just a note. I believe Minerva is associated with the owl, and Moloch with the bull.

Posted : January 7, 2019 4:42 PM
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metalegs wrote: These geomancy finds are awesome. Thanks!
Just a note. I believe Minerva is associated with the owl, and Moloch with the bull.

Lilith is also associated with the owl. I believe most of the elite occultism (like bohemian grove) is actually Lilith worship. Lilith is the whore of Babylon, the scarlett woman that Crowley spoke so much about. The cremation of care ritual is intended to remove the principle of care,the eighth hermetic principle, also known as the hidden principle. Lilith also required child sacrifice. The secret elite religion is all about destruction of the devine feminine, which also explains the push to Christianity. There is no devine feminine in Christianity. I believe Moloch is a cover story, but numerous ancient goddesses were linked with the owl. Idk..

Posted : January 8, 2019 10:17 PM
Posts: 93
Estimable Member

dick-diamonds wrote: Lilith is also associated with the owl. I believe most of the elite occultism (like bohemian grove) is actually Lilith worship. Lilith is the whore of Babylon, the scarlett woman that Crowley spoke so much about. The cremation of care ritual is intended to remove the principle of care,the eighth hermetic principle, also known as the hidden principle. Lilith also required child sacrifice. The secret elite religion is all about destruction of the devine feminine, which also explains the push to Christianity. There is no devine feminine in Christianity. I believe Moloch is a cover story, but numerous ancient goddesses were linked with the owl. Idk..

I agree, Christianity has the Holy Ghost where She died.
And I am with you on Moloch. I think it was Jones hidden hand wink to label the ceremony with Moloch's name. Why ask him about removing care? That, I would think, is a sacred feminine characteristic. Or rereading this maybe I'm backwards? Ask the male side to remove care? Not the female who is all about care?
Then Lilith is another beast. The first vampire (Had to!), temptress, Garden of Eden corruption. possible ties to cannibalism. There are suggestions of the "forbidden fruit" being cannibalism.
I dont know about Lilith worship at BG. No women are allowed in. Then again we know precious little about what happens there much less the intent.

I know I got a little carried away there and I await the smack down I deserve!

Posted : January 9, 2019 7:27 PM
Posts: 0
New Member

I think you nailed it man. Why does AJ call it Moloch? I've never heard an explanation

Posted : January 9, 2019 7:36 PM