EU geology and a little bit of this and that

Electric universe topics came up with David Talbot from the Thunderbolts Project and Greg, you mentioned that Wal Thronhill will be a guest around April...
I wanted to suggest for a guest a very interesting person, whom I followed on YT for some time... Michael Stinebacher... unfortunetly he decided to move along to the other side of a rainbow... I didn't know that. Looks like he died in June last year. I kinda wondered why he stoped uploading videos on YT but ... well it's really sad. Too bad, because I'm sure that The Carlwood style interview with Michael would be like the Eric P. Dollard level. Full passion flat out and the rest of the world... what rest of the world..? 😉
It's a little bit about the Electric Universe Geology with mr.Steinbacher from Ben Davidson's suspicious0bservers channel. But whats really interesting in the electric universe geology are the experiments done by Billy Yelverton - creating Valles Marineris or The Grand Canyon in a garage 😉
I'm not sure why Billy Yelverton's YT channel doesn't contain videos any more, but You can find them on a channel Mr2Tuff2.
This is the S0 +-20min video with Billy's comments
A different topic that The Carlwood just scrached the surface is the phantom time hypothesis. You did it with Clyde, but man... if You could dig up someone from the ground that can provide a bit more to the topic... that would be really good to listen to.
3rd suggestion would be Ralph Ellis... Jimmy Church had him on Fade to Black just recently and since Jimmy did a really good interview, than Greg... You can do a fucking great interview.
4th - Klaus Dona... yeah, I know - hundreds of speaches, interviews - the web is full of it. It's like having Michael Tellinger or Linda Moulton Howe - fascinating stuff but we heard it so many times on so many occasions that its just has to be boring... right? Well, no. This is why we are all here. Greg Carlwood, ladies and gentlemen... Greg Carlwood. If anyone can drill the guest to see the shape of his liver, leaving the guest absolutly happy about it - it's our humble host.
Beside the skulls and artefacts which are surely very interesting, Klaus has a very rich past and knowledge about the Habsburgs - a huge european dynasty with their origins dating back to the 10th century... and I never heard an interview with Klaus about the bloodlines, ruling elites and royal world power throughout the centuries via the House of Habsburg...
What do You think..?
Your move Mr.Carlwood.... your fucking move 😉

I don't know why the links didn't show up... well here they are.

I really enjoyed to first two videos. Google (Oregon rock formations crater lake) for further fantasticness. Thanks

In case anyone's interested in my "guest nr 3 suggestion" - here's the second part of Ralph Ellis interview.
Guests usually apear after +-30min.
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