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Revolution in the Making: France and Beyond #YellowJackets

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Hong Kong is quickly getting out of control, with their international airport shutdown, as well as the number of cloak-and-dagger operations going on, including signs of foreign-meddling by the US/British agencies.

It looks very different, and certainly much more violent, coup d’etat-esque vibe to it, than the situation in France and the Yellow Vests.

In a feat of irony that only corrupt archons could come up with, French politicians member of Macron’s coalition openly call-out on police brutality in Hong Kong. *shaking head..
Reminds me of a chinese proverb that goes like:
Don’t complain about the snow on your neighbors roof when your own doorstep is unclean

It will be interesting to follow this story..

Posted : August 13, 2019 7:59 PM
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Tomorrow will be Act 41st of the Gilets Jaunes / Yellow Vests protests. French people take their summer vacations religiously, and despite that some people still gather to protest.

It will also be the G7 summit in Biarritz, and what a disaster..
A beautiful city at the south-eastern border between France and Spain, a place I spent many summers in my childhood, its a summer resort known for its beautiful coastlines. However, Macron and his cronies decided to put the entire city in lockdown amidst fear of protests. Nobody is allowed in the downtown, with even residents required to have special access passes. How moronic is that?

This is the result:

Really curious to see what will happen. Though I’m in the Netherlands now, it will be the first time to be this close to France in these tumultuous times. Although the big protests are expected to come back à la rentrée, in September, when everyone’s back from holidays. Expect big crowds in the Fall.
Reminds me of V for Vendetta! Remember, remember. The fifth of November.

I bet you one thing, amongst the 4,000 journos welcomed on site to cover the summit, none will dare say a word about the social injustices, the police violence, and the blatant erosion of democracy happening in France.

Also, this is a news report from Rt France (in French) about police unions protesting the horrible working conditions of french Police forces, who not only are exhausted since the Yellow Vests protests they are told to control, but still waiting to receivr their long overdue overtime pay. Many are being sent to Biarritz to protect the G7 Mafia, some waiting up to 12 hrs just to get accommodations and food.

Boggles me that those mafiosi dont even take care of their serfs, who are the only thing standing, with the Army, between them and the people. You’d think they would take more care.
Anyways, sorry for the rant folks.

Edit: on a somewhat related note: France Court decided to open investigations into Epstein case (!). Reminder that JE has property in Paris, and was coming back from a 2-weeks long holiday in France when he got busted in NJ.

Courtesy of Julie Brown from the Miami Herald:

Posted : August 23, 2019 7:53 PM
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Here are some headlines, more or less related to the thread:
- Acte 45 on Sept 21 is poised to be a real nexus between all union syndicates, as well as Gilets Jaunes. All eyes are turned into Paris. Fingers crossed.
I haven’t reported much, but from hospitals and nurses; firefighters; educators to pensioners and even public transportation: every sector is affected by general strikes (a country notorious for them).
I’m reading a book called World of Yesterday by Stefan Zweig(1941), and it’s a beautiful reflection of what went wrong, and how (ww2). Oddly enough, we’re on the precipice of the same cycle spiralling again..
- Ed Snowden, who is about to have his memoir, Permanent Record, released as we speak, is asking asylum to France. This has to be a joke.. or some agenda at play. If there’s anything to be learned from Assange’s treatment, he is likely to follow in the same footsteps..

- “Macron using internal app to monitor his ministers and their progress”.

This article (originally seen on RT France but this link has images) is as unbelievable as it is chilling. An internal phone application exclusive to the Élysée (French Government) is allegedly installed on the phones of all ministers, allowing Macron to check on the progress of various reforms, and to make sure they are executed as planned.
God knows who’s behind the app (my pinkie tells me Israeli are usual) but it’s the latest example of the fascist technocratie, held in place by a digital leash. Incredible.
It shows too, the art of managing a country reduced to an app (And police brutality).. sad reality in 2019

Posted : September 16, 2019 4:13 PM
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Ecuador in blaze for almost two weeks, protests against the government, the same one who sold Assange to the West, and trying to pass IMF-sanctioned austerity measures on the people (same as Macron did to France).
The people are winning the battle. Inspiring events, and more to come.

One thing that strikes me after all these protests since the beginning of the year, is how resourceful people are/have gotten with what's locally available. Although I condemn the HK hooligans (some of them no doubt CIA/MI6 pawns), they've spread techniques that have ended up helping protests movements in general. An example of that the disarming of tear-gas projectiles by putting them into tight containers and smothering them (or pouring water) which deactivates them quickly.

On the other hand, when the lead bullets start showing, God forbid, it'll be bloody war.
*fingers crossed*

Posted : October 14, 2019 7:16 AM
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The Catalan region in Spain is the latest to be in turmoil, with massive riots in the streets of Barcelona, after protests regarding the sentencing of the Catalan's independence movement's leaders were announced a few days ago (going as far as jailing them for up to 13 years for "sedition").
It's quite incredible to see so many riots sparking around the World, I don't think I've ever seen this before.

Of course, France is about to have the next Yellow Vests protests (I lost count, Act 49 or 50?). There's never been a time where we can clearly see the blood-thirsty wolves exposed through their sheeps clothing. Too many people have awaken now. I mean France's firefighters were in the street earlier this week to protest lack of resources and low-wages, and got tear-gased, beaten down by their law-enforcement colleagues.
Who the heck beats firefighters, the one group that is always relied upon when something shitty happens. It's the worst PR crisis for the clowns in power, I tell you.

Similar turmoils in Lebanon as well (they also speak French over there).
Another one bites the dust..

Posted : October 18, 2019 6:46 PM
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It looks like everyday, a new mass-protest is erupting. The latest and most tragic one seems to be happening, as we speak, in Chile, where a state-of-emergency has been declared, and the army is literally gunning down people with lead-bullets. At the same time, I can't help but feel a "resonance" of the masses erupting worldwide, call it collective magnetism if you will.

Also, here is a photography collection taken at the latest Gilets Jaunes protest by photographer Serge D'ignazio.
Quite moving, and humanising portraits of both law-enforcement and the protesters.

Some day, we'll have loads of museums (and PhD degrees) dedicated to the people who fought against dark-magick totalitarianism, and strive for unity.

Australian media unite to publish redacted "black-out" front-pages to protest government clampdown.
Good job, fellas! #RightToKnow

Posted : October 21, 2019 7:53 AM
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This clip from Santiago, Chile gets my hair standing:

Posted : October 29, 2019 8:08 PM
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Much respect to the Lebanese People, who have been taking the streets to protest corruption of their politicians for the past month, even in the face of Military deployment in the streets.
In fact, the Lebanese prime minister, Saad Hariri offered his resignation after a tentative deal to appease the masses failed, the latter demanding nothing short of the government's resignation. This sets an incredible precedent of the people getting their powers in place, hopefully, one that other countries will follow suit.

It's also very inspiring, since many (most) Lebanese also speak French, it's like seeing two totally different perspectives.

The climate of insurrection is just starting.
Also, if anyone's planning on travelling to France in December, be warned, as the General Strike (Greve Generale) will be happening on December 5th, will likely to paralyse all transports and other sectors, including most likely airports.

Posted : November 3, 2019 10:38 AM
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Goose bumps as Juan Branco takes the stage at an uber-elitist conference, to drop some red-pills to the audience. Bravo!
By the way, sitting next to guy who was Trump's policy advisor, and who's now selling the public a Chinese NWO agenda, and coming out candidly and coherently like he did, that's ballsy.

Posted : November 8, 2019 6:31 PM
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This week is reported to be a symbolic time in France, with the General Strike across many sectors, to protest against proposed pension reforms starting Dec 5, incl. firefighters, law enforcement, doctors and nurses in the public sector, teachers, and their respective unions. A real convergence that is likely to bring a lot of confrontation with tear gases.

Bolivian President Evo Morales who was deposed by a violent US-led coup in the past weeks, here talking with his Ecuadorian counter-part. Unfortunately, no english subtitles yet (or in french). They basically discuss the reasons for Morales' resignation and how he has escaped an assassination attempt surviving a helicopter crash; the lithium reserves at play, and Correa suggesting they should create an independent comission for investigating the conflict. Ironically Correa suggests people from Carter Centre, the Vatican and whatnots to do so.

Posted : December 2, 2019 7:39 PM
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France, yesterday with over a million people all over the country. The biggest march against a reform since '95.
The violence against people also keeps on increasing. You can really tell, as the trauma keeps on growing, so does the repression.

the link above shows a regimen of firefighters on strike on the frontlines pushing back the police. Quite a symbolic move!

Posted : December 6, 2019 7:36 PM
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A lot has sure happened since I last posted here...

Lebanese PM Hassan Diab announced resignation of entire government amid protests triggered by explosion (RT)
Footage clip from CBC.

This of course follows the crazy explosion that hit Beirut last week, and as yet unresolved case.
Now the whole government has stepped down, leaving a vacuum that could lead to a tense transition.

In his resignation speech, PM Hassan Diab let's some interesting notes:

"We are still under the shock of the tragedy that struck Lebanon. This disaster which has hit the Lebanese at the core, occurred as a result of chronic corruption in politics, administration and the State.

I previously said that the system of corruption is deeply-rooted in all the functions of the state; nevertheless I discovered that the corrupt system is bigger than the State, and that the latter is constrained by this system and cannot confront it or get rid of it.

Full speech here

Crazy times to be alive! More to come soon..

PS: what worries me is that Macron seems hell-bent on "helping" Lebanon.. whatever that means, it's probably his goons taking the power* (*high-octane speculation)

Posted : August 10, 2020 6:32 PM
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Can’t wait for this documentary directed by french director, David Dufresne to come out soon..! All about the rise of totalitarian use of violence against the people, in the context of Yellow Vests movement in France.

Posted : September 18, 2020 9:48 PM
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This picture sums up the current situation in France 😉

Posted : July 15, 2021 7:28 PM
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Nice article from RT summarising the situation in France after yesterday's massive protests across the country. The media is trying to paint it as "anti-vaxers" but really, it was a mix of people united against tyranny, but of course they'll never dare mention that.
There hasn't been this many people out in the streets protesting since the beginning of the Yellow Vests 2 years ago. It's definitely going to play out soon (although granted, I've been saying that for a couple years.. 😉

Posted : July 18, 2021 10:42 AM
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